Recent Titles in Reflections on the Civil War Era
Weary of War: Life on the Confederate Home Front
Joe A. Mobley
The Civil War at Sea
Craig L. Symonds
Politics and America in Crisis: The Coming of the Civil War
Michael S. Green
The Confederacy: The Slaveholders’ Failed Venture
Paul D. Escott
The Black Experience in the Civil War South
Stephen V. Ash
The Civil War in the East: Struggle, Stalemate, and Victory
Brooks D. Simpson
Civil War Journalism
Ford Risley
The Civil War in the Border South
Christopher Phillips
American Civil War Guerrillas: Changing the Rules of Warfare
Daniel E. Sutherland
The Civil War and the West: The Frontier Transformed
Carol L. Higham
Veterans North and South: The Transition from Soldier to Civilian after the American Civil War
Paul A. Cimbala
Food and Agriculture during the Civil War
R. Douglas Hurt