When you’ve been running around in the sunshine, there’s no better refreshment than an ice-cold glass of good old-fashioned ginger beer, and it’s even better when you’ve made it yourself. This recipe will make enough ginger beer to fill a large bottle.


You Will Need:

• 450 ml water • 2 heaped tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped • a lemon • 250 g sugar • ½ teaspoon cream of tartar • 800 ml cold water • ½ teaspoon dried yeast


1. Measure 450 ml of water into a saucepan.

2. Cut the lemon into thick slices and add the slices to the pan with the chopped ginger.

3. Add the sugar and the cream of tartar.

4. Bring your mixture to the boil, stirring it slowly. Then turn the heat down and let it simmer (boil gently) for five minutes. Ask an adult to help you with this bit.

5. Add the 800 ml of cold water and immediately remove the pan from the heat, then sprinkle the yeast over your mixture.

6. Let the pan cool for five minutes, then put a cloth over the top of it and tie it round with string or a large elastic band so it does not touch the water. The mixture now needs to be left for 24 hours. It doesn’t need to go in the fridge, but keep it out of direct sunlight.


7. You need a clean plastic bottle for your ginger beer. A 1½ litre plastic cola bottle is fine, but it is very important to clean it thoroughly with hot water. Make sure you use a plastic bottle as glass ones can explode.

8. Strain your mixture through a sieve into a measuring jug and then pour it into the plastic bottle. It is also very important that you leave some empty space at the top of the bottle for the build-up of fizzy gas.


9. Put the lid on your bottle and leave it for two days. About four times each day unscrew the lid a little bit to let the gas out and then screw it on again.

10. Your ginger beer should now be ready to drink. Chill it in the fridge for a while so it’s nice and cold before you drink it. Make sure you drink it within three days, while it’s still fresh.