
My thanks go to the following people who either helped me directly, inspired me or simply encouraged me during the writing of this book. Karen, Sara Menguc, Neil Belton, Henry Volans, Cara Defoe and Squid, Gregory Chaitin, Stephen Wolfram, Larry Schulman, Jim Hartle, Cris Calude, Paul Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Stephen Hsu, Anthony Zee, Frank Wilczek, Bernard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, Frank Tipler, Max Tegmark, Victor Stenger, Andrei Linde, Paul Shuch, Seth Shostak, John Casti, Charles Bennett, George Johnson, Freeman Dyson, David Deutsch, Jim Crace, Pam Young, Brian Clegg, Patrick O’Halloran, Karen Gunnell, Jo Gunnell, Barbara Pell, Hazel Muir, Michael Brooks, Valerie Jamieson, Roy Perry, Sarah Topalian, Cliff Pickover, Sir Martin Rees, Alex Jones, David Hough, Fred Barnum, Stephen Hedges, Sue O’Malley, Spencer Bright, Ciaran Tomlin and all from the planet Treetops … It goes without saying, I hope, that none of these people are responsible for any errors.