A lot of people are unkind about goldfish, saying they only remember things for three seconds and that they are not very intelligent. Well, here’s how to prove them wrong by teaching your goldfish to be a soccer star.
First, prepare your pitch. Buy green pebbles for the bottom of your goldfish’s bowl or tank from your local pet shop. Next, make a simple goal using three small sticks taped together. Don’t use a net, though – you don’t want your goldfish getting tangled up.
Have you ever noticed that whenever you go near the fish tank, the fish swim to the surface? This is because they know they might be fed when someone comes near the tank. It is this behaviour that will help you train them.
• Put a small ball in the tank – light enough for the fish to be able to move but heavy enough to sink in the water.
• Now, wait. Sooner or later, the fish will nudge the ball. When this happens, give a tiny piece of food to the fish.
• Wait until the fish moves the ball again and drop in another piece of food. If you do this often enough, the fish will learn that nudging the ball leads to being fed and will start to move the ball around. You will need to be patient with your fish as it does take time to learn. It will probably take a couple of training sessions a day for two to three weeks to turn your goldfish into a footballing legend.
• It is very important not to overfeed the fish. Don’t give it more than its usual daily allowance and stop feeding the fish if it doesn’t swim up and eat the food immediately.
Congratulations! You are now a successful goldfish trainer. You’ll be able to move on to dolphins next.