There’s nothing to compare with the sheer fun and excitement of a food fight, and there’s no food quite so messy as a good, old-fashioned custard pie.
The good news is that custard pies are very easy to make. A secret known to clowns and slapstick comedians is that the custard pies used on TV shows are not actually made out of custard at all. They’re great for throwing, but not for eating! Here’s how to make your very own pies for throwing.
You Will Need:
• a mixing bowl • shaving foam • yellow food colouring • paper plates • bin bags or overalls for the pie throwers
1. Spray some foam into the mixing bowl and mix it with yellow food colouring. This will be your ‘custard’. Make sure that all your fellow pie-throwers know that it is not edible.
2. Next, put the yellow foam onto a paper plate and spray a little bit of white foam around the edge for decoration.
3. Shaving foam is quite safe but can sting a little bit. To prevent this, leave your pie to one side for a couple of hours before you throw it to let the sting evaporate.
4. Stage your pie fight outside, on grass, as shaving foam is slippery underfoot. Make sure every pie-thrower covers his clothes with old overalls or a bin bag, as the ‘custard’ can stain. Don’t stand too close to anyone you’re aiming at. Balance your pie in the palm of your hand and throw it at your target.