Chapter 4

Facebook: 1 post: “I have a really exciting announcement! Next week, I start work at [hyperlinked]! I’m so lucky and grateful for this opportunity and I can’t wait to start working at such an exciting place. From the time I was a little girl, I have dreamed of becoming a journalist, and now it is all coming true! #grateful #lucky #journalism #proud #goals.” 123 likes, from almost everyone, even strangers.

Twitter: 21 tweets. A lot of articles. Perhaps she is bragging as well, slightly? Sample: “Such a meaningful amazing essay. Wow.” (Link to something called “What Reading Harry Potter Taught Me About the Middle East.”)

Instagram: 2 pictures of Mike. One of the top of his head, crouching over his legal pads with his back to the camera. Caption: “Hard at work! I hate to pull him away, but I must! We’re celebrating my new job! #proud #memopointsdaily #journalismly.”

The second, a picture of Mike’s eyes and forehead. He is wearing glasses. His hair is askew, as if he just woke up. The light is dim as if it is the morning, but it is in fact the afternoon and the light is dim because of the prison bars. Caption: “#bae.”

· · ·

That night, Elinor got home earlier than usual. Generally, Ramona and Fraunces’s mother wanted her to stay for dinner, but tonight she and her husband were going out and taking the kids with them to visit their friends from Sweden at a Swedish restaurant, so they didn’t need her to stay. It really couldn’t have been more convenient. Elinor had texted Mike about the new job, and he had texted back “Congrats!!!!!!!!!” but nothing much more than that. She hoped they could go out to dinner tonight or something and talk about it.

The apartment was dark when she entered it. The one light source in the room was Mike’s laptop, which seemed to be open on a Word document (she had never caught him being distracted or looking at websites). She could hear Mike’s voice. He was talking on the phone. Elinor put her bag down in the hall next to the door.

“No, Mom, I didn’t,” said Mike to the phone. “And I don’t know what you’re talking about.” There was a pause. “I don’t think she’s like that. I think that’s incredibly unfair.” The pause was longer.

“Mike?” said Elinor. “Is that your mom?”

“One second,” said Mike.

“Did you tell her I got the job at”

“Oh, Mom? Elinor just came in. Yes. So shut up. She wanted me to tell you she got the job at The one you set her up with? Yeah, yeah. Elinor, my mom says that’s great.”

“Can you hand me the phone? I just want to thank her myself?”

“Okay,” said Mike. He handed Elinor his iPhone. She heard some scuffling on the other end, and a silence.

“Pam?” said Elinor. “I just wanted to say thank you so much about the job.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“I’m so excited. Thank you so much!”

“I’m very happy for you,” said Mike’s mother.

Elinor tried to think of something to say. She rubbed her forehead with the hairs of her forearm and the hairs stood up. “Well, uh, I should probably give you back to Mike?”

“No, no, it’s okay. I’ve got to go anyway. But we’ll see you at our Memorial Day party? I was just going over the lists for all my parties this year.”

“Oh yes!” said Elinor. Mike’s mother gave a Memorial Day party every year. Elinor was really excited about it. It seemed like a good networking opportunity, which was an important part of being a journalist, which she soon was going to be. Last year, a columnist for the Metro section of The New York Times came!

“Great, great,” said Mike’s mother. “Bye!”

“Bye!” said Elinor.

Elinor turned toward Mike and gave him his phone back. It was not the most satisfying conversation, perhaps, but that was how talking to adults was—full of pauses.

“Your mom is so nice,” said Elinor. “It was so nice of her to help me. And like, look how it all turned out!”

“Yeah, you got the job,” said Mike, who turned and looked at his computer again. He even looked like he was going to start typing.

“How’s your story?” asked Elinor.

“It’s whatever,” said Mike. “I’m not done, but I can’t keep working on it tonight.”

“Want to go out to get some dinner?”

“I already ate.”

“You did? But I texted you I was leaving early.”

“I didn’t get a text. Maybe you thought you sent it, but you actually didn’t.”

“Check your phone,” said Elinor.

Mike sighed. He took out his phone and scrolled through the messages with his thumb. “Oh, okay, I see it. I didn’t see it because my mom called, I’m sorry.”

“I guess I’ll just get Seamless.”

Mike didn’t say anything.

Elinor went over to the minifridge and poured herself a glass of water from the Brita. The water was warm and tasted of iodine. The Brita had only recently been refilled. She felt a swell of self-pity.

“It’s okay about tonight,” said Elinor, in an injured voice, crouched near the refrigerator. “We can get dinner or something this weekend?”

“Actually, El, I think I might pitch that story to Kevin I was writing about the waste management plant in Queens, so I should probably go out there this weekend.” Kevin was Mike’s boss, who was one year older than Mike, and Mike seemed already to regard him as a surrogate father.

“So you’re going to be gone all weekend?”

“No,” said Mike, in an abrupt way. “I’m not.”

“But, are we even going to celebrate the fact that I got a new job?”

“Elinor, come on! Give me a fucking break, okay? I just started a new job.” Mike sighed. “I’m really happy for you. But I’m just working my ass off, and like, who knows what your job will be like?”

“Well, I think it’s going to be an intense job. It’s not going to be this lame thing. I think I’ll probably have to work pretty hard.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to work that hard, El. Which is good! But we’ll see. I mean, congrats, hon. I’m proud of you.”

Elinor was silent.

“Are you mad or something?”

“I’m not mad,” said Elinor.

“I’m congratulating you. Okay?”


“I don’t get it,” Mike yelled. “I don’t get what the fuck I did. You always take offense to every single fucking thing.”

“I just think this job is going to be really hard, okay?” said Elinor. “I’m probably just stressed.”

“God.” Mike looked at what Elinor could now see was a blank Word document. “I feel like we’re always fighting.”

“We’re not fighting,” said Elinor. “I don’t think we’re always fighting.”

“I just feel like you’re always mad at me.”

“I’m not,” said Elinor. “I’m really not.”

Elinor felt like crying. Why was she mad? What had he even said? She walked over to Mike’s desk, and placed her hand next to his computer. “I’m sorry. I have just been so stressed for so long about this job thing and being unemployed and stuff. I’ve been waiting so long for a job.”

“It’s fine.”

“We should do something fun this week,” said Elinor brightly. “I’m serious. Do you want to go to Sheila’s party? She’s having some people over for drinks.”

“In Murray Hill?” said Mike. He wrinkled his nose. “Ugh. I actually can’t anyway. The office is having this networking thing, or I guess more of a drinks thing, from six to eight p.m. Especially because I just started I feel like I really have to go. It’s really good networking.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Maybe we could meet up after?”

“Yeah, sure,” said Elinor. She wasn’t really surprised. Although Sheila had always liked Mike, Mike had never liked Sheila. Mike didn’t like any of her friends. They never talked about anything he liked to talk about, he said. They just talked about boys. Sometimes Elinor became embarrassed for them if they talked at all while Mike was around, because that was true.

“I’m going to order Seamless,” said Elinor. She took out her computer and sat down on the foam pad and proceeded to do what she said she was going to do.

On Monday, Elinor got to the at 9:00 a.m., when J.W. had told her to arrive. The lights were off in the stairwell. When she finally climbed all the stairs, there was no one stationed at the reception desk in the lobby. The doors to the main office were locked. After a short interval of jangling the doorknob of the to no avail, she sat on the chair near the reception desk. She tried to read current events on her phone. She was reading an article called “We Could Solve Congress by Employing This Swedish Technique” on Memo Points Daily when a man came up the stairs.

This man had long brown hair and was wearing tweed trousers and yellow suspenders, but in a way that seemed purposeful. Without saying anything to Elinor, he opened the door with several keys from a huge key ring. The office had five different locks.

“Hi! I’m Elinor,” said Elinor, while the man in the suspenders was unlocking the third lock, seemingly unaware of her presence. “I’m a new employee? Today’s my first day.”

“Oh,” said the guy. He had a low, bored voice. He stared at her, neither friendly nor unfriendly. “Why’re you here so early?”

“I was told to be here at nine a.m.”

“Nobody gets here until eleven at least. I get here the earliest of everyone and that’s literally to unlock the door. Most people work from home in the morning. Come in,” he said. Elinor walked behind him into the office, abashed.

“I was gonna make some coffee if you want any,” said the guy, rapidly turning on the lights all over the room with one switch, like in a gymnasium. He darted toward the kitchen.


Elinor wasn’t sure if she should follow him so she just stayed in the main newsroom, looking at everything. The whole setup seemed roughly the same as what she remembered—but bereft of people, more fleeting and amateur. The tables seemed flimsier. The floor had black marks on it, like it had never been cleaned since some heavy machinery had been removed.

“So what do you do here?”

“What?” the guy yelled from the kitchen. Elinor walked closer to the kitchen entrance and hovered around it. Inside, the man was making coffee.

“So what’s your job here?” asked Elinor in a quieter voice.

“I do the office shit. And I open the office,” he said, scooping the coffee into the top of the coffeemaker with a rotund metal spoon.

“Do you like it?” asked Elinor.

“Yeah,” said the guy. He fastened the lid on the top of the coffeemaker. “The coffee will be ready soon. I have to go open up Sean’s office.”

“Okay,” said Elinor. Then the man walked out of the newsroom, and presumably into Sean’s office. Elinor sat down at a table near the window.

For the next hour, Elinor sat at the table. Someone had penciled “WTF?” on the corner of the table in very small gray letters. The suspenders guy never came back. Occasionally, she helped herself to cups of coffee in the kitchen, to give herself something to do. There was something wrong with the coffee. It still had grounds floating in it.

At around 11:00 a.m. people started trickling into the office, all carrying laptop bags under their arms. Everyone who worked at the was pretty young and seemed visibly depressed to be at work. On entering the newsroom, they immediately helped themselves to the coffee and sat at tables where Elinor wasn’t sitting. Elinor didn’t see anyone she knew or who had hired her. A part of her wondered if she should go around asking people what she was supposed to do, but a larger part of her thought that would be annoying and that it was appropriate to wait.

At 12:00 p.m., right when Elinor was wondering whether she should get lunch and what it would be, J.W. walked through the door. He was carrying a fake leather briefcase. He was wearing a light blue shirt open at the neck. Elinor stumbled up from her seat and lunged toward him.

“J.W.!” she said. J.W. looked at her as if she had roused him out of a trance. He blinked slowly.

“Hello?” he said.

“It’s me, Elinor. It’s my first day.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right,” he said. “Do you have your computer?”

“No one told me to bring one?” said Elinor.

“Yeah, you have to bring your computer from home,” said J.W., who started walking quickly across the room. Elinor followed him, not quite knowing where he was going. He stopped next to a table where five other people were sitting.

“Sit here,” said J.W. “I’ll get you a computer. But you can’t keep it. It’s our spare computer.”

“Okay,” said Elinor. She sat down at her new table, and J.W. walked away, presumably in search of a computer. All the people at her table were typing furiously. Elinor looked over the shoulder of the girl sitting next to her and realized she had four chat boxes open and they were all blinking maniacally.

After about ten minutes, J.W. came back. He was holding a bulky and obscurely dirty Apple computer, which he laid out in front of Elinor.

“Okay, here,” said J.W.

“Thanks,” said Elinor. “So, what should I do exactly—”

“I’ll let you know in a minute,” said J.W. “Right now, I’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate with partnerships.”

“Okay! Just let me know,” said Elinor. J.W. sighed and went into a conference room with glass walls. Elinor could see him in there. He was staring at his computer but not typing on it.

Elinor opened her computer and decided she would read everything on the, industriously, until J.W. came back. For example, right now, the lead story was something called “The Real Problem I Have with Democracy,” next to a picture of an empty Senate building on a cloudy day. If you clicked on the picture of the empty Senate building, you could read that article. Another headline was “Why the Republicans Are Wrong About Solar Power,” next to a picture of the sun. If you clicked on the sun you could read a four-hundred-word piece about solar power that started with the sentence “There is a lot of stupidity about Solar Power out there, but Rep. Jim Thomson (R-CO) epitomizes exactly the kind of regressive thinking that no one can stand.” Next to that was a list called “10 Cute Things That Make Adele Your Best Friend.”

After Elinor finished reading all the, she started Googling the company. Elinor found a recent article about in Memo Points Daily almost immediately (“What Needs to Do in the Online World [And What It’s Not Doing”]). The thrust of the article was that claimed to disrupt journalism, but that no one read it ever. “Sean Patterson’s made a lot of promises and didn’t deliver. Instead of disrupting the space, it’s an unmitigated flop.”

Elinor felt a numbness that settled in her throat when she finished the article. Was it true? Was she working at a terrible place? Did Mike think thoughts like that? But looked almost exactly like Memo Points Daily, which looked exactly like BuzzFeed, which looked exactly like something called, which looked exactly like They all had a mix of opinion pieces, lists, and dutifully reported news, like a Facebook feed. How was there even a hierarchy of any kind? Maybe had slightly more lists than most of the others—but was that so bad?

At some point, she stumbled on an article from 2012 called “Is This Man Hacking Journalism?” accompanied by a picture of Sean Patterson, the CEO of the, holding a newspaper and ripping it in two and then standing on newspapers that were crumpled up on the floor. Sean had large eyes with protrudent bottom lids. He had curly, thinning hair that was flecked with gray. He was wearing a T-shirt and Converse sneakers. Under the picture it read: “Journalism is broken, we need a new model.”

Elinor read the article and she learned some useful information. Sean’s father knew a lot of journalists. (As a child, Sean had played catch with Bob Woodward.) At some point, Sean became a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley and then he realized that the old model for journalism doesn’t work anymore.

“No disrespect to my dad or anything,” Sean said in the article. “I just don’t think telling people what to think works anymore. I think they make their minds up for themselves. That being said, great journalism never goes out of style—which is why we have some accomplished investigative reporters working alongside new-media innovators. That’s the special mix that we’re bringing. You can be smart and stupid at the same time.” Elinor wondered if J.W. was an accomplished investigative reporter. He was the only old man here, so it was probably so. The thought filled her with the shamefaced conviction that she had not treated him with enough deference.

She decided to email that article to Mike with the subject line “Cool!”

It was now 1:00 p.m. J.W. was still sitting in the conference room and staring at his computer but not typing. Was there something she should be doing that she wasn’t? Should she get up and talk to J.W. even though he said he was going to come back and talk to her? She could get lunch, but what if she was called to do something during lunch? There seemed nothing to do but introduce herself to her seatmate. Elinor tapped the girl next to her on the arm.

“Hey,” Elinor said. The girl looked a little startled, but took off her headphones and placed them on her neck. The headphones were giant white conical spheres. The girl had pointy ears, messy hair, and makeup all over her eyes.

“Hi,” said the girl, very quietly. “Sorry, I’m just on Adderall. I was zoning out. What’s up?” The room was extremely quiet. No one else was speaking. There was only the tapping of keys, pittering in the background like a gentle drizzle.

“Hey, so, no worries, sorry to bother you.” Elinor was embarrassed now at the loud and hollow sound of her voice. “But I’m new here. My name’s Elinor.”

“Hey,” said the girl. She held out her hand. “Oh my god, I’m like, shaking a little. Do you see that? Look at my hand. I’m Nicole.”

“When did you start working here?”

“Like, a couple of months ago.”

“Cool! Do you like it?”

“It’s stressful.” Nicole got pinged on chat; it echoed faintly through her headphones. Her chat box changed from blue to red.

“Oh, fuck this bitch,” said Nicole.

“What?” said Elinor.

“She’s saying that my story ‘Cats Explaining Feminism to Me’ is like, too much like this story she’s doing.”


“Ugh. What a bitch. It’s so not.”

“Wow,” said Elinor.

“I know, right,” said Nicole, who didn’t look up from her screen. She was still typing into her chat box.

“I’m trying to figure out what to do today, actually.”

“Has J.W. told you?”

“Not yet,” said Elinor.

“That sucks,” said Nicole. “Well, what’s your name? Let me add you on Insta and stuff. Nice to meet you.” Once she got all of Elinor’s information (her full name, her Instagram, her Snapchat, her Yik Yak, her, she put her headphones back on.

Elinor went back to looking at her computer screen. She tried to find Sean Patterson on Facebook and realized that there were a lot of Sean Pattersons. At some point, during the progress of Elinor’s reading, Peter walked to the front of the room, his hands clasped behind his neck. Elinor didn’t notice Peter was standing there until he cleared his throat loudly.

“Attention, everyone. Please stop what you’re doing. Sean is coming in. There’s an all-hands meeting in two minutes. I think he’s bringing cake.” Peter smiled as if he had made a joke. No one looked up or laughed or acknowledged what he’d said. Then he walked quickly into the kitchen. Nicole made a face and took off her headphones.

“Oh god no.” She must have been listening through the headphones. Were the headphones even playing music?

“Why no?” said Elinor.

“I hate these,” said Nicole. “I actually really have a lot to do today and I had the shittiest night last night, like the fucking worst night of my fucking life.”

Elinor heard some vague commotion behind her, so she turned around. J.W. had emerged, bleary-eyed, from his conference room, and was shaking hands with a man in a cashmere sweater and jeans. It was Sean Patterson.

Sean Patterson’s hair was slightly grayer than it looked in the picture, and he was shorter, but more muscular. (He had large and not particularly attractive circular muscles that wrapped around his rib cage. You could see them through the sweater he was wearing.) He wore very dirty sneakers despite his old face. While talking to J.W. he kept patting him on the back. Eventually, he strode up to the front of the room, followed by a ghostly girl holding a cake box.

“Hello, everyone,” said Sean, who settled himself next to an empty plastic folding table. The pale girl put the cake on the table. “How are you all doing?”

People mumbled in stilted assent. Sean had a high but commanding voice that articulated certain words very forcefully.

“I wanted to call this meeting because, well, I think it’s important for all of us to be on the same page in terms of all the new initiatives we’re bringing on here in the run-up to the election. This is a very, very exciting time at the,” said Sean. “It’s a big time for change.”

Sean smiled broadly, showing white, square, capped teeth.

“Look at this room. We have some of my favorite journalists in this room.” Sean paused. Everyone tittered nervously, not knowing, perhaps, whether this was a joke. “Peter is one of my favorite journalists, Dwight is one of my favorite journalists, and Josh, of course Josh. Let’s give Josh a round of applause for his new piece—‘Despite the Carnival, the Party Decides.’ ”

Everyone clapped halfheartedly, and an adenoidal twenty-four-year-old with a bald spot took a bow. Elinor saw J.W. looking at the floor, his hands balled into fists.

“But in order for us to provide some of my favorite writers to the world, we need to concentrate on some revenue-growing activities. And that’s why we really need to concentrate on something I talk a lot about—going viral and adding video! Because I really do think this business will be at some point profitable. I really do. I just think we need to really focus on trying to do that. But at the same time, never sacrificing the great journalism that has made a guardian for the public sector! I don’t want to make anyone nervous, I just want you guys to know what’s important for the purposes of transparency. And we also have cake, guys, which is pretty sick.”

Sean gestured to the cake, which was being cut up and laid out on the table by his ghost/assistant. Then he walked purposefully toward J.W. and started talking to him in a low and confidential voice. They eventually wandered toward the conference room, at which point most people in the newsroom wandered up to the front of the room and took cake slices, silently. Elinor got cake too. She helped herself to a large slice and sat back down at her table. Nicole ate her cake with her headphones on.

Elinor ate all of her cake, which was dry and tasted faintly of lemon even though it was ostensibly vanilla, and wondered about what to do. As J.W. seemed busy for the rest of the day (it was now kind of late), Elinor decided she should probably talk to Peter about what to do. He seemed to be in charge.

Peter was sitting at the table where the cake had been (now deserted of people; the cake had been moved to an unseen locale). He too was wearing headphones and typing. A narrow slice of cake lay untouched next to his computer. Some crumbs had dribbled onto the paper plate the cake was on, like he had dragged his fork across the cake, almost eaten it, and then decided against it.

“Peter,” said Elinor.

“Uh, hi,” said Peter, startled. He took his headphones off, and they clattered on top of his computer keyboard. He sighed like she was interrupting important business, even though Elinor could see all he was doing was chatting into various portals.

“I’m just wondering if you had any idea what I should be doing? This was my first day and no one has really said what exactly a special viral content editor is—”

“Well, what do you think you’re supposed to be doing?” Peter leaned back in his chair.

“I don’t know.” Elinor said this more quickly than she meant to. “No one has told me anything. I’ve been here since nine a.m. and I haven’t seen anything that would tell me what I would be doing.”

“Well, this position takes a lot of initiative, Elinor. That’s the first aspect of any job. Take initiative.”

Elinor was torn between a sharp sense of injustice and a deeper fear that perhaps she had not been doing the right thing by continually Googling random topics. Guilt colored her future comments.

“Well, I didn’t even know what I was doing for sure.”

“You are replacing Elizabeth,” Peter said, gazing at her in a fixed way. “What I want you to do for the next couple of days, I just want you to get a feel for the site. At the end of the week, I want you to come up with a viral thing that goes viral. Maybe like something bad that happened to you. Or a funny list. You can look up what Elizabeth did. And then just upload it to the site, I’ll email you directions on how to do that. I’ll try to look over it when I can, but don’t feel the need to run everything by me, because this job is about initiative. I do more investigative journalism? I’m writing a piece about how millennials are the first generation to switch jobs a lot and how that’s actually good for them—”

“Well, that’s not really an investigative journalism piece,” said Elinor. “That’s more like an opinion piece.”

“No, it’s an investigation piece. I’m calling people, like this psychologist.”

“But still, you have an opinion. The opinion is that it’s good for them. That’s an opinion piece.”

“No. Not really. I think that’s actually false objectivity,” said Peter. “Anyway, have any questions on your job?”

“No,” said Elinor, even though she did. She trudged back to her table.

She sat down next to Nicole again.

“So, do you know what your job is?” asked Nicole, without taking off her headphones.

“Kind of,” said Elinor.

“That’s so fucked,” said Nicole.

Elinor stared at her computer screen. The enormity of her task paralyzed her.

Luckily, Elinor could see a bunch of people getting up and going home. It was about 6:00 p.m. Elinor waited for Peter to get up from his seat, which he did, at 7:30. Then she left out the same door.