


The Sexy Seniors presentation went off without a hitch although it was hard for Cameron to keep her mind from wandering to the investigation. Her clients were thrilled with the idea and designs of the screen printing and the campaign she outlined. After putting their stamp of approval on the program, the VP of marketing continued raving about the choice of attractive senior models in place of the youthful ones they used while with another agency.


MEANWHILE, KATE AND Danny kept busy researching and pulling favors. It was nearly lunchtime when Kate’s cell phone rang.

“Hey, pretty lady, Danny Garrett here. What are you up to? Thought you might like to discuss our progress over lunch at the Sidewalk Cafe down on the boardwalk. Are you game?”

Kate saved her work and said, “I could manage that. I have a meeting with a client at four, but that gives me plenty of time and I’ve got a lot to share with you. If we have time, I might even run this client’s case past you to get your professional opinion. Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be ready.”

“Okay. Wear walking shoes. See you in fifteen.”

Kate had to admit Cameron was right. Her interest in Danny was far more than simply his input to the Shady investigation. Who wouldn’t be attracted to this guy? Handsome, financially secure, sense of humor and mutual interests. She quickly changed from her designer outfit into jeans and a tee shirt inscribed with, “If it’s a Fraud, I’ll Bust It” that scrolled across her chest. She added a pair of Nike runners, ran a brush through her long auburn hair, and was ready when Danny rang the bell. She would have time to change back to business clothes before going to meet her client, so that was no problem.

They walked along Washington to the boardwalk and turned right. The usual wacky scene that played out every day was a fascinating sight that attracted tourists and locals alike. Street performers lined the area between the walk and the grass with everything from jugglers to acrobats and musicians. Vendors hawked all kinds of merchandise from crystals to artwork and jewelry. Sometimes a scruffy-looking fellow hammered out songs on an old-fashioned upright piano he wheeled onto the boardwalk.

Hoards of people young and old surrounded the good performers, while the untalented wannabes did their shtick whether anyone watched them or not. Guys and gals on roller blades whooshed their way through the droves of people. One almost crashed into Danny but managed to arc around him at the last minute. Drifters carrying backpacks meandered with the flow, some leaving pungent scents in their wake, some accompanied by cute dogs who looked like they could stand a bath. Finally, after passing the tee shirt shops and sunglasses stands, they arrived at the Sidewalk Cafe situated next to Small World Books.

As always there was a line waiting to get into the popular eatery. Kate shook her head, looking at the line.

“Danny, I’m sorry but I won’t have the time to wait. Can we go somewhere else?”

Instead of answering, Danny leaned over the low railing along the sidewalk and waved to the host as he seated a foursome. The host called out, “Come around this way, Danny. Got your table all ready for you.”

He led them to a choice table on the patio along the railing.

“Wow, I’m impressed. Friend of yours?”

“Yeah. Pays to know people. Let’s order. Then we can get down to business. I’ll keep an eye on the time for you.”

“As long as we’re out of here by two, I’m okay. My meeting is in Santa Monica, so it isn’t that far. I’ll be done with it in time for all of us to get together tonight, but this way you and I get to preview what each of us knows. I guess you eat here quite often. Any suggestions?” She flashed her best engaging smile. A sort of nonverbal way of saying, “I like you.”

“Since you asked, if you like burgers, I’d highly recommend the Timothy Leary.”

Not bothering to look at the menu she said, “Leary? The LSD guy? Okay, I’ll bite, what’s in it?”

“Sautéed mushrooms, avocado and cheese. Or, you could really go for it if you have a hearty appetite. I’m having the Ernest Hemmingway—filet mignon with lettuce, tomato and onion. I even have some breath spray.”

“I see. Always prepared. And why might you need the breath spray?” She let that last comment rest while she thought for a moment then said, “Make it two. Ernie for me, too, medium rare.”

“You mean with that great figure you’re not one of those women watching her weight? I didn’t know creatures like you existed.”

A little smile played around her lips. He noticed. I think he likes me.

After they ordered, Danny said, “Okay Sherlock, what did you find?”

She chuckled. “Sherlock was a guy, although I guess some have debated that. But okay, I’ll be the female Holmes. Will you be my Watson?”

“What? And keep you on the straight and narrow? I don’t think so, but I will be your adjunct investigator. That way we can both check out different things. So, I repeat, what did you find?”

Kate gifted him with a flirtatious grin. “Well the woman known as Barbara Shady is indeed shady. My investigator has just scratched the surface, and I’ve already told Cameron some of this, but the lady in question apparently has a penchant for marrying wealthy older men who somehow don’t seem to live a long time after the nuptials.”

“No shit. A possible Black Widow? Did your person say how many marriages?”

“Yep. Six in fifteen years and the widow profited handsomely each time her geezer kicked the bucket in seemingly natural ways. The good doctor was number six, and he made it longer than any of the others. Not only that, but Cami was right about her age, too. My researcher, Brady, found conflicting ages on the records he was able to access. Looks like that trophy wife was actually fifty-three years old, she’s originally from Poway, California near San Diego, and her maiden name was Barbara Overbeck. You gotta love Cami. She wanted the name of the lovely Mrs. Shady’s plastic surgeon.”

The waiter interrupted the conversation by asking if they wanted coffee. A little breeze had kicked up, but it felt gentle as it ruffled Kate’s hair. She glanced at her watch and then at Danny. “Okay, I’ll have a coffee, black. I still have about half an hour. Your turn. Fill me in on what you discovered. Can your friend trace the money?