THE Trenshams sat far into night together and their conclusions remained as yet beyond reach. Ernest unfolded that further instalment of the tragic past his investigations had laid bare. To an unbelievable crime they appeared to lead but, accepting what she had already learned and convinced that the story of her father’s death was true, Greta found herself prone to believe the rest. It broke new ground and sent her to bed feeling that she would never sleep again.

“Following up the story of his daily life, which I was able to do, accident linked it up with no less than two widely known events,” the man continued. “One a mystery that awakened passing interest when it occurred, the other a death, which was in truth a mystery too, but not of public importance, though regretted bitterly enough.”

“What nightmare am I suffering?” cried his wife.

“Let me go on and get this damned story over in my own way,” he begged. “First — through a man and his wife who kept house for Faraday in London — I learned certain facts about him in the past. I found this couple with some trouble, declared that I wanted some details about him as he was a famous man now and I had undertaken to write his life and would pay well for any particulars in their memory. They were full of irrelevant talk and from it one item — apparently irrelevant too — emerged. It was a question of dates and his comings and goings. These were generally in connection with meetings and learned gatherings; but once, at a date which his old servant was able to remember, because he and his wife got a holiday at the same time, Faraday told them he was going to Devonshire for a complete rest himself as he designed to stop work and enjoy the fine air and plenty of physical exercise of which he stood in need. He made no secret of his destination and when he returned in a week’s time mentioned it to them, knowing doubtless they would not connect it with incidents reported from that region. He had been to an ancient farm on Dartmoor and enjoyed his brief vacation exceedingly. The place was called ‘Powder Mills’ and its name arose from the fact that the farm stood where, in Napoleonic times, a big gunpowder factory had stood. Faraday told his servants, how he had explored these ancient ruins. I showed no interest in this narrative beyond making sure of the date and, on a later day, looked up the time of those unexplained explosions on Dartmoor and discovered that they happened when he was at Powder Mills farm. I then consulted large-scale maps of the region, located the farm, midway between Two Bridges and Postbridge, and found that the site of the explosions lay some seven miles or so due north of it. I remembered then how your brother, discussing his one subject, had told me that he himself within the limits of his powers had actually created and could control a form of atomic energy concerning which science as yet knew nothing. He said that only the cost of making the needful machinery limited his research and as yet prevented certain necessary experiments. He admitted that an element of great personal danger accompanied these operations without precautions entailing heavy expense. Thus we see that at this time he was deeply concerned and actually found himself in possession of some results from nuclear fissure that he was keeping to himself.

“Next,” continued Ernest, “I went down myself to Powder Mills for a couple of nights and on the old pretext: that I was writing a life of his famous lodger in the past, endeavoured to stimulate the farmer’s memories concerning him. He recognized the photograph I showed him from a magazine but could furnish only meagre details and expressed surprise that such a quiet and humble gentleman has attained to greatness. The farmer was a widower, with an unmarried daughter to look after him, and he confessed to me that he made better money from his summer and autumn lodgers than from his farm. ‘The professor was all for plants,’ he said, ‘and spent most of his time from early morn till dimpsey rummaging after ‘em. He would go out with his lunch and his boxes and gadgets and come back with all manner of plants, full of excitement if he’d grubbed up anything out of the common.’ I inquired whether any friends had visited Faraday but they declared that none had. ‘Not a single letter come for him while he was here,’ the woman told me. ‘He came in his own motorcar and drove himself away in it at the end of his week.’ I mentioned the strange explosions and the old farmer remembered them and doubted not they had something to do with the war. That was all I got at Powder Mills, and the little to be deduced you can see for yourself. He took pains to suggest he was a botanist and evidently kept his visit a secret. But knowing him and his activities, it is not difficult to connect him with the explosions on the Okehampton side of the Moor. We can imagine him as in possession of atomic bombs small enough to carry single-handed for many miles. As yet no such thing can be credited to science. These he desired to explode that he might compare and study their effects and no doubt by electricity could do so with safety to himself. He makes his experiments which, whatever else they did, created a tremendous volume of sound, but he studied the results and then buried himself in the wastes of the moor far from the scene of action before inquirers arrived to investigate. No doubt he learned much from his explosions as to the power he had liberated; but whether it exceeded his expectations, or fell below them, only he knows.”

“And only he knows whether he had anything to do with the matter.”

Transham shook his head.

“I fear little doubt can be pretended as to that. What would have taken him masquerading as a botanist to Dartmoor without some definite object to be pursued unknown? He would have had fellow-scientists with him and not shirked publicity without good private reasons. The mystery was never explained and now, at long last, a definite explanation appears.”

“Even so, you cannot find another death to connect with this unless you know more about it than anybody else knows,” she said.

“Another death is far to seek,” he answered, “and though it takes us upon uncertain ground, to my mind at least, when details are considered, there appears abominably probable evidence that Faraday Heron was responsible for it. First, ample motive existed for another death: it was actually demanded if his destruction of his father was going to bear fruit, and the crime not only may be proved possible to him, but impossible to anybody else.”

“You cannot be meaning Alfred?”

“Who else? First the motive, then the means, Greta. The motive is clear enough. To destroy his father would have been a futile act while his elder brother remained to succeed him. Alfred was built on Sir Hector’s pattern and could no more be expected to find an enormous sum of money for science than his father. Moreover, if he survived to inherit, that would involve a double call on the estate sufficient to cripple it for a generation, or more, and deprive Faraday of money essential to his plans. It was clear that Alfred must be put out of the way before the death of his father; and that is what happened. Looking forward, as he had great art to do, Faraday found a possibility and availed himself of it. We know that he now possessed some source of secret power within his own control and we see how it was possible that he used it. A gamble it must have been, but a successful one.”

“I grant the motive and now I can believe him capable of killing Alfred,” she answered, “yet how?”

“By sending his death along with him to Africa. You remember writing that Faraday was at Cliff, just before his brother started on the hunting trip, and had been interested in all the weapons he was taking. You mentioned a great elephant gun and the cartridges, and since then I have thought how easy it would have been for Faraday by night, when everybody was gone to bed, to doctor one of those cartridges and insert a charge in one of them — minute enough to be planted without leaving any trace, yet so far stronger than cordite that its explosion must inevitably destroy the gun and the man who fired it. Fantastic to your ear, but remember not a shadow of explanation was ever forthcoming and the gun had been fired on several occasions without mishap. It was something in that particular cartridge, and it is impossible to imagine anybody on earth with the knowledge or the power but your brother, who could have put it there. That he had the material in some shape we can safely assume.”

“A theory which could only have sprung out of your knowledge of previous events,” said Greta. “But it may be the truth. No abomination would be impossible for him and no hate for him impossible for me. I could watch him hang; I could kill him myself.”

“That is not the line you must let your mind follow now,” he warned her. “This awful thing is not done with because we have laid it bare. Tremendous alternatives lie before us. Greta, and the fate of a very exceptional life is thrust into our hands.”

“Why then did you burden me with such a hideous story?” she asked. “And can you believe that I recognize any fate for him but one?”

“I burdened you because you are my second self and your attitude was vital to the decision I might come to. I knew what you would feel and suffer, and how you must react to evil so vast and so near and so destructive to those you loved and your own peace and happiness. I had to inflict all this upon you for the reason that your terrible brother is many-sided and must be thought upon, not only as a monster and a murderer, but as a being who may become a greater benefactor to this world than any man who has trodden on it since the Saviour of humanity. Yes, Greta, in his search after truth, Faraday may have found something of infinite magnitude for mankind — not for love of mankind, God knows, but as a result of his own amazing gifts.

“He may be, as he claims to be, within reach of supreme achievements, and for us is the terrible duty to determine whether he shall be allowed to pursue and perfect them, or face swift destruction, together with all his brain is still capable of accomplishing. We must try to approach him subjectively if we can and separate in our minds what he has done beyond any ordinary conception of evil, from what he may yet have power to do above common understanding of good.”

“It is, I suppose, reasonable that you should feel so,” she admitted. “Step by step you have discovered his horror, and lived with it and grown up with it, and done a marvellous feat of detection. This is a personal triumph for your own strange gifts, Ernest, that few can claim. To you an atrocious criminal awakens no more hatred than any other atrocious work of nature. He is only an interesting specimen. I understand that you may not feel what I feel about Faraday Heron because his blood flows in my veins; but you can surely understand that my love for you is the only thing that makes me want to go on living after what I have heard to-night. I won’t talk or think about it any more. Come to bed and help me to sleep if you can.”

“We have three weeks or more in which to decide what we shall do and we must employ them to the best purpose in our power,” he said. “We have the advantage and we shall need it, because to approach such a man on equal terms would be defeat. Providence, which has led me so far, must be my shield and buckler to the end and if you feel you would rather remain in ignorance of what I determine to do, I shall well understand it and never mention my plans again.”

“It is too late to rule me out now,” she told him. “We may arrive at the same conclusion, or differ, but we have never differed yet and are unlikely to do so now. He is the most evil thing on this earth and no good that he can ever do will outbalance the horrible things he has done. But there is nobody to feel this as I feel it, because until you came into my life my father and Alfred were my life.”

• • •

Time passed and Trensham swiftly found that he had taken a step to increase the problems awaiting him when he confided in his wife. He had done so on the assumption that it was vital she must know; but without weighing the consequences upon her. Until now he had never heard her express any opinions counter to his own. A most perfect understanding and devotion existed between them and on no subject did they see alike more completely than their immediate future and swift departure from Cliff; but now the man found that he had assumed too much and that his own intentions respecting Greta’s brother by no means coincided with what was in her mind. What she had learned awakened all the hatred and created the deepest passion of which she was capable. That he had anticipated; but as an explosion will tear open the buried bowels of earth and reveal secrets unguessed, so this dreadful revelation lay bare emotions more obdurate than her husband was capable of feeling, and the fact that she took it for granted he must share them, shut his mouth for some days. It had been his life’s business to unearth evil and win personal respect from so doing but, in this case, his triumph over an eminent and unsuspected malefactor could not be shared by Greta, or the world, if it took the shape he had already planned. The coming encounter was already worked out in detail, the reward estimated, the moral justification obvious; but to find his wife too certainly opposed, made him think again. The days shortened and they knew that within a week Faraday would return, yet still the detective perceived that it was vain to approach Greta with his own purpose. Talk they did interminably and she felt puzzled to find that, while he voiced no alternative to her opinions, it was clear that his own tended to differ from them. She realized that he was viewing the awful business from a far different angle than her own. The only possible decision looked clear to her; but he, while speaking no word in extenuation of a dreadful crime, hesitated before what she pressed upon him.

“What else can we do except take the law into our own hands?” she asked. “Either destroy him ourselves, or tell the Law everything, and then leave justice to arrest him the moment he is in England. I see no other course and, as you have been a servant of the Law all your life, how can you? Peace for you may not depend upon his death, as it does for me: I can understand that, though it’s hard to believe; but if you could go on with your life and be content to let him go on with his, then — ”

“Stop,” he begged. “I’ve heard you say yourself that jealousy and desire for revenge are self-inflicted torments, not worthy of an educated person. Listen a moment, Greta.”

He then took the opportunity — not to tell her all that was in his mind, but to approach the destiny of her brother upon general principles.

“This is a unique plight in which you and I find ourselves,” he began. “It is unique, not only for its infernal nature, but by the attributes of the man responsible. Examination might prove your brother sane, and in that case, the face of humanity at large would be saved. I have known things to be done so hideous that all Scotland Yard felt thankful when science affirmed with certainty that the doer was mad. But, though madness and genius are often only separated by a razor’s edge, nobody is going to claim that Faraday is mad, or ever was mad. He is a genius and may be one of the greatest that ever walked this earth. The fate of generations unborn, the increased security of the whole world, may be in his hands.”

“Would that be likely to influence the Law?” she asked.

“I am not sure if the Law should be invited to consider it. My idea is that, having regard for our own position, we should bring the matter to pure reasoning and not allow personal feelings to cloud our decisions. Once admit how much may hang upon his life and liberty, then you see how vital becomes the right way to approach him — not only the right, but the righteous way.”

“And what do you conceive that to be?”

“For what it is worth, I believe we should face him ourselves and hear his side.”

“Give him the opportunity to deny the whole horrible story?”

“He cannot do that, Greta. What he can do is to argue his freedom would be of far greater practical value to the world than his destruction. My instinct is to hear him while taking all necessary precautions that his escape, save by the way of death, is going to be impossible. One cannot say if, in the hopeless position in which he finds himself, he will not choose to commit suicide. The benefit of the future world was never important to him. But, on the other hand, if he really knows all he claims to know, he may calculate that his fellow-man cannot afford to destroy him. That looks to me the ultimate problem and I don’t feel that our personal relations with him qualify us to answer it. If we decided wrongly, or, as you suggested, took the law into our own hands, we might win the curses of the whole earth.”

Greta reflected before answering.

“I suppose that’s the argument you would be expected to advance, dear one,” she replied presently, “and no doubt it should make my hot blood more tepid, but it doesn’t, because the man who watched my father die and probably killed my brother won’t live on this earth if I can put him under it. It’s horrible to me that you could even condone such a thing. But you discovered this awful business and you’ve brought it to me and you have a right to ask that I shall be reasonable. I will insist on nothing outside reason and justice.”

“Don’t think I fail to realize what this must be to you,” he begged. “I have had time to stomach it and digest it; you have yet to do so and who shall blame you if you cannot? It shows how much I love you, how utterly I trust you, to have revealed the crime to you at all; but I could not see myself acting alone. You’re the soul of justice — one of the things that always amazed me about you before I loved you. A sense of justice, or what mankind believes to be justice, isn’t woman’s strong suit as a rule; but I felt sure that even a personal blow like this wouldn’t shake your stability when you looked all round it. You have been wonderful and you must be spared needless pain when he comes home. I shall face him: there is no reason why you should ever see the wretch again.”

“I certainly never wish to see him again, Ernest, and, until you are called as witness for the Crown against him at his trial, if he ever comes to trial, I cannot see why you should either. Indeed I see every reason why you should not.”

“We shall never agree there,” he declared. “I do not intend to see him from any cheap wish to triumph over him, but for a very different purpose. First that he may have a chance to prove to me if he can that he is not guilty.”

“What do you matter? Let him face the Law, not you.”

“I matter because, once convinced that I stand for the Law, he might take his own life without the publicity a trial at Law brings with it. Suicide, arranged as a fatal accident, would ensure the honour of the family name and obviate any need for the Law. That is all the mercy I feel at present disposed to offer him.”

With complete confidence that, in any event, he held the whip-hand, Trensham argued, but Greta had more to say.

“You dwell too much on what you think to do, darling,” she said, “and overlook what may lie in his power to do. There is another side. He might, as you suggest, throw up the sponge and destroy himself. But that is the least likely event of all. If a man attaches enormous importance to his life, as Faraday has always done and never more than now, then, when he finds it suddenly threatened, he will use all his intellect to preserve it. He will probably waste no time denying his crime, but count his continued existence of far greater importance. He wrote in his last letter that he has shortened the Japanese war by six months and will soon have reduced the Japanese population by a million souls. He would not say that if it were not true and we may take it most people would agree with him and hold that his life and what he is going to do with it is of much more importance than the fact that he is a murderer and has incurred the loss of his life.

“But all that,” she continued, “is how he looks to us. It is quite beyond my power, or yours, to know how we shall look to him when he finds us standing between him and all that he will want to set about when he comes home — one of the most famous and powerful men of science in the world.”

“Such facts won’t help him escape the Law unless I so will it,” prophesied Trensham. “No doubt the majority would take his side in any case. Human nature can always produce people to whom no crime is so abhorrent or loathsome as capital punishment. The vilest murderer finds fanatics to plead for his life, but in this case there are going to be strong and not unreasonable arguments that such a man as your brother is better alive than dead and his claims outweigh his crimes. That has to be considered, though it may be impossible for us to consider it as yet. His destiny cannot fairly be said to lie in our hands — and I withdraw that, Greta. We are not equal to such an awful responsibility.”

“I feel equal to it,” she said, “because I am concerned with justice to the dead. The dead never have any friends.”

“I know, but we must not let justice to the dead tempt us to injustice to ourselves. It lies in our power, no doubt, but would it be fair to ourselves, or true to our own principles, my precious love? I can say that, with my trade behind me and my vast experience of murder, I might kill Faraday and commit the perfect murder, but what sort of foundation would that be on which to build our future? In natures such as ours such an act would go far to poison two lives that yet may be happy and contented enough. He does not know remorse and would be incapable of feeling it; but I know you and I know myself well enough to be positive that this action would rob our own lives of all they had to offer.”

“And what would life be worth if I knew he shared it and enjoyed glory and fame built upon the work of a devil?” she asked. “Can you imagine my life running parallel with his? I will not live in the same world with him.”

He perceived that Greta was still far from the standpoint he had long since attained.

“Much must depend on his reaction when he realizes where he stands,” explained Ernest. “A great deal will turn upon that.”

He proceeded to describe his intentions; but what he now told Greta by no means chimed with his real purpose, for already a secret design was taking shape in his mind never to be shared with her. It did not clash with their devotion, or throw any shadow on his genuine love for her. Indeed he assured himself it was an evidence of that love and must ultimately lead the way to peace and such happiness as her tormented spirit could enjoy; but the plans moving now towards decision belonged to his character and he knew were not such as could be directly hinted to Greta at present. As he spoke on, however, a certain shadow of them crept into his words and awakened her doubt. She did not glimpse the truth, but pointed out that he appeared to overlook his own danger.

“You are so brave and have faced death so often in your dreadful work, darling, that you seem to ignore what this may mean,” she said presently. “You talk as though there were only one side to your meeting and that he will listen and make no attempt to oppose your decisions. If you imagine anything like that, or a compromise of any sort or kind, you are not only mistaken but running into terrible personal danger. You are a master of deduction and ought to be able to know what is to be expected from his future when you remember what he has done in the past. You will court utterly needless perils and I still think it would be more reasonable and perhaps more just if you ruled out any approach to him.”

Ernest perceived that he had been speaking unguardedly and allowing private intentions to influence his utterance. His plans embraced no personal peril and had therefore ignored points vital to Greta. The error was patent and he set about to satisfy her mind.

“It’s like you to see that,” he said, “and like your wonderful self to feel I may be saner to keep out of it. It might be wiser, but not braver. The question of personal danger never entered my mind. No credit to me — just an accident that physical fear was left out of me. I know he’s dangerous and I know the last thing on earth I want to risk is any danger that could threaten to shorten existence with you. That is the mainspring of my life and I could be as cowardly as any craven on earth before I would risk it. Be very sure nothing that will follow our meeting is going to mean danger.”

“I am not at all sure,” she answered and went on to raise other questions regarding herself.

“I am calm now and restrained,” declared Greta. “I withdraw much that I said and come to my own future concerning Faraday with an open mind, so far as it can be open. How best am I to help you? If you won’t keep out of his way, then I cannot. I must watch over you, Ernest, since you don’t see the need to watch over yourself.”

Gratified by these unexpected concessions, which promised to chime more hopefully with his private plans, he kissed her and praised her.

“How like you!” he said. “What a mind to work with and what an art to make the difficult comparatively easy! Don’t fear I shall fail to look after myself — for your sake if not for my own. I come to him well trained in the business of handling a trapped rat.”

He ran on swiftly feeling the moment ripe.

“Our great question really is how you are going to come to him, and half the answer is to know you are wise enough to decide you can come to him at all. Had I been as wise before the event, any such ordeal should have been spared you and the whole story kept secret until the last of the tale was told; but I couldn’t keep it from you: you seemed such a vital part, so now we have to face the fact that you know everything and consider the courses confronting you as a result.”

“What are they?” she asked.

“The two attitudes between which you have to choose as to how you meet your brother, since you are brave enough to meet him. You either meet him, as I shall, with the knowledge laid bare, or you conceal that knowledge and neither do nor say anything to let him imagine you have heard a word about it. To confront him with his crime is to render my battle with him as good as lost; to pretend complete ignorance and let him believe that I am the only one in the world who knows the truth — that assures my victory; but it is far the harder task for you and will need immense self-restraint and wonderful acting on your part to perform it.”

“It will indeed,” she admitted. “To breathe the same air with him and touch his hand means more to me than I can face in my present frame of mind; but I see your point. Is any such ordeal necessary?”

“No. You can do what you have always wished to do and never see him again; but that would be to handicap me for this reason. In the ordinary course of events we should both be here to welcome him, though it would not trouble him in the least if you were not here to do so, but when he heard the welcome I had waiting, he would instantly regard your absence with a good deal of suspicion. He knows what we are to each other and might imagine I was safeguarded by you and you were really aware of the truth. There is another very important point. Not only is he going to hear from me where he stands, but first I want to know from him where he stands. I want to hear his news, all this conference in America has taught him, his present outlook, future intentions and the objects on which he is now going to concentrate. There are very sufficient reasons for this and we must get what we can out of him before he listens to me; which will only be done if his mind is at peace. The greatest shock of his life is coming to him, I want to glean everything possible before it does.”

“I don’t see any particular reason for seeking information from him,” said Greta, “or for believing anything he might say; but I admit every reason for doing nothing that could make him suspicious of me.”

“If you feel so, it follows you must face the meeting,” he answered. “Gruel though it may be, if you cannot conceal what you must be suffering, better not see him. For me it depends so to act that, even when he learns all I have found out, he does not guess at my intentions, but discovers me not unprepared to be influenced by what he has to say. I shall deceive him as to that. But the first question he is going to ask me is whether you know the truth. As I said just now, he is well aware what we are to each other and will be anxious to know if I have told you the story. Whether he will believe me when I say I have not is a question, but I shall make it sound honest, for it would certainly be the most likely answer in any case to a rational mind such as his. Your attitude must be such as to convince him you know nothing, Greta.”

“I can understand why you wanted me when faced with such a horrible thing,” she said. “It was too much for one man’s mind to hold. I will think about it, Ernest, and let you know what I decide. My only fear is I might break down. I still feel that I could kill him myself if I thought he was going to escape.”

“Look farther than that — into the future and the united happiness we ourselves have the right to hope for,” he begged, “but I can leave that to you. Decide entirely on your own judgment and I shall know you will make the right decision.”

Mystified and weary she made no answer and some days passed before Ernest returned to the subject, waiting for her to do so. Then came the news that Sir Faraday was returning by air and Greta announced her intention.

“If it were anybody but you,” she told her husband, “I should still feel we were making a mistake about this and would be wiser to leave everything in other hands; but as it is you — then I agree. I will trust myself and stop here. But the ordeal must be as short as you can make it. I desire above everything to get away from Cliff and never see the haunted place again.”

He assured her of his perfect understanding and they had agreed about every detail before Faraday returned home. Ernest set down a full account of his discovery, lacking nothing, with every date and incident duly recorded for reference, and the history was put into Greta’s hands. Upon this she insisted, since Ernest’s own plan of action made it necessary. She read the report when finished and then dispatched it to her own bankers in London.