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Garrett’s final input was that the DEA was going to be rounding up all the white coat drug dealers and the rest of the organization. Like a rat trapped in a cage, she had given up every one of them, hoping for some sort of deal. Before fleeing from the house on Grand Canal, Barbara Shady had grabbed any hard copy file that had to do with her business. The rest was on her password-controlled laptop.
He said Barrington didn’t think her attorney would be able to negotiate much. He figured she might have been able to cut some sort of a deal for giving up the doctors, pharmacists and distributors, but the fact that she was a serial killer wanted in several cities was another story.
They spent another hour discussing the challenges and successes of the past few weeks, frequently congratulating themselves on a job well done. Then Maggie said, “I really feel proud of what we were able to accomplish together. If you find more dead bodies or crazy frauds or scams, let me know. I’m always up for trying to put the pieces together. And, I loved meeting all of you. I’ve gotta wrap it up. I have an early showing tomorrow. Great property in the Beverly Hills flats.”
Matt wanted to know if she and Danny were going to write a book based on everything that happened.
Garrett winked and said, “You never know, Matt. Could be. Maggie and I were discussing the possibility.” As Matt opened his mouth to say something, Garrett said jokingly, “Yep, I know, Buddy. If we do, you can play yourself if it goes to film.”
“Touché,” the actor said. He stood up and stretched. His form-fitting tee showed off his toned body. “Well, I’ve gotta hit the road, too. Great work, guys. Can’t wait to hear what happens to her. Whatever it is, it won’t be good, and she certainly won’t be living in the lap of luxury in Casablanca. I’ve always believed what goes around comes around. Looks like that held true this time.”
THE NEXT MORNING WHILE Cameron was deeply immersed in her Sexy Seniors campaign, her cell rang. She didn’t want to break her momentum, but when she saw Kim’s name on the screen, she hit Talk.
“Hi, Cami. I wanted to call and congratulate you on the great job you guys did and please pass it on to your team. Nathan is delighted and so am I, but I’m jealous, too. Did you miss the third FraudBuster at all? You know I would have gotten away if I could, but it looks like Danny Garrett’s friend Maggie filled my slot.”
Cameron flashed on past escapades with Kate and Kim, then said, “Maggie was great, but no one can fill your shoes. You will really like her and if you ever get out here, I’ll make sure you meet her and Danny. Truthfully, it was her friend in Beverly Hills—well her friend’s daughter—who gave us the real break. Otherwise Barbara, or Briana, or any one of who knows how many other names, would have boarded that ship and we never would have known she left the country. She would have pulled it off.”
They chatted for a while longer, then Kim said, do you think Kate might make another trip to LA in say, two weeks?
“Why do you ask?”
Kim said with unbridled enthusiasm, “Because Nathan and I are taking our vacation then, and we’re coming to LA first. We’ll be there for a whole week, then plan to head up to Seattle, spend a few days there and catch the ferry to Victoria in time for the Canada Day celebration. I hear it’s fantastic. Nathan gave me the job of setting up a dinner at a restaurant of your choice so he can meet the Colonel, Danny, Maggie and Matt, and of course, see Kate again. He wants to thank them personally. Um, Matt can bring his wife so she doesn’t feel left out, and you can bring Milt. Can you do it?”
“Can I do it? If I can convince seniors that disposable panties are sexy, I can certainly handle that.”