1. My Soul Then Sings is a tale of many secrets. Consider how the secrets unfolded between Ryan and Patricia. Was their marriage really built on love? Is there a chance for recovery?
2. Ryan struggled with his secret for years and came clean only because of the circumstances. Do you think there are some secrets not worth telling? Tell why or why not.
3. Brian and Karlie were best friends dating other people. Do you think it is possible for men and women to be just friends? Tell why or why not.
4. Jamaal’s faith wavered as he got older and his body craved intercourse. How can you counsel young couples battling lust and strong sexual temptation?
5. Karlie debated if she should give in to Jamaal to keep him from cheating on her. However, her love for God and her principles won over her fleshly desires. What counsel can you give other young women who are in this situation? Can you hold onto God and your man if he is pressuring you for sex? If he loved you, would he pressure you?
6. Karlie and Brian were friends for years before their love developed. Describe the importance of friendship in a relationship. Which is more important for a foundation for marriage: friendship or attraction?
7. Many of the characters had difficulty maintaining their faith when faced with life’s struggles. They often sought their own solutions. What practical advice can you give to keep our faith rooted and grounded in God?
8. Patricia admitted she was a sex addict. Do you believe this is a real addiction or just an excuse to sleep around? Tell why or why not.
9. Should Ryan have stuck by Patricia’s side after her admission, or does he have a legitimate reason to divorce his wife? In your opinion, are there ever good grounds for divorce in Christian marriages?
10. Patricia made a pass at Pastor Ward—oh yeah, let’s talk about that move. Discuss Pastor Ward’s actions following her bold behavior. Did you believe her reasons or was she lying to justify her actions? Do we sometimes develop inappropriate crushes on our ministers because of our pain? What suggestions can you give ministers to keep them from women’s advances?
11. Read the parable of the Sower and the Seed. Do you see Brian’s interpretation of the scripture? Is there hope for seeds that fall on places other than on good ground?
12. Brian was the seed that fell on good ground. Discuss his transformation from the beginning of the story to when he opened his heart to Christ. What role did Karlie play in his path to Christ?
13. Brian had psoriasis, a debilitating disease. He did not receive healing for this, but God healed his heart. What scripture or words of encouragement can we give Brian as a new believer to prepare him for when his next outbreak occurs?