How to Dress to Impress



“So as a man bee neatly attired, it doth not import to bee gorgious. It is sufficient if he haue alwayes clean linnen and white, that he be well shod: as for his apparell, if it be not rich, yet, at the least it must not bee old nor filthy, let his hat be new, and of the newest fashion; let him alwayes haue his head dried, and his hayre in order as they wear them; let him keep his beard carefully in order, by reason of the discommodity he shold otherwise receiue in speaking and eating, and particularly let him alwayes haue his teeth and mouth so cleane, as they whom he shall entertain, may neuer receiue any annoyance by his breath.”

Nicolas Faret, The Honest Man

Good news, gents! You don’t have be gorgeous. Just check that your apparel isn’t filthy, and—I know this is asking a lot—try to remember to dry your hair.