Have you ever tripped and fallen over in public? If so, you probably found that hearing people laughing at you was more painful than the bruises you collected. Everybody falls down now and then, and it’s important to know how to do this without looking silly.
The best way is to make it look as if you fell on purpose. Here are a few ideas of things you can do to avoid the laughter:
• Make your fall look like part of a move by springing straight back up. For example, if you fall on your back, bend your knees, push yourself up and strike a martial arts pose. Then, look at your friends and say, ‘I bet you can’t do that.’
• If you fall forwards, roll with the fall so that you fall, roll and get up all in one cool move. As soon as you are on your feet, carry on walking as if nothing has happened.
• If you fall flat on your face, shout, ‘Come on, everybody, let’s see who can do the most press ups!’ Then start pushing up and down.
• Wintertime can make things extra hazardous, as the ground can often be slippery with ice or snow. If you fall down in the snow, start moving your arms and legs up and down and pretend that you suddenly decided to make a snow angel.
• To disguise a fall where you end up on your back, stay down, put your hands behind your head and pretend you are having a rest. This can work well in a field, but not so well if you fall down in the middle of a supermarket.