You know you’re a funny guy, right? Well, even top comedians need to practise their hilarious gags. A lift is the perfect place to brush up on your humour, as your audience can’t go anywhere. Try out these tips and see how long their patience holds out.
• Salute and say, ‘Welcome aboard!’ every time someone gets into the lift.
• Sit down and start barking like a dog.
• Pretend to be a flight attendant. Tell people how to fasten their seatbelts, where the nearest exits are, and what happens if the lift lands on water.
• Ask everyone for a high-five at each floor.
• Suggest a game of charades, and start to act things out.
• Open your bag and, while looking inside, say, ‘I’ll get you some food as soon as I can.’
• Spin around and around in the centre of the lift.