Windows key combinations in Windows Server 2016

As you might have noticed, here and there throughout the book, keyboard shortcuts are used to accomplish certain actions in Windows Server 2016 without using the mouse. The most common Windows key combinations in Windows Server 2016 are as follows:

Windows key

Windows key + A

Windows key + B

Windows key + D

Windows key + Alt + D

Windows key + E

Windows key + G

Windows key + H

Windows key + I

Windows key + K

Windows key + L

Windows key + M

Windows key + P

Windows key + R

Windows key + S

Windows key + T

Windows key + U

Windows key + X

Windows key + Pause

Windows key + Ctrl + F

Windows key + Shift + M

        Windows key along with the numbers present on the symbol keys

Windows key + Shift + number

Windows key + Ctrl + number

Windows key + Alt + number

Windows key + Ctrl + Shift + number

Windows key + Tab

Windows key + Up arrow

Windows key + Down arrow

Windows key + Left arrow

Windows key + Right arrow

Windows key + Home

Windows key + Spacebar

Windows key + Ctrl + Spacebar

Windows key + Ctrl + D

Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow

Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow

Windows key + Ctrl + F4