As a prospective graduate student concerned with professional advancement, you know the importance of using good tools and drawing on solid research. In this Twenty-second Edition of Barron’s GRE, we offer you both.
This revision contains the fruits of our close study of the 2011 changes to the GRE General Test. We have scrutinized hundreds of actual GRE questions, traced dozens of GRE reading passages to their sources and analyzed subsets of questions by order of difficulty and question type. We have gone through all the topics in the analytical writing section, categorizing the actual issues you will encounter on your test and analyzing the argument passages, pinpointing their logical flaws. In the process, we have come up with the following features, which should make this Twenty-second Edition particularly helpful to you:
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We will take you step by step through more than 1,000 practice verbal and mathematical questions that simulate actual GRE questions, showing you how to solve them and how to avoid going wrong.
We provide you with dozens of proven testing tactics that will help you attack the different types of questions on the GRE.
This edition contains the revised 320-word High-Frequency Word List—320 critical words from abate to zealot that have occurred and recurred on actual published GREs—plus Barron’s GRE Master Word List, your guide to the level of vocabulary expected of graduate school students.
We present you with extensive mathematical review of all the topics that you need to know. This is especially valuable for college students and adults who haven’t taken math since high school.
We have created for you a compact Diagnostic Test that will enable you to pinpoint your areas of weakness right away and concentrate your review on subjects in which you need the most work, plus two Model Tests, all with answers completely explained, that in format, difficulty, and content echo today’s GRE. Two additional tests are available online at
In this edition we will introduce you to the latest version of the computer-delivered GRE and explain everything you need to know about how to take the computerized GRE.
We provide you with an introduction to the GRE analytical writing section, familiarizing you with the range of topics covered and giving you helpful hints on how to write clear, cogent essays in no time at all.
This Twenty-second Edition once more upgrades what has long been a standard text. It reflects the contributions of numerous teachers, editors, and coaches, and the dedication of the staff at Barron’s. It also reflects the forensic and rhetorical skills of Lexy Green, Director of Debate at the College Preparatory School, who is joining our authorial team. We, the authors, are indebted to all these individuals for their ongoing efforts to make this book America’s outstanding GRE study guide.
Timetable for a Typical Computer-Delivered Graduate Record Examination
NOTE: Sections 2 through 6 can come in any order—for example, Section 2 could be a Quantitative Ability section and the Experimental Section could be any section except Section 1. Although the Experimental Section will not count in your score, it will look identical to one of the other sections—you won’t know which section it is, so you must do your best on every section of the test.