
Panic settles in when I see Greta standing at the door. Fuck fuck fuck! My mother in law looks between us, her blue eyes narrowing. That blonde hair is a helmet, and she almost looks like a perfectly made-up robot, come to think of it.

“Did I interrupt something?” she asks silkily. Her gaze settles on me and my bottom lip begins to quiver under her scrutiny, my hands shaking as my palms collect sweat.

“Not at all,” Cave swoops in to save the day. “Can’t a guy have dinner with his daughter-in-law?”

Greta arches her eyebrow in disbelief and stares at him like he has three heads. “Do I look like I was born yesterday? She’s not wearing any clothes, asshole. Is that what you do with your daughter in law?”

Cave’s expression grows stormy. “She’s not my daughter in law. At least, not anymore.”

“Oh, knock it off, Cave,” Greta hisses, gesturing at me. “Holly, tell me the truth. How long has this been going on?”

I breathe heavily. It’s impossible to deny what’s happening. I’m completely nude on the couch right now, with just a blanket covering my shoulders. Hot fluids smear my thighs, and if I’m being honest, I can still feel Cave inside.

But Greta’s right. We’ve been naughty and I have to be upfront.

“A few months,” I mumble, looking down.

Greta’s gaze is accusatory.

“You’ve been fucking for a few months? What are you, some kind of whore? My ex-husband and my daughter in law? Fuck this shit!” she curses.

My chest seizes and convulses, and I feel like I’m going to pass out. My skin tingles, my cheeks burning with shame. I say nothing to Greta at first, reeling over her obvious anger and worrying about how she’ll react to the news of my pregnancy. Would the child be her grandchild, or is that going too far? Shit, this is all so confusing.

But then a voice sounds in my head. Are you happy?

I almost jump at Noreen’s gentle question. Her words from the bathroom infiltrate my mind, making me forget that Greta and Cave are in the room with me. I remember how freeing and liberated I felt acknowledging my feelings and opinions. That’s what matters, I remind myself. Stop pandering to other people. Stop living a lie. Just tell the truth.

I take a deep breath to compose myself and ease my shaking hands. I smooth them over the soft material of the blanket, but refuse to be embarrassed by the fact that I’m wearing nothing. Then, I look Greta in the eye, my stare unwavering and unfaltering. The blonde woman’s expression looks tired suddenly, and she appears to have aged ten years in the span of a moment.

“Yes,” I tell Greta. “There is something going on between us. Cave and I have been dating on the sly for a few months now, and in fact, I love him.”

Greta looks dumbfounded and opens her mouth to speak, but I hold up a hand to stop her from saying anything before I finish.

“Also, I’m pregnant,” I add. “I’m having Cave’s baby and can’t wait to be a mother.”

Greta’s mouth opens and closes a few times without making any noise. Her eyes are wide and her hand suddenly loses its grip on her purse, the heavy sack dropping to the floor with a thump. But then, Cave springs into motion and kneels before me, his blue eyes fierce.

“Is it true?” he demands. “I’m going to be a father again?”

I nod and suddenly my emotions are overwhelming.

“I’m so sorry,” I sob, tears streaming down my face. “I’m sorry for screwing up your family. Your son is dead and the baby that’s in me right now should be his. This should be your grandchild, but instead, it’s your child, Cave. I’m nothing but trouble for you, and I’m so sorry.”

But the alpha male isn’t disturbed at all. Instead, he tucks his finger under my chin and lifts my gaze to him, even as hot tears course down my cheeks. The look on his face is one of wonder and profound delight, as well as gratitude.

“Holly, this is the best news you could have given me. I want you. I want this baby too. Holy shit, I’m going to be a father again!” he breathes.

I hear Greta’s strangled cough from behind him. My MIL is literally bent over at the moment, her hands on her knees and looking like she’s about to vomit. But we ignore her and focus on one another as if there’s no one else in the world.

“I want you for the rest of my life,” he continues. “You are such an amazing woman with the softest, sweetest heart. Honey, you did everything you could for Lenny and his mental health, but there wasn’t anything left to be done in the end. My son made his decision and I don’t blame you for moving on and being with me. If anything, I’m lucky to be your chosen partner. Do you feel the same way, sweetheart? Please say you do.”

He rubs his thumb against my cheek, his words making tears gush from my eyes now. I sniffle and nod my head, but doubt still clouds my mind. As if he can sense my hesitation, Cave continues without skipping a beat.

“From the day I met you, Holly, I knew you were going to be special to me,” he elaborates, using a free hand to brush a loose strand of my hair aside. He tucks it behind my ear lovingly. “Maybe not in a romantic sense, but certainly in an intimate way. I could see how pure your soul is, and how beautiful and bountiful your way of living is. I was so blessed that you were my daughter-in-law and now, I’m blessed that you’re my girlfriend and the mother of my future child. A baby!” he marvels, his handsome face alight with joy. “A true gift.”

Hope sparks within me and I perk up, my cheeks still wet. “You mean you want the baby?”

He grins at me and shakes his head. “Is that even a question? Of course I want the child! I’ve wanted to be a father again for so long, but never thought I’d get the opportunity,” he breathes, still trying to take in the miracle. “But now, it’s happened and I’m so lucky.”

I smile tremulously.

“But Cave, I don’t want you to feel pressured into doing something that you’re not completely committed to.”

He pulls me to his chest and his heart beats underneath my ear, pounding to the same rhythm as mine. “I am completely committed to you and this baby, Holly. It’s you and me, sweetheart. Forever, if you’ll have me.”

I gasp a bit, my pulse racing. Is he saying what I think he’s saying? But then I smile giddily against his chest, his huge body a support to mine. My life feels so complete, and my worries fade more and more with each second that I’m in his arms. My doubts and concerns are beginning to melt, and my heart feels content and liberated instead of shackled with the chains of anxiety and fear.

He wants me, I marvel to myself, running the thought over and over in my head like a precious jewel. He wants the baby.

Suddenly, Greta clears her throat and I jerk away from Cave. Her arms are crossed and she still looks slightly green, but she looks human now.

“What a surprise,” is her dry remark.

I sit up, pulling the blanket tightly around my shoulders.

“Greta, I know this is hard for you, and I’m sorry. But Cave and I are in love –”

But then my mother in law cuts me off with a wave of her hand.

“Holly,” she sniffs. “Cave and I haven’t been family for a very long time. We were co-parenting our little boy for decades, and now that Lenny is gone, we aren’t obligated to be in one another lives or even to be nice to each other. He quite literally means nothing to me, so have at him.”

I’m speechless.


She shrugs.

“Yeah, he’s all yours. I want nothing to do with him. In fact, I’m even thinking about quitting Lenny’s Lights.”

“Oh no, you can’t do that,” I rush quickly. “Lenny would be devastated!”

Meanwhile, my lover shakes his head.

“Wow, Greta,” he mutters. “Tell me how you really feel about me, why don’t you? Feel free to not hold anything back while you’re at it, too.”

She laughs and shrugs her shoulders. “What can I say? To be honest, this little scene has been very liberating because it only underlines how we have no obligations to one another anymore. In fact, I’m feeling particularly honest today, and I’m going to tell you what I’ve been up to.” She directs her stare at us and smiles, looking crafty. “I’m part of a polyamorous relationship,” she reveals. “I’ve been dating Mike Jessup, Caitlin Nichols and Jeff Nichols from the next town over. We’re swingers of a sort.”

I gasp.

What? Swingers? I thought only married couples could be swingers.”

My MIL shakes her head and pats her blonde bob with satisfaction.

“No, you don’t need to be. But yes, Mike and I have been dating for a while, and we were exclusive at first. But then we got bored,” she says airily, “so we decided to open up the relationship, and now we swing with Caitlin and Jeff. It works out great. Caitlin and Jeff take good care of their bodies, even if they’re in their sixties.”

Now it’s my turn to look a bit green, but Cave seizes my hand and shoots a tight smile at his ex.

“We’re so happy for you, Greta,” he says in a courteous tone. “May you find what you’re looking for in life.”

She smiles again, her eyes gleaming.

“Oh, I have,” she says silkily. “I didn’t want to reveal my relationship while Lenny was alive because you know how he was so prone to worrying. But now that he’s gone, I’m laying my cards out on the table. In fact, I have to go,” she says, looking down at a gold bracelet watch on her wrist. “Caitlin and I are having a girls’ night and you know what happens during girls’ nights. We get naughty with each other sometimes, even when the boys aren’t there.”

I gape at her, my eyes wide as my MIL turns on her heel and strolls out the door.

“Toodle-oo!” she waves, fluttering her fingers at us. “And congratulations on the baby.”

The door slams shut, and then Cave and I stare at each other with shock.

“Holy fuck, did that really just happen?” he growls.

I shake my head with disbelief.

“Well, she’s certainly moved on,” I marvel. “At light speed too, I might add.”

Cave merely shakes his head with amazement again.

“Holy fuck,” he reiterates.

But now, I laugh.

“Well, I guess that means we’re free to do what we like. No more hiding, no more fear, and no more anxiety. Hell, the pregnancy is the least of it, compared to Greta’s news. Do you think the town knows about her lifestyle?”

My handsome lover shrugs, still looking a bit dazed.

“I have no idea. I certainly didn’t know, and I never would have guessed.”

I giggle again.

“Yeah, right? Greta always struck me as uptight, but clearly, I was completely wrong.”

We laugh together, and the tension in the air dissipates. But then, Cave gets serious. He takes my face in his hands and looks into my eyes tenderly, those blue eyes bright.

“I love you,” he says gently. “I want us to be together, Holly.”

My eyes fill with tears. “Really?” I stammer. “You do?”

“More than you’ll ever know, sweetheart,” he vows. “You have given me the gift of a child, and it’s a priceless gift. I can’t thank you enough and I can’t tell you how much I adore you, honey.”

Tears well in my eyes again, and I sniffle a bit. He leans forward to capture my lips with his.

“Hey, no tears okay? These are happy times, not sad.”

I merely look at him, smiling now even if my lashes are still wet.

“I love you too, Cave,” I whisper against his lips. “And I can’t wait to have this baby with you.”

He grins. “Me as well, sweetheart. We’ve been very lucky, but you know what? Everything has worked out for the best.”

And with that, he kisses me senseless as our adoration grows and flowers, overwhelming me with joy.