Being the best is about impressing people, and a great way to convince everyone you are very, very clever, and extremely important, is to become an expert. The best way to become an expert is to become an ‘-ologist’.
You can easily get certain ‘-ologies’ under your belt at school by studying subjects like biology or technology. However, if you don’t like these, don’t worry, as there’s an -ology for just about everything. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Palaeontology – Studying fossils.
Archaeology – Studying history by searching for, and digging up, old ruins and objects.
Egyptology – Studying Ancient Egypt.
Mythology – Studying myths.
Ecology – Studying the environment and the animals and plants that live in it.
Geology – Studying rocks.
Ornithology – Studying birds.
As you can see, -ologies sound pretty impressive. Why say you go bell-ringing when you can tell people that you’re an expert ‘campanologist’?
If you can’t decide which -ology to go for, here are a few tips:
• The most impressive -ologies are those that are hard to pronounce, especially if people don’t know what the word means. For instance, you could become an ‘ichthyologist’ (an expert in fish), or a ‘vexillologist’ (an expert in flags).
• Some -ologies are easier to become an expert in than others as you don’t need qualifications. For example, ‘cryptozoology’ is the study of animals that may or may not exist. So, if you go off hunting for the Loch Ness Monster or a Yeti – even if you don’t find one – you are a cryptozoologist.
You can, of course, invent your own -ologies to make your interests seem important. ‘Eating-ice-cream-ology’ won’t impress anyone, but experts have a trick – they use the ancient Latin language to create -ologies. The Latin for ‘to have dinner’ is ‘cenare’ and the Latin for ‘ice’ is ‘glacies’, so an expert in eating ice cream for dinner could be a ‘cenareglaciesologist’. Now there you have a tasty field of expertise that will make sure everyone is amazed by your intelligence.