
Chapter Twenty




“WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHECK your coat?” The perky-faced girl held out open hands toward Charlie at the entrance of the hotel ballroom where the Gherring Inc. party was located.

“No thanks. I’ll just keep it.”

“Are you sure, Charlie?” Derek asked. “It’s pretty hot in here.”

“She can always check it later,” said Emily. “Let’s get out of the doorway.”

“I see Grace and Brad,” said Spencer. “They’re waving at us.”

Charlie followed behind her sister, weaving through the various groups of people who’d already arrived. She scanned the crowd for Josh, trying to appear casual in her search. She wanted to see him, but she didn’t want to see him. Steven’s words tumbled around in her head. She wanted it to be true, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

“Charlie, you’re certainly very tall tonight,” said Grace. “What are those, like four-inch heels?”

“Grace, everyone looks tall to you,” teased Brad. “And your heels are just as high as Charlie’s.”

“Charlie wears heels because she’s always competing. She wanted to be taller than me tonight,” said Emily.

“Not true,” said Charlie. “I wanted to be taller than Derek.”

“I won that contest. I still have you beaten by a few inches.” Derek grinned.

“The food looks fabulous. Let’s go through the buffet and grab a table. Look, there’s Olivia with Hannah and Claire.” Grace waved at her sisters, and they all moved through the buffet.

“It’s hot in here.” Olivia fanned her face. “Charlie, I can’t believe you still have your coat on.”

“I’m cold-natured.” She ignored her sister’s amused chuckle. Sweating under her trench, she knew she’d eventually have to shed it. Maybe the room would be so crowded no one would notice the dress.

“You didn’t get much to eat,” Derek remarked, observing Charlie’s sparse plate as they moved toward the tables.

“I’m not hungry tonight for some reason.” Her stomach churned at the thought of eating, knowing Josh could walk in the door at any moment.

The group of friends claimed one of the large round tables. Charlie parked herself between Derek and Olivia, picking at her food and attempting to listen to the chatter, but her eyes kept drifting toward the entrance.

“He’s coming,” Olivia remarked, with a half-smile at Charlie.

“Who?” She feigned innocence.

“Josh, of course. And he’s bringing a date.”

“Oh? That’s nice. That certainly didn’t take long.” She hated the bitter note that crept into her voice.

“You’re here with a date, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I certainly am. I’m here with a date, and I’m glad Josh is moving on.”

“Oh yes. The two of you are certainly moving on.” She rolled her eyes. “One would think you had no affection whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve barely even thought about each other all day. And the fact he tried to call you a hundred times and sent you about a million texts means nothing whatsoever.”

“That’s right. It doesn’t.” Charlie lifted her chin for emphasis.

“Don’t look now, but here comes your Gram.”

“Oh, no!”

“What’s wrong? You love Gram, don’t you?”

“Usually I do, but not tonight.” She ducked her head down. “Hide me!”

Gram swept up to the table. Behind her was a man in a black suit, holding a large, expensive-looking camera.

“Emily. Charlie. I’m here to get our picture. Let’s get one with the three of us, and then I want one with Emily and Spencer. And I’d like to get one with your mom and dad and Gus as well. Come on, quickly. Up, up!”

She bit back a protest, moving to stand beside Gram and her sister. Maybe she could keep her coat on.

“Of course you’ll need to take your coat off, Charlie. I had Steven crank up the thermostat so you’d be comfortable in the new dress I bought for you.”

“Gram, I’m really grateful, but the dress is a little too revealing.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t have bought you that dress if you hadn’t suddenly canceled the wedding plans. I had to trade so I wouldn’t waste the money.” Gram crossed her arms and somehow managed to look down her nose at Charlie, despite being about eight inches shorter.

With her back to the table, she tried to slip off the coat without attracting any attention.

“Holy Toledo, Charlie!” Derek exclaimed, and everyone at the table turned to follow his gaze. She could hear little gasps of surprise and murmured remarks, but refused to make eye contact with any of them.

Emily grinned as the cameraman snapped the pictures. “It’s a good thing I didn’t add any blush to your makeup.”

“Shut up, Emily,” muttered Charlie from the corner of her mouth, which was forced into a semblance of a smile.

“Here Charlie,” said Gram. “Come stand next to me. I want to be in the middle.”

“You’re so short, Gram. Why don’t you just stand in front of us?” Charlie suggested.

“Oh no! I don’t want to block the dress in the pictures.”

“But don’t you think it’s just a bit scandalous, Gram?” Emily asked.

“Nothing compared to some I’ve worn in my past.”

“Really Gram?” said Emily. “Can we look at pictures someday?”

“If you don’t think the shock will be too much for you.” Gram called Spencer up for pictures and sent Charlie to fetch her parents.

Keeping her arms crossed to cover as much skin as possible, Charlie made her way to where her mom was standing with Steven. “Hey Mom, Gram wants the two of you to come for pictures.”

“Okay, Charlie. We’ll b—” Her word ended in a cough. “Charlie? You look very... very... I don’t know what to say. That’s not your usual style, is it? It’s a beautiful dress, but—”

“This is Gram’s doing. She said she couldn’t get her money back for the wedding dress, so she had this one tailored for me. I’m so embarrassed I could die.”

Her mom wiped the smile off her face and patted her elbow. “Listen, you can pull this off. Pretend you’re an actress in a play. You’re just playing a role. If you look confident, people won’t notice. Well, at least they won’t notice you’re embarrassed. Keep your head high and your eyes up.”

“I’m trying. Just grab Dad, and let’s go get this picture over with.”

Anne tapped his shoulder. “Steven? Your Gram wants to borrow you for a minute.”

He excused himself from his friends and turned to follow Anne, but then he spotted the dress. “Jeez! Charlie? Your... uhmm...”

“Gram bought this dress and made her wear it,” said Anne. “So be sure to direct any criticisms you have toward her and not toward Charlie.”

“I’m not criticizing it. I just feel like... Good grief... I feel like a dad. I think I need to get my shotgun and wave it around.”

“Sounds like something my dad would say. Maybe we’ll turn you into a Texan someday. Here Charlie, walk in the middle, and we’ll block for you.”

Charlie suffered through the rest of the pictures and escaped back to the table. Steven seemed to be scolding Gram, whose smug expression never wavered.

“Wow!” Derek grinned. “I had no idea what you were hiding under your coat. You look hot!”

“It wasn’t my idea.”

“Well, whoever had the idea, I think it’s great. Oh, please don’t put the coat back on. Really Charlie—have mercy on me. Now I’ve seen you in that dress, please don’t hide it.”

“I don’t know, Charlie,” Olivia jibed. “I’m not sure we have enough napkins to sop up all the drool.”

“I promise to keep my saliva to myself,” said Derek.

“Seriously, Charlie,” said Olivia. “Why so sexy tonight?”

“My Gram bought the dress and paid to have it fitted. I didn’t have any choice.”

“It’s true,” Emily confirmed. “You’ve all met Gram. You know she’s an unstoppable force.”

“I love that woman,” Derek declared.

“Well, hel-lo Char-lie!” She started at a voice behind her and turned to see Collin Stewart. He let out a low whistle as his eyes raked over her from top to bottom. “Mama Mia! Let me see your hand.” She frowned in confusion as he reached for her left hand and held it out before his eyes. “There is a God in heaven! Still no engagement ring and no Josh to be seen.”

“She’s here with me,” said Derek.

“You’re engaged to him, now?” asked Collin.

“I’m not engaged to anyone, but Derek is my date tonight.”

“So you came with Darren...”

“Derek,” he corrected.

“That doesn’t mean you have to leave with him. Darren seems a might too green to handle a scorchin’-hot babe like you.”

“Excuse me,” a deep voice interrupted, and a distinguished-looking man, about forty years of age, pushed between Collin and Olivia. “Olivia, I’m hoping you’ll introduce me to your friend.”

“Sure, Dr. Arrington. This is Charlie Best. Charlie, this is Dr. Arrington.”

Collin made a huffing noise in the background and moved around to stand behind Derek, craning his head to see.

Charlie reached her hand out to shake Dr. Arrington’s, but was startled when he lifted it and bent to kiss the back of her hand. “You can call me Jack.”

“Dr. Arrington is the head of the new Pediatric Wing your stepfather donated to the hospital,” said Olivia.

“Steven Gherring is your stepfather? Where has he been hiding you?” He sat against the edge of the table, smiling down at her.

“Uhmm... I just moved here from Colorado. I’m starting law school in January.”

“What happened to your arm?”

“Skiing accident.”

“Ah-ha. I think I heard about that. That was you? You look amazing to have come through such a terrible accident. And didn’t you have thoracic surgery as well? Oh, yes I think I can see the beginning of a scar.”

He reached his hand forward as if he were going to move the edge of Charlie’s dress to see more of the scar.



JOSH SCANNED THE ROOM on arrival, hoping to catch sight of Charlie, and praying she’d come without a date. If he found her alone, he would take Olivia’s advice and ditch Iris so he could talk to Charlie. He sighed as Iris clutched his elbow. Ditching her might be harder than he’d hoped.

“This place is fabulous,” said Iris.

“Yeah, it’s great.” He gave a rote reply, leading her toward the tables.

“Oh look!” said Iris. “There’s Dr. Gates. Oh, and Olivia Marshall and Dr. Arrington, too. Who’s that girl he’s talking to?”

Josh saw Arrington leaning against the table, and then his eyes riveted on the object of Arrington’s attention—Charlie Best. She was sporting the most revealing black dress Josh had ever seen in his life. With her hair up, he could tell the dress left her slim muscled back completely exposed, and he wondered how the plunging front was miraculously staying in place, barely covering her breasts. He hoped she wouldn’t take a breath, fearing at the slightest movement everything would spill out for all to see.

He surveyed the scene. Derek to her left and Collin peering over his shoulder, while Charlie was on display for the entire group of leering men. Josh felt his muscles begin to tremble as he fought against the urge to beat these men to pulps. Arrington reached his hand out to touch Charlie’s chest, and something exploded in Josh’s head. He moved before he even realized what he was doing.

“Whoa! Whoa! Josh! What are you doing? Calm down!” said Arrington as he found himself dragged bodily away from the table, the front of his shirt bunched in Josh’s fist.

“Keep your hands off her, Jack!”

“I didn’t touch her.”

“You were trying! Just keep away from her!”

“I was only having a conversation with Ms. Best. We were merely getting acquainted. Do you have some kind of claim on her?”

“Yes, I do!”

“No, he doesn’t,” said Charlie.

Josh peeled off his tuxedo coat, draping it over Charlie, whose eyes widened.

“Well which is it?” Arrington asked, scowling as he looked from Charlie back to Josh.

“Hi, Dr. Arrington.” Iris sidled next to Josh, grasping his elbow. “Great party, huh?”

“Hello, Iris.” Arrington flashed a tight-lipped smile while narrowing his eyes at Josh. “So you’re here with Dr. Branson tonight?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m here with Josh.”

Arrington brushed off his lapels. “Excuse me, but I was in the middle of a conversation with Ms. Best when Dr. Branson so rudely interrupted.” He bent low to Charlie, offering his hand. “Ms. Best? Perhaps you’d do me the honor of a dance?” He gestured toward the nearby dance area, where numerous couples were already scattered across the floor.

During the moment’s hesitation, Josh prayed she would reject his offer. But Iris spoke into the awkward silence. “Oh Josh! Could we dance, too? I love to dance!”

Charlie popped up from her chair as if she’d been ejected. “I’d be happy to dance with you, Jack.” She handed Josh his tuxedo jacket and took Arrington’s arm, permitting herself to be escorted away.

Josh watched her walk, taking in the impossible length of slim firm legs exposed by the short dress, before sinking into her vacated chair and dropping his face into his hands.

Iris had her hands on her hips. “Aren’t we going to dance, Josh?”

“No,” he muttered between his fingers.

“If you’d like to dance, I’m always available to escort a beautiful maiden in distress.” Collin held out his hand to Iris with an impish grin on his face. “Collin Sterling, at your service.”

Josh could feel her questioning gaze, but he couldn’t drum up enough interest to open his eyes.

“Thank you, Collin. I’d be happy to dance with you.” She spoke with righteous indignation. “After all, it’s New Year’s Eve, and I came here to party.”



GRACE WATCHED THE PROCEEDING from across the table. “I can’t believe Josh brought that bimbo to the party tonight,” she remarked to Brad. “Why would he bring a date?”

“It was my idea,” said Brad. “I told him Charlie would probably have a date, so he needed to fight back.”

“Your idea! Good grief! You’ve just driven her away from him.”

“I didn’t drive her away. She’d already turned him down and called off the wedding.”

“Yes, but of course she didn’t really mean it.”

“What do you mean, she didn’t mean it?” asked Brad. “She canceled the wedding and refused to talk to him.”

“Yes, but that was only because she was confused. All she needed was for Josh to prove he was in love with her, and she would’ve gone right back to him.”

“Did she tell you that?”

“No, but she didn’t have to tell me. It’s so obvious. Ask Emily.”

Brad raised a questioning eyebrow at Emily.

“Grace is right. It’s so obvious—Charlie’s just afraid, that’s all.”

She’s afraid? I tell you who’s afraid. I’m afraid. How can a man ever do anything right when women send these secret signals that are only obvious to other women?”

Grace shook her head in sympathy “Tsk, tsk... “That’s why you have me, dear. You only need to ask me, and I’ll tell you what to do. But you mustn’t try to make these decisions without me anymore. Always ask.” Both girls laughed.

“It’s really not funny,” said Spencer. “I’ve had to deal with this my whole life—four sisters.”

“I’m kind of worried about Charlie dancing with Jack Arrington,” said Brad. “He’s got a terrible reputation, and he drinks too much.”

“I bet Charlie can handle him. She’s not afraid to kick him where it counts,” said Emily. “But what should we do now?” Emily pointed with her eyes across the table where Josh sat with his face buried in his hands.

“Just leave it to me.” Grace circled around to whisper in Olivia’s ear, and she nodded in response.

“Hey Derek.” Olivia pulled his attention away from the dance floor with a wink. “Let’s dance.”

“Are you guys changing my assignment again?”

“I certainly hope you see me as more than an assignment.”

“Oh, poor choice of words. That does sound rather like I might view you as a duty or an obligation. Perhaps a better term would be reward, prize, remuneration or even bonus?”

“I was thinking you might call it an opportunity or even an honor?”

“The culmination of a lifelong dream?”

“Too much.” She laughed.

“The pinnacle of blessing?”

“Yes, much better.”

Grace slipped into Olivia’s vacated chair next to Josh.

“Hey Josh. Time to figure out your plan of action.”

His face never emerged from his hands. “It’s no use. I screwed it up, and she’s even angrier than before. And I don’t even know what I did wrong the first time.”

“Don’t think of it as right or wrong. Think of it as an ocean of emotions. You have to ride the waves in your little lifeboat until you get on the ship of true love.”

He put his hands down and stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “What on earth are you talking about?”

“Charlie is a girl, Josh.”

“Don’t you think I’ve noticed?”

“She may use a boy’s name and she may compete with the guys, but she still thinks like a girl.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means she loves you and she wants to get married, but she’s afraid you don’t really love her, so she’s pretending she doesn’t love you, so she can reject you before you reject her. Surely, you can see that?”

Josh’s eyes crossed. “No, I can’t see that. Who could possibly see that? I see she broke off the engagement, and she won’t take my phone calls, and she’s dancing with another man, wearing next to nothing.”

“But Josh...”

“But nothing! If she wants me, I’m right here. She knows where to find me.”

“But you came with another woman. She can’t admit she wants you, now she knows you came with another woman.”

“Well she came with another man, so what am I supposed to do? Humble myself and fall at her feet begging?”

Grace looked as if she were considering his idea.

“Forget it—I’m not doing it.”

“Josh, I was just kidding. You don’t have to beg. She’s not even with Derek, and that’s who she came with. She’s only out there with Dr. Arrington because she wants to make you jealous.”

“Well she isn’t making me jealous.” His face crumpled. “She’s killing me.”

Olivia and Derek returned to the table, breathless and laughing. “Hey, Josh,” said Olivia. “Let me see your cell phone. I want to ask Derek what you can do about that crazy nurse sexting you.”

He pulled the phone from his pocket, slapping it in Olivia’s hand. “Whatever—I don’t want to get embroiled in some legal battle, though.”

“By the way, Josh,” said Derek. “I didn’t realize what had happened between you two until Olivia told me just now. I’m sorry, buddy. There’s nothing between Charlie and me, you know.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“But in case you’re interested, I think that Jack fellow is a bit more aggressive than Charlie may be accustomed to handling. I mean... It just appeared to me that she might be struggling a bit. I don’t want to cause any tr—”

Josh’s chair scraped the floor as he stood up, his eyes searching the dance floor. Without a word, he was gone.

“Well done, Derek,” said Grace. “Did you make that up on the fly?”

“No. I’m afraid I didn’t have to make that one up. She was fighting him off out there.”



CHARLIE WAS GETTING tired of struggling with Arrington as they danced. His wandering hands seemed to be everywhere at once. She forgot her embarrassment over the dress in her humiliation of his public assault.

“Jack! Stop it!” she said for the umpteenth time.

“I’m sorry.” His face had insincere written all over it. “I’m afraid I’ve had just a bit too much to drink. My inhibitions seem to be altogether gone.”

The gagging smell of alcohol on his breath attested to the truth in his words.

“I just can’t help myself. The temptation is more than I can handle.” His hand traced the edge of her dress down from her shoulder until she grabbed it with her right hand.

“If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, we should stop dancing.” Only her guilt over the fact she was using Arrington to get back at Josh kept her from slapping his face.

“I don’t want to embarrass you in public.” He led her off the dance floor. “Let’s go out to the balcony and take a peek toward Times Square.”

“I don’t know—I left my coat at the table.”

He shrugged off his suit coat and laid it across her shoulders. “This should help.” He kept his arm on her shoulder, guiding her toward the door. She shivered as the chill wind hit her bare skin. He urged her outside and shut the door behind them, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tightly against him.

“Beautiful!” he said.

“I wouldn’t know,” she mumbled, trembling in the freezing air. “I’m so cold I can’t even look.”

“I’m not talking about Times Square—I’m talking about you.” He pushed her up against the wall, trapping her with his arms as he pressed against her, his legs scissored around hers.

She squirmed against the rough wall as the coat slipped off her shoulders and the stones scratched her bare back. “Jack, let me go!” He grasped her hands, stretching her arms above her head and trapping them against the wall.

“Don’t fight it, baby. You know you want it.”

She turned her face from his putrid breath.

“I don’t want it! Let me go!” She tried to kick him with her knee, but he kept her pinned.

“Charlie... Baby... Your body is amazing!” He tightened his grip with one hand and slipped his other hand between them, pushing aside the dress where it was taped to her skin.

“Stop!” she cried, tears stinging her eyes. “Please! Stop it! You’re hurting me!” She tried to scream, but his body squeezed against her chest, the sharp pain making her gasp for air.

Suddenly, the pressure was gone and her hands were free. She sagged forward.

“What the f—” Jack’s words were cut off with a resounding smack.

He tried to put up his hands in defense as Josh pummeled his face and then his stomach until he collapsed on the balcony floor.

Standing only by means of the wall behind her, she watched in stunned relief. Josh pulled her into his arms, and she sobbed, shivering from terror and cold. His chest rumbled as he murmured soothing words.

“Did he hurt you?”

She nodded wordlessly and heard him make a growling sound in his chest. The balcony door crashed open, and Steven Gherring stepped outside.

“What happened?” he asked, surveying Charlie, disheveled and crying in Josh’s arms and Jack moaning on the balcony floor. “Is that Jack Arrington?”

Josh nodded. “Believe me, he deserved it.”

“Confirms his reputation.” Gherring stepped back to let them inside and then spoke in a low voice to Josh. “I’m sorry, but we’ll have to file a police report. Take care of her. She’ll have to swear a statement.”

Josh led her out the ballroom door and found a settee in the hallway alcove. He sat her down and knelt on the floor in front of her. He lifted her chin with his hand, which he was annoyed to notice was trembling from the lingering adrenaline rush. “He hurt you?”

She took a deep shuddering breath and vainly attempted to stick her dress back onto the tape that had secured it in place. Josh felt the blood pounding in his head at the image of Arrington pulling at her dress. He took off his tuxedo jacket, and this time she accepted it with grateful eyes when he placed it over her shoulders.

“H-he... he pressed against my chest... so hard... I couldn’t br... breathe... It hurt so much.”

“I should’ve killed him.”

“I’m s-sorry. It’s my f-fault. This s-stupid dress.”

“Arrington is a pig. It’s not your fault.”

“Gram made me wear it. I would never—”

“I know, baby. It’s okay. You can’t help being beautiful.” He reached out to caress a stray lock of hair that had escaped its confines during the tussle. She shivered at his touch.

“Th-thank you. For saving me.”

“Charlie, don’t you understand? You’re mine. I was out of my mind just because you were dancing with him. When I saw him hurting you, I went crazy. Please. Do you believe me now? Do you know that I love you?”

“I want to, but you came with that woman...”

“I only wanted to have a date in case you had one. Only to make you jealous. She’s nobody—we’ve never dated. I’ve never kissed her. I’ve never even held her hand.”

“Have you really not... not been with anybody for two years?”

“Really. I promise, I haven’t. Charlie, you ruined me for other women. I haven’t even wanted anyone else. Only you. Only you, Charlie. Do you believe me now? Do you know I want to marry you? Only you? Even if I wasn’t adopting Jace and Chloe, I would still want to marry you.”

“I don’t know, Josh. You don’t know. It could just be physical.” Her eyes dropped to her lap. “You know... lust instead of love.”

“Charlie,” he held her hand between his and bent his head until he caught her eyes. “I know what lust is. I’ve had plenty of it. That’s all I ever had before I met you. You may not know the difference, but believe me, I do. This is not lust. This is love.”

“Eh-hem,” a voice came from behind Josh. “Excuse me. Ms. Best? I’m officer Garrison. I need to take your statement.”



CHARLIE WALKED BACK to the table like a zombie, still wearing Josh’s tuxedo coat, while he was giving his statement. Emily and Grace jumped up to hug her.

“Sister, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”

“Does everyone in the place know what happened? I’m so mortified.”

“Everyone doesn’t know,” Grace assured her. “But Steven told us what happened. They’re trying to keep it under wraps, but the social reporters know something happened.”

“That guy was a creep, but this dress didn’t help things.”

“I know. I guess you should’ve refused to wear it, but you having on that dress doesn’t excuse him for what he did. Mom says he’ll lose his job for sure. I’ve never seen Dad that angry.”

“But Josh saved you, right? Now do you believe he loves you?” asked Grace.

Charlie’s attention was drawn to Collin’s laughter.

“Give it back, Collin!” Derek grabbed for something Collin was holding over his head.

“What is this? You’ve got some phone porn here?” asked Collin. “Charlie, did you know your date’s got a picture of some topless woman on his phone?”

“That’s not mine,” said Derek. “Give it here!” He lunged for it, but Collin jumped up and ran around the table.

“Oh, I see. It’s a text message. Someone’s sexting him,” Collin chuckled. “Who is she, Derek?”

“Collin, stop! Give me the phone. It’s a legal matter.”

“Give it back, Collin,” said Grace. “We don’t want to look at that.”

“It’s Josh’s phone,” said Charlie. “That’s Josh’s phone.” She snatched it from Collin and stared at the image on the text. “Who is this? Why is...” Her voice caught in her throat.

“Charlie,” said Derek. “It’s not his fault. She’s stalking him.”

“Then why did he save these pictures?”

“Oh, Charlie. It’s that crazy nurse from Colorado. Josh is just trying to figure out how to stop her.” Olivia reached to take the phone from her hand.

Charlie dropped the phone in Olivia’s hand, retreating from the table. She had to get away from everyone. She needed time to process. It wasn’t the fact some girl was sexting him. The pictures only reminded her of what she already knew. Josh had been with so many women in the past—sexy, curvy, voluptuous women. With her boyish body, she could never compete. She could never satisfy Josh Branson.