‘Find the Lady’ is guaranteed to catch your friends out. This is a trick that uses ‘sleight of hand’, which means you use skilful hand movements to confuse the audience.
1. Take a pack of playing cards and remove two kings and one queen. The queen is the ‘Lady’ the audience has to find. To help you perform this trick, bend the three cards slightly down the middle, so that the backs curve into a gentle ‘upside-down-V’ shape.
2. Lay the cards out face down on the table, and pick each one up to show your audience what is on them.
3. Pick up one of the kings and hold it in your right hand, with your thumb at the bottom and your middle finger at the top. Don’t grip the card too tightly.
4. Next, pick up the queen in your right hand and hold it in front of the king with your thumb at the bottom and your ring finger at the top.
5. Hold the second king in your left hand in the same way as the first king, with your thumb at the bottom of the card and your middle finger at the top.
6. This is where it gets tricky. Flick your right hand sharply down towards the table, and release your middle finger as you do so, so that the king is thrown face down onto the table. It will take some practice to do this smoothly, but once you’ve cracked it, it will look as though it is the bottom card – the queen – that has landed on the table, not the king.
7. With your left hand, put the king to the right of the king lying on the table.
8. With your right hand, put the queen on the left of the king, so the queen will actually be on the left, but the audience will think that she’s in the middle.
9. Keep your eye on the king in the middle, and slowly shuffle the cards around, making sure that the king ends up back in the middle where he started.
10. Ask the person watching to ‘Find the Lady’. He will point to the card in the middle, thinking this is the queen. Turn the card over to reveal that it is the king and watch his mouth drop open in surprise.