Aubrey: Aubrey’s Brief Lives (1949) edited by Oliver Lawson Dick.
Burnet: History of His Own Time (1687; 1833 edition in six volumes). Oxford. Vol. I, p477.
Cooke: ‘The Life of Andrew Marvell Esq’ from The Works of Andrew Marvell, Esq (1726; 1772 edition), edited by Thomas Cooke, Vol. I.
Grosart: The Works of Andrew Marvell Esq. (1872; four Volumes). Vol. IV contains all prose cited other than The Rehearsal and the letters.
DNB: The Dictionary of National Biography.
Kelliher: Andrew Marvell: Poet and Politician, 1621–78 (1978) by Hilton Kelliher. Catalogue of a British Library exhibition to commemorate the tercentenary of his death, 14 July-1 October 1678.
L.: The Poems and Letters of Andrew Marvell: Volume II. Letters (1971). Edited by H.M. Margoliouth. Third edition revised by Pierre Legouis with the collaboration of E.E. Duncan-Jones. Oxford.
Legouis 1928: André Marvell: poète, puritain, patriote, 1621–1678 (1928). Paris and London.
Legouis 1965: Andrew Marvell: Poet. Puritan. Patriot (1965; second edition 1968). Oxford.
Leishman: The Art of Marvell’s Poetry (1966; second edition 1968) by J.B. Leishman. P.: The Poems and Letters of Andrew Marvell: Volume I. Poems (1971) edited by H.M. Margoliouth. Third edition revised by Pierre Legouis with the collaboration of E.E. Duncan-Jones. Oxford. All quotations in the present work are from this edition.
The Rehearsal: The Rehearsal Transpros’d and The Rehearsal Transpros’d the Second Part (1971), edited by D.I.B. Smith. Oxford.
Thompson: The Works of Andrew Marvell Esq … With a New Life of the Author (1776) by Captain Edward Thompson.
Wood: Athenae Oxoniensis: An Exact History of All the Writers and Bishops Who Have Had Their Education in the University of Oxford (1813 edition edited by Philip Bliss in four volumes), IV.
1 . See Tom Paulin, The Day Star of Liberty: William Hazlitt’s Radical Style (1998), p57.
Chapter 1: By the Tide of Humber
1 . Samuel Parker, A Reproof to the Rehearsal Transpros’d, in a Discourse to its Author by the Author of the Ecclesiastical Politie (1673), p270.
2 . Joseph Hall, Virgidemiarum, Book VI (1598), satire I.v. 65–6: ‘A starved tenement, such as I guesse/Stands straggling in the wastes of Holdernesse’. Cited Legouis (1928), p3n. Legouis describes ‘La campagne environnante, plate et triste’, p6.
3 . A.S. Ellis, Notes and Queries, 17 April 1880, p319. Describes three manuscript wills, with notes by a local antiquary, William Cole.
4 . The evidence is presented by L.N. Wall ‘Andrew Marvell of Meldreth’, Notes and Queries, September 1958, pp399–400.
6 . The Rehearsal, pp203–4.
7 . Thomas Fuller, The Worthies of England, ed. John Freeman (1952), p58.
8 . Quoted by Kelliher, p27.
9 . Samuel Parker, A Reproof, p77.
10 . L.N. Wall, Notes and Queries, March 1958, p111.
11 . Norman James Miller, Winestead and Its Lords: the History of a Holderness Village (1933), Hull, p169.
12 . John Lawson, A Town Grammar School Through Six Centuries (1963), Hull, p83.
13 . Mr Smirke or The Divine in Mode (1676), Grosart, Vol. IV, p15.
14 . Samuel Parker, A Reproof, p227.
18 . John Cook, The History of God’s House of Hull Commonly Called the Charterhouse (1882), p148.
19 . Thomas Gent, History of Hull (1735), p39.
21 . T. Tindall Wildridge, The Hull Letters (1886), p164.
22 . John Cook, op. cit., p148.
23 . Thomas Gent, op. cit., p141.
24 . See Hartley Coleridge, The Life of Andrew Marvell (1835), pp4–5.
Chapter 2: Cringes and Genuflexions
1 . Edward Thompson, The Life of That Most Excellent Citizen and Uncorrupted Member of Parliament Andrew Marvell, from The Works of Andrew Marvell (1776), Vol. III, p439.
2 . Kelliher, p20; W.W. Rouse Ball, and J.A. Venn, Admissions to Trinity College Cambridge (1913), Vol. II.
3 . The Rehearsal, p133–4.
4 . Thomas Fuller, The History of the University of Cambridge from the Conquest to the Year 1634 (1655), 1840 edition, p316ff.
5 . See David Masson, The Life of John Milton, 2nd edition (1875), Vol. I, Chapter IV, p75ff.
7 . Pauline Burdon, ‘The Second Mrs Marvell’, Notes and Queries, February 1982, pp33–44. See also her two articles on ‘Marvell and his Kindred’, Notes and Queries, September 1984 and June 1985.
8 . J. Kenyon, in Andrew Marvell Essays on the Tercentenary of his Death (1979), p7.
11 . Thomas Cooke, The Life of Andrew Marvell (1726; 1772 edition), Vol. I, pp4–5.
12 . See both Kelliher, p25, and H.M. Margoliouth, Modern Languages Review (1922), XVII, pp353–6.
13 . The Rehearsal, pp131–2.
Chapter 3: At the Sign of the Pelican
1 . Samuel Parker, A Reproof, p270.
2 . John Milton, Letter to John Bradshaw, Public Record Office, State Papers Domestic 18/33. No. 75. Also in Kelliher, p56.
4 . The evidence is reviewed by H.M. Margoliouth, Modern Languages Review, 1922, XVII, p355–6.
5 . William Empson, ‘Natural Magic and Populism in Marvell’s Poetry’, Using Biography (1984), p4.
6 . A point made by John Kenyon, ‘Andrew Marvell: Life and Times’, R.L. Brett (ed.), Andrew Marvell: Essays on the Tercentenary (1979), p7–8.
7 . See Margoliouth, loc. cit., pp356–60.
8 . See, for example, L.364n.
9 . H.M. Margoliouth, Review of English Studies (1926), Vol. 2, No. 5, January, pp96–7.
11 . For this speculation as well as a full account of these deeds, see Pauline Burdon, ‘Marvell after Cambridge’, British Library Journal, 1978, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp42–8.
12 . Samuel Parker, A Reproof, pp274–5.
15 . The speculation about Edward Skinner and Marvell being his tutor in Rome was made by H.M. Margoliouth in a letter to The Times Literary Supplement, 5 June 1924, p356. The contrary evidence from Padua was presented by L.N. Wall in Notes and Queries, June 1962, p219.
16 . Quoted in Augustine Birrell, Andrew Marvell (1905), p20.
17 . Joseph Gillow, A Literary and Biographical Dictionary of the English Catholics from the Breach with Rome, in 1534, to the Present Time, Vol. II (1885), pp293–5.
18 . Richard Fleckno, The Idea of His Highness Oliver, Late Lord Protector etc with Certain Brief Reflexions on His Life (1659).
19 . The theory is Pauline Burdon’s in ‘Andrew Marvell and Richard Flecknoe in Rome’, Notes and Queries, January 1972, pp16–18.
Chapter 4: The World’s Disjointed Axle
1 . ‘Tom May’s Death’, 1165–6. P.96.
2 . The documents are at present in the collection of Hull City Libraries but are reproduced and discussed by Hilton Kelliher, British Library Journal, 1978, No. 4, pp122–9.
3 . Christopher Hill, ‘Society and Andrew Marvell’, in Puritanism and Revolution (1958).
4 . Wood, Vol. III, p.460.
5 . Christopher Hill, God’s Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution (1970; 1972 edition), p117.
7 . See for example: Pierre Legouis, ‘Marvell and the New Critics’, Review of English Studies (1957), Vol. VIII, No. 32, pp382–9; Frank Kermode, ‘Marvell Transprosed’, Encounter, November 1966, XXVII (5), pp77–84; John Carey, ‘Introduction’ in Andrew Marvell: A Critical Anthology (1969); J.P. Kenyon, ‘In pursuit of Marvell’, Times Literary Supplement, 17 November 1978, pp1341–2; Harold Tolliver, ‘The Critical Reprocessing of Andrew Marvell’, English Literary History (1980), No. 47, pp180–203.
9 . Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy (1869; ed. Dover Wilson, 1960), p163.
10 . Samuel Johnson, Lives of the English Poets (Oxford edition, 1906), p14.
11 . See Christopher Hill, ‘Society and Andrew Marvell’, loc. cit.
13 . Wood, quoted in DNB entry on May.
Chapter 5: The Batteries of Alluring Sense
2 . Fairfax, Short Memorials of Some Things to be Cleared During My Command in the Army, in Edward Arber, An English Garner (1896), Vol. VIII, p565.
4 . See Christopher Hill, loc. cit.
5 . Fairfax, Short Memorials, op. cit.
6 . The Poems of John Milton (ed. Carey, 1968), p321.
7 . Clarendon: Selections from The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars and The Life by Himself, ed. G. Huehns (1955), p314.
8 . Aubrey’s Brief Lives, ed. Oliver Lawson Dick (1949), p104.
9 . For Fairfax’s life, see Charles Firth’s entry in DNB and M.A. Gibb, The Lord General (1938), which includes a selection of Fairfax’s poems as an appendix.
10 . The Fairfax–Alured connection is explored in depth by Pauline Burdon in Andrew Marvell: Some Biographical Background: Who Recommended Marvell to Fairfax? (n.d. but based on a paper delivered on 22 May 1975; copy in Local Studies Library, Hull), Polytechnic of Central London, School of Languages.
Chapter 6: Green Thoughts
2 . See Richard Wilson, Times Literary Supplement, 26 November 1971; John Newman, TLS, 28 January 1972; A.A. Tait, TLS, 11 February 1972; J.G. Turner, Notes and Queries, December 1977, pp547–8; W. McLung, Notes and Queries, October 1979, pp433–4; Lee Erickson, English Literary Renaissance, 1979, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp158–68. The issue is also discussed by Kelliher, p46, and Dixon-Hunt, pp80–3.
3 . For a valuable account of this genre see G.R. Hibbard, ‘The Country House Poem of the Seventeenth Century’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute, 1956, XIX, pp159–74.
4 . Certain similarities between the work of Marvell and Thomas Stanley are explored by Kelliher, pp33–4, who thinks their relationship has been underestimated.
5 . See, for example, Lee Erickson, loc. cit.
6 . See John Barnard, ‘Marvell and Denton’s Cataracts’, Review of English Studies (1980), 31, pp310–15.
Chapter 7: A Gentleman Whose Name is Marvell
1 . Samuel Johnson, ‘Life of Milton’, Lives of the English Poets (1906, ed. Arthur Waugh), p85.
2 . Public Record Office, Calendar of State Papers Domestic 1652–1653, p176. SP 18/33, No. 75.
3 . Phillips’s Life is reproduced in Helen Darbishire, The Early Lives of Milton (1932), p74.
4 . Aubrey, op. cit., p203.
5 . See French, The Life Records of John Milton (1958), Vol. V, p278.
6 . Cited in French, op. cit., Vol. III, p296.
7 . Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the Dutton Family, of Sherborne in Gloucestershire, as Represented in the Peerage of England by the Right Hon. the Baron Sherborne (1899, privately printed), author identified as Blacker Morgan, p120.
8 . Dutton, Memoirs, p117.
10 . DNB quoting John Evans, Chronological Outline of the History of Bristol (1824), p192n.
11 . P.315n, citing Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers (1869), Vol. II, p208.
12 . Aubrey, op. cit., p118.
15 . On 3 August 1654 Marvell signed legal documents authenticating two leases at Eton, one to Oxenbridge. See Noel Blakiston, Times Literary Supplement, 8 February 1952, p109.