
(M) = Marlowe’s coinage; n noun, v verb, adj adjective, adv adverb, imp imperative.

abject (v) lower, degrade annoy (n) injury, (v) injure
abortive useless, imperfect; as produced by abortion anon soon
abstract epitome antic hay grotesque rustic dance
aby pay for arbitrament control, judgement
accidental abnormal argent silvery-white
accomplishment fulfilment of vows argin earthwork to protect infantry
adamant magnet, proverbially hard stone argosy large trading vessel
admire wonder, marvel at armado warship
adventure risk arras cloth curtain
advertised informed artier artery
affect (n, v) love, desire artisan practitioner
affecter lover assafoetida strong smelling resinous gum, used in medicine
affection emotion asseize possess by force
against in preparation for astonied astounded
airy (i) thin, light, (ii) lofty, ethereal astracism stars (? bright stars near Aldebaran)
alarm, alarum call to arms attemptless without attempting (M)
Alcoran the Koran
Almain German avail (n) advantage
alongst parallel to avaunt (imp) begone
amain at full speed or power avouch prove
ambergris an aromatic aware (v) beware
an if aweful awe-inspiring
anagrammatized made into anagrams axletree axis
balk neglect dressed, (v) (i) challenge, (ii)
balsamum medicinal balm flout
ban curse brawn muscle
bands bonds breeching beating
bandy exchange blows (from tennis) brent burnt
  brigantine pirate ship
bane poison broil battle
banquet (i) banquet, meal of many dishes, (ii) snacks brook tolerate
  brown bill foot soldier with bronzed spear
bark boat  
barrier armed combat brunt attack
basilisk (i) fabulous serpent whose breath or looks could kill, (ii) large cannon buckled grappled, fought
  buckler shield
  bug bugbear
bastone cudgel bulk trunk, body
batten grow fat bulwark projecting earthwork at right angles to fort
beard confront  
beaten embroidered burgonet light, visored helmet
behoof benefit buzz murmur
belike in all likelihood, perhaps by’r Lady by our Lady (the Virgin Mary)
benighted overtaken by darkness  
beseem become, accord with one’s position cabinet study, private room
betimes in good time, quickly calor natural heat
bever snack camp army
bewray reveal canker parasitic worm (hence, corruption)
bickering skirmish, fight  
bill (i) prescription, advertisement, (ii) weapon, a halberd, (iii) deed canonize celebrate (as with a saint)
  canvass discuss, consider
bind gird carbonado cooked strip of meat
bolt fetter case (i) a pair, (ii) vagina
bombard a kind of cannon which fired large stones casemate underground chamber
  cassia fragrant shrub
boot give advantage, help cast (v) (i) conjecture, plan, (ii) vomit
bootless useless  
boss fat woman cates exotic food
bottle bundle cavaliero high earthwork forming fortification for cannon
bottle-nosed big-nosed  
brain-pan skull cazzo diabole (Italian) vulgar oath of contempt (cock devil)
brake (n) thicket, bush  
brave (adj) excellent, splendidly censure criticism, judgement
centric central conceit imagination, intellect, thought, conception
certify inform  
chafer portable grate conceive register in the mind
challenge (v) claim concoct digest
champian level, open conduct (i) leadership, (ii) escort
changeling fairy child conference conversation
channel (i) gutter, sewer, (ii) neck, throat congé (French) deferential bow
  conster construe
chaplet garland consummate (adj) (i) perfect, (ii) continued without cessation
characters (i) writing, description, (ii) magic symbols  
  contemn despise
charge (v) command content agreed
charming spell-casting continent (n) space, ground, (adj) connected, bordering
chary carefully  
chitterlings pig’s intestines, used for sausages contributory tributary
  control (i) challenge, (ii) rebuke, (iii) govern
chop jowl  
circuit judicial circuit controlment rebuke
clang sound, note corpo di dio (Italian) God’s body
clap pat, stroke corse corpse, body
clean completely counterbuff rebuff
cleft (i) vulva, (ii) cloven foot counterfeit (n) imitation
clift cliff counterfort brace strengthening wall from within
clog heavy weight that impedes motion  
  countermand revoke by a contrary command
close (adj) secret  
closet chamber countermine (i) deep underground tunnel, (ii) counterplot
clout centre of a target in archery  
coil tumult, fuss  
coll embrace, hug countermure make impregnable by wall within fortification
colour (i) pretext, (ii) military banner  
  counterscarp wall of fortification ditch
comfit sweet  
commence graduate countervail equal
compact (v) made, composed coz kinsman
compass (n) range, (v) reach, achieve, win cozen cheat, deceive
  crazed cracked, rotten
competitor partner crest helmet
complice confederate crisis critical day of an illness
comprise comprehend cross (n) coin with a cross on it, (v) obstruct, thwart
concave cavity  
concealed occult crossbiting swindling
crownet bracelet distained dishonoured
cull pick, select distempered troubled, disturbed
cullion rascal dollar large silver coin
culverin long cannon dolour misery
curious exquisitely crafted or embellished doom (n) judgement, (v) judge, sentence
curse excommunicate doubt (v) fear
curst virulent, harsh doubtful perplexing, ambiguous
curtain wall connecting fortifications drave drove
  drench (n) dose, draught, (v) drown
curtle-axe cutlass  
cutpurse pick-pocket drift purpose
  droop be miserable
dalliance idle delay, sexual play ducat Venetian gold coin
damp mist, vapour dumps melancholy thoughts
date period of time dusky dim, obscure
dated having a predetermined end Dutch fustian gibberish
daunt control  
dazzle blind earn grieve
declined turned away ebon black
defy formally renounce allegiance ecstasy frenzy
descried charted écu French crown coin
despite scorn, contempt effect meaning, gist
device handiwork egregious distinguished
devoir duty ell 45 inches
diadem crown emboss decorate
diametarily diametrically empale encircle
digested endured, got over empery empire, rule
dirge mass for the dead empyreal empyrean
discomfit defeat, rout enamelled richly painted
discoursive protracted, wide-ranging enchased adorned
  engine (i) instrument, (ii) siege weapon
dismissed redeployed  
dismount throw down from a gun-carriage engineer maker of military hardware
dispensive subject to dispensation (M?) English counter worthless coin, token
disport pastime, entertainment enlarge free
disposition planetary situation enow enough
disquiet (adj) unquiet, restless entertain receive, take into service, welcome
dissever shatter, blow up  
distain stain enthral enslave
entreat persuade flagitious wicked
entreated treated fleer jeer
envy (n) hatred, malice, (v) hate fleet drift, float
epitome summary flout mock
erect elevate (to the throne) foil (n) metal placed behind a jewel to accentuate its brilliance, (v) (i) defile, (ii) defeat
erst before, formerly  
essay try, attempt  
estate rank, station  
eternize immortalize follower servant, retainer
events outcomes fond foolish
exclaim (n) exclamation forslow waste
excruciate torment forward (adj) eager, precocious
exequies funerals fraught freight, cargo
exhaled turned into a fiery vapour fray (v) frighten
exhibition stipend French crown (i) coin of the reign of Henri III, (ii) the pox
exigent exigency, extremity  
expedition speed frolic (v) play, (adj) frolicsome
expert experienced front confront
exquisite excruciating fruition enjoyment
  full restored to full strength
faced (i) outfaced, derided, (ii) trimmed furniture armour, weapons
  furtherer helper, abetter
fact action, crime fustian (i) flax cloth, (ii) nonsense
factious seditious  
factor agent gat got
faggot bundle of wood gear business
faint faint-hearted gentry rank of gentleman
falchion sword glaive broadsword
falconet small cannon glass mirror
false (v) betray, violate glass-windows spectacles
familiar evil spirit, attendant glorious boastful
fancy (v) love gloze flatter, dissimulate
fatal fated, fateful gramercy thank you
favour (i) face, (ii) love-token gratulate salute, welcome
favourless without beauty gravel perplex, confound
fear (v) frighten graving sculpture
feeling (adj) (i) sincere, (ii) sensual grief pain, suffering
fell cruel gripe seize tenaciously
fence (v) protect, defend groat coin of small value (4d)
field-piece field-gun groom menial, servant
figure likeness, image guerdon reward
file defile guilder Dutch coin
gull trick imperial imperious
gum aromatic resin (in perfume and sacrifice) import imply, signify
  imprecation prayer
  incense incite, set on fire
halberd long-handled weapon incontinent immediate, (adv) immediately
halcyon kingfisher  
hale drag, draw incony sweet
hap fortune Indian Moor American Indian
hapless unfortunate  
haply perhaps indifferent impartial
happy fortunate influence (astrological) power
haught haughty, lofty insinuate ingratiate
haughty high-minded, heroic insult exult
headed beheaded interdict forbid
heavy sad intolerable incomparable
hebon ebony, the juice of which was considered poisonous invention plot, plan
  investion investiture
hempen (i) of a noose of hemp rope, (ii) made of hempen cloth, homespun issue (n) offspring, (v) come out, turn out
hest behest iterating repetition
hippocras spiced wine iwis indeed
hogshead 63-gallon cask  
hoise hoist jack upstart
hold (i) bet, wager, (ii) stronghold Jacob’s staff surveying instrument, used for range-finding
horse-bread horse feed  
horse-courser horse-dealer  
hospital almshouse janizary Turkish infantry-man
hostry hostelry, inn jar fight, quarrel
hoy small trading boat jealous (i) anxious for someone’s well-being, (ii) suspicious
hugy huge  
humidum moisture jennet small Spanish horse
humour bodily fluid responsible for health, hence mood jesses leather thongs used to restrain hunting birds
hurdle sledge (to carry condemned to execution) jesture (i) gesture, (ii) jest
  jet strut
hurly-burly confusion, commotion jig (i) song and dance, (ii) scurrilous ballad
  keel ship
illustrate shed light on kern peasant fighter
imbecility feeble-mindedness, weakness kind (adj) (i) kind, (ii) natural
label strip of ribbon for attaching seals to documents magnanimity courage in battle
  mail bag containing treasure
Lachryma Christi red wine of southern Italy main overpowering
  malgrado (Spanish) in defiance of
lake dungeon manage (n) conduct, (v) tame, control
lance slit open  
larded encrusted mark (i) brand, (ii) watch, observe
lares Roman household gods  
largess largesse, generous reward marry by Mary (an oath)
latest last mask lurk in darkness, hide
latter last massy solid, weighty
laund glade, open space masty fattened on pig food
lavish (n) prodigious spilling, (adj) insolent, unrestrained mate companion, (v) daunt
  maximé maxim
lawn piece of fine linen measures stately dances
leager state of besieging meat food
league (i) unit of distance: 3 miles, (ii) alliance meed merit, reward
  meet (adj) appropriate
leman sweetheart members people
lenity pity mends amends, reward
let hinder, prevent meteor atmospheric phenomenon
level (v) (i) aim, (ii) deduce, guess at mettle strength, material
  mew capture
libel subversive pamphlet mickle much
liberal (i) well-educated, (ii) generous minion (i) small cannon, (ii) sycophant, (iii) lover, favourite
licentiate graduate  
liefest dearest minx slut
linstock stick for holding spill to light cannon miscreants heretics, unbelievers
  miss (n) lack of
list (i) desire, (ii) listen mistrust suspect
litter vehicle for one person carried by two servants mithridate (usually) antidote to poison
loadstar, lodestar guiding light moe more
looseness sexual incontinence monument record of achievement
lour frown motion (i) movement, (ii) suggestion, (iii) desire
lown rogue (Scottish or northern dialect form)  
  mought might
lure imitation bird made of feathers and leather mount earthwork used for fortification
lusty pleasant Muff derogatory term for the Swiss (M?)
muscadel, muscadine, muscatel strong sweet wine pate head
  pathetical emotive, persuasive
mustacho moustache patience suffering
mystery secret art paw claw
  pedant schoolmaster
native natural pelf money
noisome stinking, offensive pensiveness melancholy
nonce purpose; for the nonce purposely, expressly perfecter more skilled
  perforce (i) by violence, (ii) necessarily
nonplus state of bewilderment  
nosegay posy pericranion skull (technically, the membrane around it)
noted stigmatized, branded  
  period (i) end, conclusion, (ii) sentence
occupy possess, have sex with offencious causing offence physic medicine
organon (i) bodily organs or fluids, (ii) philosophical works of Aristotle (Organon) pickadevant short, pointed beard
  pickle-herring (i) pickled herring, (ii) an idiot
orient (adj) (i) eastern, (ii) brilliant (of gems) pill (v) plunder
  pin nail which secures a clout (q.v.) in archery
orifex orifice, wound  
orison prayers pined tormented
ostler stable-man pioners sappers, those who dig mines
ostry hostelry, inn  
otherways otherwise pitch breadth of shoulders
overdare surpass in daring (M) pitchy pitch-black
overthwart across places topics
overwatched (i) tired through constant vigilance, (ii) spied upon placket (i) (slit in) a skirt or petticoat, (ii) vulva
  plage region
  plain (v) complain
painted colourful plainer plaintiff
pale boundary, fence plate piece of silver
paragon consort platform ground-plan
paramour lover plaud applause
parcel essential part pleasant jocular
parley debate, dispute pleasantness facetiousness
partial (i) unfair, (ii) incomplete pledge drink toast
pash smash to pieces pole-axe halberd
pass care policy cunning
passenger traveller poniard dagger
passing surpassingly port gate
portague Portuguese gold coin rack tear apart, violate
portend prophesy, suggest, foresee racking driven before the wind
portly stately ragged rugged
post (n) messenger, (v) ride fast rampire (n) inner rampart, (v) fortify with ramparts
posy pious motto  
pottage (i) porridge, (ii) stew, soup, broth range (v) roam
  rankle fester
power army rape abduction
preachment sermonizing rapine theft
precinct area of secure authority raze (i) erase, destroy, (ii) graze
precise puritanical reave take away
precisian puritan, radical protestant rebated blunted
  reclaim reform
present(ly) immediate(ly) recreant traitor
prest ready for action rector a university principal
pretty (i) admirable, (ii) amusing recure cure
prevent anticipate, forestall redoubted fearsome
principality princely government reflex shine
  refluence flowing back
problem scholastic disputation refreshing refreshment, food
prolocutor herald, spokesman regiment power, authority
proper own regreet greet anew (M)
prorex viceroy remorseful compassionate
protest swear, profess renied apostate
prove test, experience rent rend, tear
provender fodder repair imminent arrival
puissant powerful repeal recall (from banishment)
purchase win repine complain
purgation an emetic repute understand by
pyramid obelisk reserve preserve
  resolve (i) determine to achieve, (ii) satisfy, (iii) melt
qualify mitigate  
quenchless unquenchable respect particular circumstances
quick alive rest remain
quicksilver mercury resteth remains to be done
quiddity (i) the essence (of something), (ii) quibble retire strategic withdrawal from battle
quinque-angle five-pointed, star-shaped retorqued turned back on themselves (M)
quite (i) repay, acquit, (ii) requite reverberate beaten back
quittance quits rivelled twisted, plaited
road (i) roadstead, harbour, (ii) raid silly feeble, simple
  silverling silver coin
room position, office sink cesspool
round slop baggy trousers sith since
roundly (i) with complete success, (ii) briskly slack neglect
  snipper snapper whippersnapper
rout mob  
royalize crown, make celebrated society community
rub polish soil marsh
ruin falling sollar loft, store-room
runagate renegade, runaway, vagabond sometime formerly
  sophister specious reasoner
ruth suffering, pity sort pack
rutter knight, cavalry sound (v) (i) blow (of trumpet), (ii) resound, echo, (iii) measure (depth)
sack dry Spanish white wine  
sakar, saker small cannon spials spies
salute greet splendant bright, resplendent
sarell seraglio, harem spoil plunder
sauce (v) season, flavour spurca (Latin) filthy, base
savour (n) smell spurn kick, disdain
scald contemptible squib firework
scamble compete fiercely for money stand upon understand
  standing (n) position, (adj) stagnant
scathe harm  
scholarism scholarship starting holes refuges for hunted animals
scour beat, punish  
scutcheon escutcheon, heraldic shield state (i) government, (ii) pomp, ceremony, (iii) throne, (iv) condition
sectious factious, sectarian  
seignory governorship stature statue
sennet trumpet call staying supporting
serge cheap woollen fabric steel (v) sharpen
servitor servant stern rudder
several separate still constantly, continuously
shag-rag ragged, rascally stilts crutches
shape (i) appearance, (ii) costume stomach (v) resent
shaver swindler, rogue stoop humiliate
shrewdly with conviction, zealously straggle wander, (of a soldier) desert
shrift confession straggler vagabond
signs zodiacal signs straight immediately
strait strict torpedo electric ray
stranger foreigner tottered tattered
strangle choke tourney tournament
style title toy trifle, jest
suffer allow, permit trace track, traverse
superficies surface, outer crust train retinue
superfluities that which floats on the surface trained enticed
  trapped adorned
surcease cease, bring to an end trencher plate
surcharge overburden trick decorate, adorn
sure secure, safe tried purified
surprise capture troll flow
suspect suspicion trothless disloyal, faithless
Switzers Swiss mercenaries troublous disordered, disturbed
’swounds by God’s wounds trow believe, trust
symbolize mix trull whore
  trustless untrustworthy, treacherous
table memorial tablet  
tainted hit (technical term from tilting) tun barrel
  turtle turtle-dove
talents talons twigger scoundrel, good breeder
tall brave, valiant  
targeteers footsoldiers with small shields (targets) unacquainted unexampled
  uncontrolled unrebuked, without restraint
tartar scum left after fermentation  
tax censure uncouth strange, unpleasant
tempered refreshed, enlivened unfoiled (i) not set against a metal background, (ii) undefiled
term statuary bust on top of a pillar
  unhappy miserable, unfortunate
terminine boundary unkind unnatural
theoria contemplation, survey (only instance in OED) unresisted irresistible
  ure use
throughly thoroughly use (n) custom, (v) exhibit
tice entice  
tickle chastise vail salute by lowering a sail
tilt fight on horseback vailing taking off, with a flourish
timeless (i) eternal, (ii) untimely valurous valuable (M)
tippet scarf, hence noose vaunt boast
tire (v) feed, eat ferociously vex torment
toil snare victuals food
topless exceedingly high, immeasurable villeiness bondwoman, slave
  virtue power, force
wag naughty child withal with
wanton naughty, skittish wont, wonted accustomed
wants lacks wot know
watches units of time (usually three hours) wrack ruin, shipwreck
  wreak exact vengeance
wedge ingot wreckful causing shipwreck
weeds clothes  
weigh care for, value  
welkin sky yoke (i) constrain, (ii) couple
welter toss about, overwhelm yoky joined by a yoke
whilom formerly youngling brat
whisk whisper, flutter  
whist silent, hushed zenith highest point
will decree that zounds by God’s wounds