Luke waited for Lara outside the restaurant. Anticipation rode him hard. After the events in the elevator he was pretty sure Lara would take him up on his offer for a ride home and invite him in to her bed. However, a small tendril of doubt sat on his shoulders as he waited for her to say her good-byes.

He had brought along an extra helmet this evening. Just in case. He was never a Boy Scout but he’d learned early to always be prepared. He had checked his phone one last time out of habit and placed it inside his jacket when she exited laughing and hugging her friends.

In his mind’s eye she was still glowing from their earlier encounter, and he watched her walk toward him where he was parked in the shadows. Aware of his presence, she halted and shyly smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Nervous? Maybe hopeful and just as ready to finish what they’d begun? She began walking again. This time purposeful, smile gone. This woman knew what she wanted, and thank the lord, it was him. He adjusted himself and swung off the bike, leaned back on the seat, crossed his arms, and with laser focus drew her into him.

His gaze traveled over her curvy form encased in the short mini—underneath which he’d already discovered hidden treasure. Her sounds of pleasure rang in his ears and a new vision of the two of them together appeared in his head. Her bent over his bike, legs spread, silently begging him to take her. Damn, he had to adjust again as the vision morphed into him taking her from behind, thrusting into her, his hands full of her as he once again made her come, scream his name.

“I’m surprised you’re still here,” she said.

Lara broke the spell she didn’t know he was under.

“I’d thought you left.” Her tone held a hint of disappointment.

Was she as eager as he was? They hadn’t had time to make plans for later. Once the dinner started the crowd of friends had kept them apart. Hell, he didn’t even have her cell number to text her. The look she now wore assured him he made the right decision to stay. Waiting in the shadows for her like a randy teenager hoping to score with the prettiest cheerleader.

“I didn’t get a chance to talk to you again . . . after. Now that we’ve had a taste of each other—well, I’ve had a taste of you anyway—I wasn’t just going to walk away without saying . . . something.” He continued looking down at her. Noticed her indrawn breath at his words, and waited.

“You’re pretty sure of yourself aren’t you, Garibaldi? I mean, what if you only imagined how good it was for me and the reason we didn’t speak again was because I wanted it that way?”

She was bluffing. Maybe Lara wasn’t the good-time girl he thought she was? But her reactions to him in the elevator were real. He knew it, and she knew it. If she was looking for more than just a night with him, he’d need to remind her of his reputation before they went any further. Because right now the need for her was beginning to override his typical MO, and it would be too easy for him to get lost in her soft-green eyes and gorgeous body and say yes to more than just a night of hot sex.

Oh, Lara, I don’t think that at all. And I don’t really believe you do either. We’re attracted to each other, obviously. We’re unattached and both looking for a good time. It was only natural that we combusted when we finally got together. Let’s not put too much into it. I don’t think either one of us is looking for what Mav and Kelsey found, right?”

She nodded. He thought he saw a flicker of hurt in her eyes, but he dismissed it. Being honest was the only way for him. “Look, I think if we admit that we have this . . . thing going on between us and know that it’s all that’s going on, we could have a very good time together.”

“And what ‘thing’ is going on, Luke?” She paused. “Just so I’m clear.”

He relaxed his arms, stepped into her, and cupped her neck before he whispered, “The thing where I fuck you all night long, and we enjoy each other until it’s time to say good-bye.”

Her mouth rounded in an O and her lids closed to half-mast. No doubt was left between them, and when she didn’t pull away he swooped down and took her mouth in a kiss that promised so much more.

He pulled back just enough to ask, “Is that what you want too, baby? Because if it is, the night is getting shorter and I have plans for you that will take hours to finish.”

He heard her whisper, “Oh my god.” Quickly followed by a throaty “yes” that left him harder than he’d ever been.

Luke quickly placed her on the back of his bike. She let out a squeak and a laugh that would stay with him for days. He helped her with the helmet, mounted his bike, and eased out of the parking lot. He almost forgot. “What’s your address?” She rattled it off and wound her arms around his torso, molding herself into his back. Shit, he hoped it was close.

“Hold on tight,” he ordered, opened the throttle on his bike, and sped away with Lara. She’d be receiving more than one hard ride tonight.

Lara’s head was spinning. Her body hummed from the machine beneath her legs and the man she was plastered against. She couldn’t get close enough to him. She wanted Luke in her bed even if it was just for one night.

She wanted all the wicked things he’d already done to her and the promises of more. She smiled to herself as they rode through the streets of Pineville, houses shuttered, porch lights flickering past as he made his way through her neighborhood. Her pulse rate increased and she squirmed on the seat at the memory of his tongue inside her.

If he didn’t hurry she might just beg him to stop and take her right there, on his bike, for anyone to see. She’d never been this ramped up sexually in her life. When the bike slowed she thought she might have whimpered. His chuckle confirmed it as he pulled into the driveway of her modest rancher, which she’d inherited from her grandparents. It wasn’t much but it was hers, and she was desperate to get him inside.

Luke parked his bike and, too slow for her liking, removed his helmet and motioned her to do the same. He reached back and grabbed her waist and helped her off. She stood there on unsteady feet, her knees a little wobbly, and watched him dismount.

His large frame thrilled her. She watched as his muscles bunched under his clothes when he moved. Toward her. A devilish intent in his eyes. He took her hand and practically dragged her to the front door where she fumbled through her purse for her keys.

Laughter rang out. Hers. She was high on this man and while he stood behind her pressing himself into her as she finally opened the door, he growled his approval. The door slammed behind them. She dropped her purse and turned around and found herself lifted up against his body, her legs wrapping around his waist, his tongue finding hers. Devouring her.

She couldn’t decide where to place her hands. She started with his shoulders, then ran her palms down his arms, marveling at the hard steel she touched.


“End of the hall. Turn left,” she answered in between deep kisses she didn’t want to end.

She held on tight as he strode through her tiny house, his strength as much a turn-on as anything else he’d done to her tonight. When he crossed the threshold of her room he stopped and looked at her for a long moment.

“Make sure this is what you want, Lara. I don’t have much restraint left, but if you want to change your mind, now’s the time to do it.” His breathing had increased and he’d gone so still she was afraid he’d changed his mind.

“Luke, I want you. This. Tonight. You have no idea how much I want—”

He was done talking. He tossed her on the bed and began removing his clothes, never taking his eyes off her.

She recovered from the toss and began to wiggle out of her skirt. When she reached down to remove her shoes, he stopped her.


Lara looked back up at Luke. Now naked. She couldn’t take her eyes off him or his erection, which, hello, was huge. She hadn’t really thought that part of him would match the size of the rest of him, but now she knew. Oh. My.

“Don’t. I want to undress you.”

“I don’t have that much left to take off.”

He grinned and kneeled over her. He pressed kisses along her neck and collarbone. He bit and nipped and licked his way down her chest and undid the buttons holding her blouse together. Slowly he removed it and concentrated on her breasts. He kissed her nipples through the fabric of her bra and found the clasp in the back, freeing her now aching flesh.

He removed first one, then the other breast, and suckled each nipple until she’d thought she’d scream from pleasure. Her core tightened. This was torture. It was heaven. And she wanted him inside her. Now.

“Luke, please . . .”

“I know. I feel it too.”

His hands traveled lower along her stomach and caressed her hips as he tugged her panties off. Her legs fell open. Yes, this is where she needed him. But he continued to tease and stroke just beyond her now pulsing core. She lifted her hips toward him as he lowered himself onto her, bringing himself even with her.

He feathered kisses on her face and licked her lips, delving his tongue between her lips and made her forget her own name. He let his hands wander and she sighed with relief when he cupped her and entered her with a finger that began to tap out a sinful rhythm on her clit.

He brought her close to orgasm before he stopped and smiled at her. That wicked glint in his eye made her hopeful for what was next. And he didn’t disappoint.

He kissed his way down her stomach and on each inner thigh where he spread her open and touched the tip of his tongue to her clit. He suckled and licked as her pussy tightened.

“Yes, Luke. Please.” She clutched the sheets as he took her over the edge and she screamed his name, riding the orgasm as it flooded her veins and flashed white-hot. “Now. I need you inside me.”

He didn’t make her wait. She heard the rustle of the condom package being ripped open and watched as he sheathed himself. He entered her and she felt her orgasm begin to build again. She moaned and opened herself wider to the man who now owned her body.

She watched as he thrust himself into her again and again, building yet another orgasm.

“Lara!” He locked gazes with her as they each came apart.

No words were spoken for quite a while. He’d wrapped himself around her as their bodies cooled and their breathing settled into a shared rhythm. She must have dozed because the next thing she remembered was a delicious floating sensation as he roamed her body with his hands and mouth as they once again exploded in each other’s arms.