‘Eva!’ Devin screamed.
Eva could feel Devin tugging at her arm through the wire fence, but somehow she couldn’t move. Jahmin lay across her lap, his body too broken to continue, his spirit finally gone. She felt as cold as he was.
‘He’s dead, Eva! Come on.’
Rocky clambered over the fence. ‘I’ll bring him,’ he promised, and Eva finally crawled through the wire to Devin, flinching as a series of explosions went off. A dreadful vibration through the earth set her teeth rattling in her gums, and she clenched her jaw tight, scared they were going to fall out of her head altogether. Blood dripped from her nose, and her pulse jumped eagerly in her wrists as though it was trying to get out.
They ran in the same direction as the guards, Eva holding tight to Devin’s hand, Jahmin’s body held tight in Rocky’s arms. Some of the horses had leapt the fence and were pounding through the crowd, trampling those unfortunates who couldn’t get out of the way in time. The air was thick with the pungent smell of boiling mud. Trees were thrashing wildly in the vicious winds that had sprung up.
A dense shadow moved across the camp and everyone looked up at the huge metallic dome arcing overhead.
Eva and Rocky gazed at the flashing lights. Devin gave an awed, ‘Wow’.
And the ship rose high into the air, higher and higher until it was just a black dot, and then … it was nothing.