Darkwolf dropped the bonds from around Silver. As he snatched her around the waist, he steeled himself for the familiar sensation of transference.

With the power of the god Balor and his stone eye, Darkwolf had the ability to transfer himself and up to three people at a time. All it took were two words spoken in the god’s ancient tongue.

“Balor bahamenor.”

Silver cried out. He heard the shouts of Copper and the yells of the warriors as he and Silver vanished from witch and D’Danann sight. He left Junga to fend for herself, and the Drow king, as well.

Transference was a rush like no other. Exhilarating. Filled with power. As if he were flying through the sky with wings. His brilliant purple magic flowed around him and his prize.

He finally had her. Silver’s fear was a palpable thing and he smiled.

Although it seemed longer, it took mere moments to transfer from the pier to the new lair where the Balorites and Fomorii now resided.

In order to be large enough to accommodate the Fomorii and to house the number of remaining Balorites, they had selected a penthouse suite that encompassed the entire floor of one of the high-rises. Again they had settled into the lap of luxury. After a taste of wealth, Darkwolf would have no less.

Of course, Elizabeth Black had been wealthy when Junga took over her body, but when she was forced to go into hiding they didn’t dare touch her funds. The police no doubt would investigate her disappearance.

Unfortunately there were no servants. However, the Balorites and Fomorii now had hefty bank accounts that Darkwolf controlled.

This was thanks to the wealthy man who had owned the manor they had formerly inhabited. One of the Fomorii still controlled the man’s body. And now another demon had taken over the shell of the exceedingly rich woman who had owned this penthouse.

All this shot through his mind during the transference. When they reappeared in the penthouse’s large office, Darkwolf gripped the witch Silver tighter to him to ensure she didn’t collapse from what would have been an unfamiliar experience for her.

He shook off the rush of the transference. At the same time, Silver raised her knee and her hand darted to her boot. She jerked out a stiletto knife, and had it buried in his thigh before he had the chance to blink.

Not again.

Pain ripped through him and he lost his grip on Silver.

She spun away into a corner of the office near the computer. She gathered a blue spellfire ball, flung it at him, knocking him on his ass.

Damn, the thing burned like white-hot heat. Not wanting to hurt her, he flung a shield around her and it glistened purple in the office lighting.

“Scum.” Silver was so lovely when she was furious that he could almost forgive her for the pain he now endured.

Not that long ago, during the battle of Samhain, she had buried her knife into his thigh in nearly the same location. A little too close to the groin, but thankfully it hadn’t pierced anything critical.

He gritted his teeth, reached down and yanked the knife from his thigh before he pushed himself to his feet. Blood flowed freely. A fresh bout of pain would have caused him to drop to his knees if it weren’t for the power of Balor that filled him.

Instead, thanks to his magic as a warlock and to the god Balor, the wound had already begun to heal, the flesh slowly knitting itself together beneath his now ripped and bloodied jeans.

He kept his expression as calm as possible as he tossed the bloody stiletto aside where it landed on the white carpet beside a pair of finely crafted wooden file cabinets. Silver’s gaze followed the dagger to where it reddened the formerly pristine carpet.

Her gaze darted back to Darkwolf. Her eyes were a beautiful gray. When she’d torn away from him, her long hair had fallen from beneath the black cap, which now lay on the floor beneath the computer desk. A silver Celtic-knot hair clasp also lay on the floor. Her black jeans hugged her slim figure, but disappointingly, the jacket hid her lush breasts.

“Again in the thigh, Silver?” Darkwolf raised an eyebrow and gave what he hoped was an amused expression. “Why not in the gut?”

“Next time,” she growled and folded her arms across her chest.

She was magnificent. With the most primal urges, he had wanted Silver from the moment he had sensed her gray magic and the power she wielded. And when he had first seen her, he had wanted her even more.

There was something…something special about Silver. His interest in her bordered on obsession. And in the back of his mind he felt as if somehow she could save him.

If I wanted to be saved.

He couldn’t help the sensual smile that curved his lips as he studied her. For some reason she looked even lovelier than ever, but he couldn’t say why.

By Balor, he wanted to take her now, to take her as he’d planned to from that first moment of his awareness of her. But he wouldn’t touch her until she was ready for him.

Soon she would want him as much as he wanted her. Time. Simply time.

And perhaps their joining could do more, could rid him of the evil that consumed him.


The eye warmed on his chest and a sharp pain burst in his mind. He resisted touching his fingertips to his forehead, not wanting to exhibit any sign of weakness.

Regardless of the pain Balor had inflicted, Darkwolf remained certain the god had not heard his thoughts. That was one thing the god had not been able to do—break down the barriers in Darkwolf’s mind when he chose to raise them.

He attempted to mind-speak with Silver, as he had when they were at the pier tonight. He had caught her off guard, invading with his thoughts, and rendering her helpless with his power.

But now she had blocked him as if with steel shields. He couldn’t help but scowl as the power of his thoughts bounced away from her. Yet somehow it aroused him, too.

Darkwolf placed one palm facing Silver and slowly moved it from left to right. His glimmering purple shield strengthened around her, ensuring that she was his prisoner.

Silver’s throat worked and she raised her head a notch. “Afraid, Darkwolf? Afraid that if you drop your shield I’ll have you flat on your ass again and in my control?”

He chuckled. “You’re a powerful witch, Silver Ashcroft, but you couldn’t begin to outdo me.”

“Oh, really?” Silver raised an eyebrow. “Was that why you vanished on Samhain? You certainly didn’t stay for the fight like the rest of us.”

Darkwolf dismissed her question with a smile.

“Why do you want me this time?” Silver asked, her voice cold and cutting. “Does it have anything to do with a certain door that you’re looking for?”

Silver gave him what amounted to a smug expression. “We know a lot, and you won’t get away with your scheme. We even know about your helpers.”

“What do you know of the Drow?” he asked, anger lacing his words.

She just smiled.

For a long moment he studied her, trying to break into her thoughts. The witches and D’Danann may have found the missing parchment with the drawing, but they couldn’t possibly use it. No one could decipher the runes other than a servant or a child of Balor.

“What we’ve planned has nothing to do with you.” He paused, thinking for a moment. “You’ll simply be at my side when we release the demons—and Balor’s body.”

“We’ll never let it happen,” Silver said with absolute conviction in her voice.

Darkwolf shrugged. “How could you possibly stop us?”

“We will.” Silver’s gaze scanned her surroundings then returned to Darkwolf. “What do you want with me?”

Darkwolf slowly walked toward her until he was close enough to touch his own shield that surrounded Silver. The shield hummed beneath his fingertips and stroked him like a lover’s caress.

“What do I want from you, Silver Ashcroft?” he said in a low murmur. “I want everything. Your magic, your submission, your body, your heart and soul. As I always have desired.”

“You’re sick.” The look of disgust crossing her features was like a slap in the face and he nearly recoiled. “You’d better get over your obsession with me and fast. I’ll never have anything to do with you, and I’ll never turn to the dark.”

Balor sensed Darkwolf’s rage and the eye warmed against his chest. The power of Balor was palpable throughout the room and the pain in Darkwolf’s head intensified.

Silver’s gaze dropped to the eye. She uncrossed and lowered her arms, straightening them at her sides. She clenched and unclenched her hands, her jaw tight.

Fear. Good, she feared him. She feared Balor. Once he broke through her hatred of him, he would strip everything away from her, layer by layer by layer, until even her soul was bared to him.

Darkwolf turned away, flicked his fingers, and the office door sprang open. On the other side of the door, guarding the office, were two Fomorii in their human shells.

“Watch her,” he said in a snarl to the man-demon and woman-demon. “Inform me the second she tries to break through my barrier.”

He didn’t bother to look back or to close the door.

Darkwolf stalked from the office, which adjoined the elegant front room of the penthouse. His shoes made no sound as he crossed the space, then stopped.

Sara stood several feet away, slightly turned from him. She tipped her head to the side as if she listened to something. Perhaps another vision had her in its control.

She looked delectable. Again she wore a low-cut shirt that revealed her cleavage. This time she had dressed in a short skirt and high heels that accented her lovely legs.

He wondered if she had dressed that way for him. He knew how much she wanted him to take her.

As if feeling the flames that burned within him, she turned to Darkwolf and gave him a sensual smile. He strode directly to her, and she faced him completely. He was on fire from being so close to Silver and he needed something like he never had before.

Darkwolf grabbed Sara by the shoulders and lust radiated from her. His gaze raked her body, starting at her flushed features, descended to her breasts, where her hardened nipples already pushed against her shirt, and moved on down to her tiny skirt.

His eyes met hers again. She would do. Yes, she would do. He had promised to take her the moment he recruited her from the D’Anu, and now it was time. She wanted him, and right now he needed her.

He loosened his grip on her and began to work on the knots in her shoulders. “You are beautiful, my lovely Sara,” he murmured then brushed his lips over hers.

She gave a soft moan as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Sara’s kiss was hungry, matching his. He demanded more from her, crushing her lips and tasting the sweetness of her mouth. She smelled of jasmine, and the scent suited her. As he rubbed her back, her answering kiss grew deeper, frantic. She braced her hands on his biceps, her fingers digging into his flesh.

Darkwolf brought his hands between them and squeezed her beautiful breasts that fit his palms perfectly. He pulled her low-cut shirt down, along with her bra, so that it caused her breasts to jut up high as if on serving platters.

“Sweetness,” he murmured as he kissed his way to the curve of one breast. “I want to take you here. Right this minute.”

He wanted to rip her clothes off and drive deep inside of her. But he had to hear the words from her mouth. He never took an unwilling woman, not that he’d had one refuse him yet—other than Silver Ashcroft.

It both pissed him off and excited him, making him want Silver even more. A challenge. He liked a good challenge.

“Yes, my lord.” Sara gave a moan as he laved her nipple again. “Take me.”

That was all Darkwolf needed. He pressed her back against a leather couch and she braced herself with her hands to either side of her, a wild expression on her features. She looked luscious with her shirt and bra under her breasts, causing her nipples to jut out at him.

He jerked her skirt up to find that she wore only a tiny lace thong. With a yank he tore it away and she both gasped in surprise and gave a needy moan. More roughly than he probably should have, he whirled her around so that she was facing the back of the couch.

She started to look over her shoulder, but he placed his palm flat against her back and forced her down so that she was completely bent over the back of the couch. She looked absolutely delicious. Her buttocks were presented high and beautifully.

In seconds he had his jeans undone and he was free to take her. He positioned himself at her slick entrance and, without waiting a moment longer, drove into her.

Sara cried out at the initial thrust. Her cries became moans as he drove himself in and out of her tight channel. She hung upside down, over the back of the couch, her brown hair over her face, with just his hands on her hips to steady her.

“You are a sweet little bitch, Sara.” He palmed the taut globes of her ass as he took her. “I love your ass. Nice and round.”

The demons in human form behind him still guarded the office door. No doubt they were getting off by watching him take one of the warlocks.

She moaned and thrashed against him. “That feels so good, my lord,” she said in a voice rich with pleasure.

Sara’s words sent a rush of heat through him. “We’re being watched, Sara. Do you enjoy being watched?”

She gave a louder moan. “Yes!”

When he was close to reaching his climax, he palmed the globes of her buttocks again, only this time he sent a burst of his magic radiating throughout her.

Sara shouted, her voice muffled against the couch. Her body bucked and shuddered beneath his as she cried, “Balor, Balor, Balor,” with every pulse of her channel around him.

Darkwolf threw his head back and nearly howled with his release as sensation burst through him. His cock throbbed within her channel.

After slipping from inside Sara, he assisted her from where she was sprawled over the couch. He turned her and took her mouth in another kiss. He was hard again.

A low growl caught both his attention and Sara’s. His gaze leveled on Junga who had apparently just walked into the room. She was in Elizabeth Black’s elegant form, but her face twisted with fury and obvious jealousy. She fisted her hands at her sides and her cheeks were flushed.

Sara smiled at Elizabeth and ran her tongue along her lower lip as Darkwolf intentionally began playing with her nipples, squeezing them harder and harder as Elizabeth’s expression grew more furious.

He ached beyond belief, and he debated whether to take Sara again, while he forced Elizabeth to watch. Or perhaps he would command the demon-woman to submit to him in front of Sara. Maybe he’d have them both submit to him at once.

Yes, he was ready for more.