Appendix: The Massacre at Paris, Scene 19 (Folger MS.J.b.8)

    Enter A souldier wth a Muskett

Now ser to you yt dares make a dvke a Cuckolde

and vse a Counterfeyt key to his privye Chamber


thoughe you take out none but yor owne treasure

yett you putt in yt displeases him / And fill vp his rome yt

he shold occupie. Herein ser you forestalle the markett

and sett vpe yor standinge where you shold not: But you will

saye you leave him rome enoughe besides: thats no answere

hes to have the Choyce of his owne freeland / yf it be

not to free theres the questione / now ser where he is

your landlorde. you take vpon you to be his / and will needs

enter by defaulte / whatt thoughe you were once in possession

yett Comminge vpon you once vnawares he frayde you

out againe. therefore your entrye is mere Intrvsione

this is againste the lawe ser: And thoughe I Come not

to keep possessione as I wold I mighte yet I come to

keepe you out ser. yow are wellcome ser have at you

    Enter minion

    He Kills him


Trayterouse guise ah thow hast mvrthered me

    Enter guise


Hold thee tale soldier take the this and flye


thus fall Imperfett exhalatione

wch our great sonn of fraunce Cold not effecte

a fyery meteor in the fermament

lye there the Kinges delyght and guises scorne

revenge it henry yf thow liste or darst

I did it onely in dispight of thee

fondlie hast thow in Censte the guises sowle

yt of it self was hote enoughe to worke


thy lust degestione wt extreamest shame

the armye I have gathered now shall ayme

more at thie end then exterpatione

and when thow thinkst I have foregotten this

and yt thow most reposest one my faythe

then will I wake thee from thie folishe dreame

and lett thee see thie self my prysoner
