Then it stopped.
Steve peeped through his fingers.
He saw the librarian smiling at him from behind his desk.
Steve put his legs down. With some relief, he felt the floor. Instinctively, he pushed his hands forward and touched the front of the librarian’s desk. It felt cool and solid. He tapped the oak legs. They felt heavy and strong.
‘Sorry about that,’ said a voice behind him.
Steve saw big Mo, smiling from beneath his pork-pie hat.
‘What happened?’ spluttered Steve.
‘Turbulence,’ said Big Mo.
‘We sometimes experience turbulence,’ added the librarian, trying to sound as helpful as possible.
‘If I could ask you to sign this form and return the conductor’s baton, I’d be most grateful.’
Steve watched as the librarian pushed a piece of paper towards him.
‘It’s nothing special, just a formality.’
Steve read the top of the piece of paper: ‘Return of Dream Equipment Loaned by the Library of Dreams’.
Steve stuck his hand in his pocket. He produced the conductor’s baton and placed it carefully on the table.
‘Was it useful?’ asked the librarian.
‘Totally,’ said Steve. ‘I could never have a conducted an orchestra without one.’
‘Good work, Steve,’ said Big Mo.
‘What happened in the end?’ asked Steve, as he signed the Return of Dream Equipment form.
‘Didn’t you see?’
‘No,’ said Steve, pushing the paper and the baton back to the librarian.
‘It was a complete turnaround, what we in the business call a 180.’
Steve didn’t quite understand.
‘The Countess of Shropshire fell in love with Liam because he’d blown the Earl’s boring orchestra out of the water. But guess what? Liam fell in in love with Wolfie because she was a genius, she was great fun and she looked great when she wasn’t wearing a wig. You saved the day again, Steve,’ said Big Mo.
‘The Captain rejoined his crew and they sailed around the capital cities of Europe, with Liam and Wolfie putting on musical events from the decks of the old ship,’ added the librarian. ‘They really were happy ever after. And so were Earl Mostyn and the Countess.’
‘I’m glad about that,’ said Steve, handing his eighteenth-century clothes back to the librarian.
‘See you next time,’ said Big Mo. ‘Thanks for your help, Steve.’
Steve smiled. He hurried back through the library and stepped out through the great arched door.
‘No problem,’ he said, as he jumped onto his roof and squeezed himself back through the window into the top bunk. ‘There was one thing though. I met this man – his name was Twoface. Who’s he?’
But Big Mo had gone – the dream was over.
Steve sat next to Kyled who squeezed in next to Mum. The Riverfront concert hall in Newport was packed. The audience fell silent. The lights dimmed.
Shadowy figures hurried onto the stage.
Steve heard four clicks. He mouthed the words, ‘One, two, three, four’, tapping his index finger like a baton.
The music started. The spotlights flashed over the stage and Jaydee and Miffany danced to the front of the stage each holding a microphone.
We are the Piratellas,
Steve and Kyled sung along. All around the crowd clapped and cheered. Steve climbed onto his chair and waved his arms in the air. He was conducting again.