Why do people always let you down?”
One of my children asked this question after her heart had been broken, and I wanted to leap to the defense of the human race. “They don’t always let you down,” I wanted to say. “Some people are reliable and dependable. Some people are good and won’t hurt you.”
But I stopped myself, because I realized that this could be one of the greatest life lessons she would ever learn. The truth is, every human on the face of the earth has the ability to let someone down. Everyone is capable of breaking a heart. It’s our nature. There is no one who can live up to another’s expectations a hundred percent of the time.
No one but Christ.
So I told my child that we are not to put our hopes in people, but in Christ, who would never, ever let us down.
To some people, that’s good news.
To others, it’s like saying we can count on the tooth fairy. To them, Christ seems so far removed from reality, that they think reaching for him would be like reaching for thin air.
But they would be wrong.
You see, Jesus knows of our heartbreaks. His heart broke when one of his twelve closest friends betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver, and when the rest scattered to avoid arrest. His heart broke when he heard Peter, one of his most trusted confidantes, swearing he didn’t even know him. His heart broke when he hung on that cross between thieves and heard the soldiers mocking him and knew he had done nothing for which he should be executed. His heart broke when the thief next to him cursed him and challenged him.
But that must have reminded him why he was here. He had come to earth for the sins that caused all of those heartbreaks. In the book of Hebrews, we’re told: “In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers” (Hebrews 2:10–11).
Because of Christ’s suffering, he not only understands our suffering, but he has such an affinity with us that he can call us brothers. To me, that’s wonderful news! That tells me that no matter who breaks my heart in this life, or who lets me down or deceives me or rejects me or betrays me…I’ll still have an anchor. Jesus understands, and he will never break my heart.
Oh, if you don’t know him, what joy you are missing! Let his suffering and heartbreak change your life today. Accept the love he offered you when he gave his life for you. Focus your life on him, and he will never let you down.
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:8).