“As to his Meals, I should think it best that, as much as it can be conveniently avoided, they should not be kept constantly to an hour. For when custom has fixed his eating to certain stated periods, his stomach will expect victuals at the usual hour and grow peevish if he passes it… Therefore I would have no time kept constantly to for his breakfast, dinner, and supper, but rather varied almost every day. And if between these, which I call meals, he will eat, let him have, as often as he calls for it, good dry bread. If anyone think this too hard and sparing a diet for a child, let them know that a child will never starve nor dwindle for want of nourishment who, besides flesh at dinner, and spoonmeat or some such other thing, at supper, may have good bread and beer as often as he has a stomach.”
John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education
Child-rearing advice from the Father of Liberalism. To nourish your child properly, you will need: (1) dry bread, (2) plenty of beer, and (3) the element of surprise.
How to Serve Wine to Your Toddler, c. 1450, here.