Josie talked on the telephone headset while her fingers clicked at the keyboard. The leisurely lunch had left her short on time, and she had exactly twenty minutes to get her Tuesday obit feature to the city desk, and it was a big one. Paulie Patrakis, sixty-four, beloved owner of San Franciscos Olympia Kitchen restaurant, had keeled over that morning while taking a tray of baklava from the oven. Josie tried to remain objective during the telephone interview with Paulies eldest daughter, but the truth was, news of Paulies death hit her hard. He had been a kind and sweet man, and he made the best baklava this side of the Aegean Sea. Up until very recently, a triangle of his honey-oozing melt-in-the-mouth phyllo had been Josies sensual thrill of choice. But that was before she met Rick.

He worked hard and he loved his family and friends, Paulies daughter, Issy, was saying. He never needed anything fancy to be happy. He woke up every day happy.

Josies fingers flew across the keys, relieved that shed found her lead.

Just then, Gingers head appeared in Josies cubicle doorway. Beas head popped over Gingers shoulder soon after. Josie glanced their way, still typing, when they approached her desk. Since it looked like her friends were parking instead of merely passing by, Josie held up a finger to indicate shed be a minute.

Paulie Patrakis died, Josie mouthed to them.

Gingers face fell. Oh, how sad. He was such a nice man! she whispered.

Then panic hit her expression. What am I going to do for baklava?

Josie returned her attention to the phone call, trying to wrap up the interview. Issy, I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me today.

We received the photo, so were set to run the article tomorrow. Again, I am so sorry for your familys loss. Well all miss him. After a few more thank yous and youre welcomes, Josie ended the call.

This is really depressing, Bea said. He wasnt very old, was he?

Sixty-four, Josie said.

I wont survive menopause, Ginger said, blinking. Im sure of it now.

Josie grinned at her friends. She couldnt help it. She was in love. Just forty minutes ago, she was in Ricks arms, his lips on hers and his hands in her hair, right in front of hundreds of tourists. And Teeny. Hed agreed to come to Josies for dinner Thursday. The other reason she was smiling was because she knew something Bea and Ginger didntIssy Patrakis had just informed her that Paulie had had the decency to place the large tray of freshly baked desserts on the counter before he collapsed, and the restaurant was open for customers to pay their respects.

You look awful perky for a girl whos just lost her baklava, Bea said, crossing her arms over her chest. Been meditating again?

Give me twenty minutes, Josie said, holding up her palm. Well get a taxi. Call Roxie and tell her to meet us there.

Ginger placed her fingers flat upon the center of her brow, intercepting the frown before it could cause any damage. Where are we going?

Olympia Kitchen. Paulies last tray. Josie turned back to her computer.

Meet me by the elevators in twenty.

Josie made her deadline with a whole minute and a half to spare, hitting the send key with that rush of accomplishment that always reminded her how much she loved her job. Shed managed to paint a picture of a persons life in under twenty minutesfather of six, grandfather of fourteen, a regular guy with an unusual work ethic, a restaurateur who for decades dished up spanikopita and moussaka with a story and a smile. Josie grabbed her purse and headed for the lobby, stopping by the city desk on the way.

Its in, she told Kenny, the city editor. Ill be on my cell if you have questions.

Thanks, kid, he said, not even looking up from his computer screen.

She raced down the main aisle of the newsroom and waved to the receptionist as she reached the lobby, where Bea and Ginger waited. Just as Bea hit the down key, the receptionists voice called, Hold up, Josie!

She spun around. Denise, the newsroom receptionist, was gesturing to a small figure perched on the edge of the lobby couch. I just left you a voice mailtheres someone here to see you.

You coming? Ginger held the elevator door.

Josie stared at the gray-haired lady with the unmistakable piercing eyes. She hadnt spoken to Mrs. Needleman since the day her husbands obit was published.

In ten years on the dead beat, Josie had known family members to stop by the newsroom for only two reasonsto retrieve a personal photo lent to the paper or to complain about an inaccuracy, and Josie knew shed long ago returned the North Pole photo to Mrs. Needleman.

Was there an error in the story? Josie took a step toward the old lady, her stomach sinking at the thought of running a correction.

Oh, no. It was lovely. Mrs. Needleman smiled up at her, as if there were nothing odd about her visit.

With an understanding nod, Josie remembered a third reason why someone might stop byloneliness. Mothers whod lost their soldier sons. Siblings or children of the deceased. Neighbors. Grieving friends. About three years ago, a widower arrived in the newsroom in a suit and fedora and offered to take Josie out for a beer, explaining that he needed to talk about his wife, and Josie had already proven to be an excellent listener.

Beas voice sounded impatient. I guess well just bring you back a piece.

Make it two! Thanks! Josie shrugged at her friends and sat down next to the widow, dropping her bag on the floor by her feet. How have you been, Mrs. Needleman?

Im getting along, she said in that wavering voice. Its a little too quiet for my taste, of course. Ira was such a talker. He always had something to say to the TV people, especially that Bill OReilly fellow.

He never cared for him.

Josie nodded.

I hate to say it, but if Ira werent already dead, last nights Fox News lineup would have done him in for sure.

I see.

Im thinking about selling the house.

Josie glanced at Denise in a silent plea for help. The receptionist smiled.

Conference Room A is open. Would you like me to send in coffee?

Josie nodded at Denise in gratitude. That would be fabulous.

Id prefer tea, Mrs. Needleman said, pushing herself from the sofa with little difficulty. Shed come to the paper dressed in a blue wool jumper over a beige polyester blouse tied in a bow at the neck. She had on pearl clip earrings, and carried a stiff patent leather bag with a huge snap closure, an accessory so ancient it had become ultrachic again. Her hair had been recently permed and styled. She wore an old-fashioned, flowery perfume. Josie watched her march toward Conference Room A as if shed been there before, then flick the light switch inside the doorway.

The fluorescent bulbs blinked on.

This will be lovely. Mrs. Needleman motioned toward one of the swivel chairs. Have a seat, Miss Sheehan, and you can tell me all about your progress over a nice cup of tea.

Gwen Anders slammed down the phone and paced in her office. Why had Rick distanced himself so? Was it Margots death? Of course not. Hed started limiting his contact with Gwen long before that, as if he wanted their relationship to be less casual, less personal. Shed cried several months back when he told her, from that point forward, to make an appointment before stopping by the Celestial Pet offices. He said it was about keeping his corporation and his foundation separate. She knew it had nothing to do with any of that nonsense. He was trying to push her away.

He was trying to avoid her.

Did he think she didnt notice? Did he think it was acceptable?

Gwen brought both hands to her chest and tried to steady her breathing.

Now was not the time to panic. She couldnt allow emotions to cause her to be sloppy. Now was the time for precision and focus. With concentration, she could bring it all together. It was taking longer than she expected, but it could still go according to plan. If she could just hang on a little longer, Rick would wake up and see that Gwen was what he needed and wanted.

Shed done everything right. Shed been patient as a saint. Chaste as a nun. Discreet as a priest. Above reproach in her management of the foundation and in all her personal affairs. There was nothing/nothing/that Rick could find objectionable about her lifestyle.

Even Teeny Worrell hadnt found anything on her. Shed made sure of it.

Gwen had been loyal to Rick in the extreme. Shed turned down several outstanding job offers and a very generous proposal from Ricks nemesis, Bennett Cummings, who was perpetually looking for a chink in Ricks armor. Of course she was above such bribery. She ignored Cummings.

Was it her looks?

Gwen smiled to herself, breathing easier now. She was flawless. That was the only word for it, really. Her weight and muscle tone were perfect.

Her hair, skin, and teeth were in top form, radiant with health. Her clothing, shoes, bags, accessoriesall impeccable. Nothing overstated.

Nothing that screamed money or status, which, of course, indicated she had both and needed neither.

So what had she missed in this equation? Why on earth had Rick Rousseau never once shown a flicker of interest, in all these years? She was well aware of his tragic pastin fact, it was an essential ingredient to his overall appealbut /please/. The man was only flesh and blood. This couldnt go on much longer, could it?

Of course not. That would mean shed miscalculated horribly. And Gwen Anders didnt miscalculate.

One by one, the senior managers of Celestial Pet Superstores rose from their buckwheat-hull sitting cushions and headed toward the rear entrance of the office building. It had been a productive staff meeting, as their outdoor gatherings under the ginkgo tree usually were. On the days agenda were revising inventory, postponing construction plans for their fifteenth store, and brainstorming on whether they should offer a line of in-house organic pet care products. Rick also approved the months broadcast, print, Internet, and direct-mail marketing plans and okayed a jump in the warehouse-to-retail delivery budget. As a last order of business, Rick agreed they had no choice but to fire a groomer at the newest store, a young woman whose lack of enthusiasm had drawn dozens of customer complaints. Ricks policy was to personally approve all employee firings, at all levels.

Only Teeny remained under the shade of the ginkgo tree. Rick watched him pile several of the cushions together to create a supersized chaise longue for himself. He stretched out his legs with a groan. Bad news, Teeny said, folding his hands on his solid belly. Cummings leased a private jet last week in Providenceput it on twenty-four-seven retainer.

Rick nodded. Hes getting sloppy.

Or Ive got friends in all the right places. Teeny smiled big.

That goes without saying. Rick closed his laptop and leaned his back against the tree trunk. He looked up into the canopy of bright green, fan-shaped leaves and the pale blue sky beyond. After lunch with Josie, hed changed out of his suit and into his real career wardrobeshorts and a T-shirt. He took a deep breath, knowing that something about Teenys news bothered him.

If it was that easy to find out about the jet, it could just be a decoy.

Teeny grunted. I wouldnt put it past our pal Benny, but I think its for real. In my opinion, hes getting ready to make a visit to Shaky Town.

Rick smiled, remembering how hard it had been to persuade Teeny to move cross-country with him. Hed had to provide studies showing the statistical improbability of the big one hitting San Francisco within the next decade.

Teeny had studied the pros and cons of the move in the way he conducted all his businessconcerns were based on hard facts and voiced in a no-frills fashion. Theres a flood, you camp out on the roof, hed explained to Rick, counting off on his fingers for effect. Theres a hurricane, you evacuate as soon as the word comes down. Theres a tornado, you go to the basement. But an earthquake? Shit, man, unless I learn to levitate, its Barney Rubble time for my ass.

What else is he up to? Rick asked. He lowered his gaze to his friend.

The truth was that Teeny had made the transition to San Francisco just fine. His right-hand man didnt talk much about his private life, but Rick knew Teeny had a significant other, and when he wasnt working, Teeny was with his lover in the Castro District. Teeny didnt hide the fact he was gay. He didnt advertise it, either. It was simply who he was. Rick was with Teeny that day in physical therapy, when his friend decided life was too precious to pretend to be something he wasnt. Soon after, he came out to his family and former teammates at Syracuse, and the world kept spinning.

Cummings is doing his usual, Teeny said. His Yalie pals. His broker.

Golf at the club. Nothing much elsehis semiretirement doesnt look all that semi to me. He cocked his head and looked at Rick with concern. He hasnt contacted anyone in the freelance violence industry, if thats what youre getting at. I dont think hes planning to outsource this errand.

Its personal.

Rick nodded.

So if flight plans are filed for that jet, it means the mans decided to make good on his promise to fuck you up.

Thanks, Teen. Keep me informed.

Always do.

They sat under the tree for a few moments before either spoke. Rick let his eyelids slide shut. Eventually, Teeny cleared his throat. We need to talk about Miss Sheehan.

Ricks eyes popped open. Did you find something on her?

Teenys burst of laughter sent the birds scattering. Not only did I not find anything on her, I didnt even know women like her /existed/ anymore.

Rick rolled his head from side to side, hiding his smile as he stretched his neck muscles. How so?

Shes boring, is what Im saying. Excellent work-performance reviews. No traffic citations, parking tickets, or library fines. No freaky shit on the Internet. No maxed-out credit. She spends most of her time at work, at home with her silly-looking dog, or with three women friends from the newspaper. None of them have lives so they hang out together at the dog park three to four times a week. Its sort of pathetic.

Rick chuckled.

Your girl hasnt dated in a while. Theres only the occasional movie or dinner out with friends and time with her family. Shes enrolled in a yoga class at her gym, but her attendance is sporadic.

Anything new on the Sheehans?

Nothing. No freaks. No fakes. And certainly no connection of any kind with Bennett Cummings. As far as I can tell, theyre just as mind-numbingly normal as she is. And were about done with all the old boyfriends.

Anything interesting?

Teeny hissed, shaking his head. Aside from the fact that Ive never seen a more pitiful group of slacker white boys in my life, theyre pretty unremarkable. One dude has defaulted on his student loans. Another had a juvenile pot charge. One guy got arrested in some kind of militant environmental protest. But Ill tell you what Teenys eyebrows arched high on his scarred forehead.

Rick waited. What?

None of these guys lasted long, man. A lot of them moved in with her, but they didnt stay. Maybe shes lousy in bed.

It was Ricks turn to laugh. From what he could tell from those lunch-break kisses, whatever Josie Sheehan might lack in finesse would be more than made up for by her enthusiasm. Her soft skin was on fire when he touched her. Her pretty little mouth had sought out his with real hunger. Those sighs she made were incredibly hot.

Shed be a quick study with the right teacher, Rick said.

Teeny shrugged. Hey, man, this is your area of expertise, not mine. /Was it?/ Rick squinted, staring up at the sunshine punching through the ginkgo leaves. It was true that women had once been his specialty, but everything was different now.

When he thought back on those days, a sick knot of regret twisted in Ricks gut. The truth was that in the seven years between graduation and the accident, women took up most of his waking hours. If hed had a job back then, he might have considered his pursuit of women an avocation.

But because hed had the freedom to live off his ample trust fund without the annoyance of actual work, womanizing became his profession, the outlet for all he learned getting his business degree from Yale. Rick had traveled the world looking for new opportunitieswith women. Every night he observed the market. He made new acquisitions at regular intervals, only to plunder their natural resources and dump them back on the open marketplace in a matter of hours, days, weeks, or months, according to his whim, and at a much reduced value.

That was a long time ago. Now his vocation was Celestial Pet Superstores, Inc., and his avocation was an anonymous charitable foundation that paid the bills of uninsured or underinsured head injury patients. Women were no longer his area of expertise. They didnt interest him. They didnt even exist for him.

Until Josie.

And he was well aware that the free-market exploitation approach was not only wrong for Josephine Sheehan, it had been wrong for Margot Cummings and every other woman hed ever messed with. In fact, it was just plain wrongin a huge, karmic kind of way. He knew if he wanted something good with Josie, hed have to do everything right, every step of the way.

Besides, he owed it to Josie, Margot, all women everywhere, and himself.

His plan was to get to know her. Hed take his time with her, moving as slowly as possible. Hed make sure she felt comfortable and knew she was appreciated. Only then would he bring up the possibility of sex.

Im going to her place for dinner Thursday, Rick said, still looking up at the leaves.

Teeny said nothing.

Shes cooking for me. Seven oclock.

Teeny still said nothing.

Rick returned his gaze to his friend, whose face was a mask of equal parts horror and hilarity.

And you dont have to sit outside her apartment waiting for me, Teeny.

Ill be fine.

Teenys eyes widened, but he still had no reply.

She said shed like to make me eggplant Parmesan.

Apparently, Teeny had been holding in a huge guffaw for as long as humanly possible. When it finally exploded from him, he rolled off his organic buckwheat-hull cushions and flopped over in the grass, clutching his sides.

Rick could appreciate the irony. Hed instituted a no-alcohol, no-drugs, no-woman-no-way policy seven years ago, and had never veered from its confines. Not once. No matter how tempting the temptation. Even Gwen Anders, the tall, cool, blond bombshell executive director of his foundation, didnt distract him. Hed lost count of her subtle attempts at seduction over the years, though hed noticed an uptick in their frequency lately. In fact, shed called him three times that morning alone, on foundation business she would need to discuss in person, no doubt.

So what had happened to Ricks resolve? Apparently, it was no match for Josie Sheehan and her goofy dog and her eggplant Parmesan. So as Rick watched Teeny roll around in the grass laughing so hard he was crying, he couldnt really blame him. The whole thing must look pretty comical.

It didnt feel like a joke, though. It felt good. It felt right.

My progress? Josie plopped into one of the conference room chairs and stared at Mrs. Needleman. Progress with what?

Gloria Needleman folded her hands primly in her lap, studying the framed collection of the /Herald/s historic front pages lined along the conference room wallsthe 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Bay of Pigs, Watergate, 9/11.

With love, of coursethe only thing that will ever save us. Mrs.

Needleman moved her gaze from the greatest horrors of history to Josies eyes, and Josie knew she couldnt fool this woman if she tried. Gloria Needleman was beyond eccentric, beyond being an odd bird. The woman had an intense otherworldly vibe. Josie wondered if it was the result of a long and interesting life, or if shed been born that way.

Regardless, Josie had a feeling that Ira Needlemans achievements had been made possible by his wifes unusual strength.

Denise the receptionist entered the room, delivered the tea, and promptly left. Josie noticed how Mrs. Needleman turned up her nose at the refreshments presentation.

The old woman dunked her tea bag, waiting for Josie to answer her.

Umm, Mrs. Needleman? Josie cleared her throat.

Please call me Gloria.

And Im Josie.

Of course you are.

Umm, Gloria? Josie took a deep breath. Have you done this sort of thing before?

The womans eyes brightened with a devilish gleam. Do you mean have I ever been forced to drink off-brand tea in a cheap Styrofoam cup?

Josie laughed, surprised by the caustic barb. Bea would love this lady.

Actually, she said, I was referring to the love-life thing. The list.

The universe. Your matchmaking guidance. Do you do this often?

Gloria shrugged and paused for dramatic effect. Ive dabbled, she said, then took a tiny sip of tea. And Ive had some success. Im guessing by your response that its working for you?

My God! Josie jumped up and shut the conference room door. She raced back to her chair, lowered her voice, and leaned forward on her arms. I did the list, like you said, and a half hour later, /bam/! There he was!

And Im talking everything on my listwell, the stuff I can tell at this point anywayintelligence, humor, kindness, and, you know… She wasnt sure how to convey the concept of hot as hell to a great-grandmother.

A real hunk-a-hunk of burnin love?

Josie smiled. The old Elvis Presley lyric was hokey, but accurate. You got it, she answered.

Lovely, Gloria said, clapping her hands together in glee.

Hes coming to my house for dinner Thursday night.

Excellent. Gloria took a cautious sip of her dark brown drink, then flicked her tongue at the bitterness. What will you be preparing?

Eggplant Parmesan.

Gloria reached out toward Josie with both palms up, as if she were begging. Why in Gods name would you want to make that? Is the man a vegetarian?

Uh, no. In fact, Rick had ordered a huge steak at lunch. But Josie was baffled as to how her signature dish had suddenly lost all its street cred.

I meant no offense, Gloria said. Its certainly your choice what to serve. There are more significant things to worry about.

Josie cocked her head in curiosity. Such as?

Glorias eyes narrowed, and Josie heard the old woman sigh deeply. I came here today because I have something very important to tell you.

Josie sat up straight.

I have an overwhelming sense that the young man whos recently entered your life is in some kind of danger.

What? Josie scooted her chair even closer and got a heady whiff of Glorias perfume, which made her slightly dizzy. Hey, lets back uphow did you even know I had a young man?

Thats not especially important. What is important is that you understand what Im telling you.

Josie frowned. She held the old womans gaze and realized she was absolutely dead serious. He has a lot of security guards around him, Josie said, hesitantly. He says its standard for todays corporate world.

But what would make you think hes in /danger/? You dont even know him!

Just then, Glorias eyes closed. Josie held her breath. What was the protocol when an eighty-four-year-old woman went perfectly still and ceased moving? CPR? The Heimlich maneuver? A good pinch?

Gloria raised an arm and held up a pale and crinkled palm as if to keep Josie at a distance, but otherwise, she remained utterly still. Several long seconds went by. Josie took a sip of her tea. She couldnt help but think how delicious a slice of Paulies baklava would taste right at that moment.

Josie worried about Rick. Was he in trouble? Was all the security about something other than work? How much did she really know about him, anyway?

Your lover is a complicated man, Josie. Gloria opened her eyes to reveal a ferocity that seemed out of place on such an old face. I believe hes going to need your understanding and forgiveness, and soon. I am telling you this so you can prepare yourself.

Josie frowned. Hes not my /lover,/ Gloria. We just met!

The old woman shrugged. Thursday will be here before you know it.

Josies mouth fell open. In a matter of minutes, Mrs. Needleman had belittled her eggplant, made her new boyfriend sound shady, and basically accused her of being a slut! She wouldnt even take that kind of crap from Bethor Bea, Ginger, and Roxie! Josie sniffed and sat up straighter. Pardon me, but you were the one who told me to be choosydont you think I should at least wait until the third date before I jump in the sack with him?

Gloria giggled, her bony shoulders rising and falling under her polyester shoulder pads.

Josie leaned back in her chair, thinking that among the strangest experiences of her life, this conversation with Mrs. Needleman was right up there. Gloria was either crazy, putting on an act to get attention, or she had psychic powers of some kind. Maybe she was a witch. Or a guardian angel. Or an octogenarian vampire slayer. Josie crossed her arms over her chest and considered the giggling old woman, and realized that the only thing that mattered was what shed said about Rick.

All right, lets say I accept your claim that my loverI mean, Rickis in danger. Is there anything I should warn him about?

Gloria stopped giggling the instant Josie posed her question. She shook her head sadly and reached out to touch one of Josies folded arms. He already knows, dear girl, and its a heavy burden, indeed.

Bennett found her in the usual place. Shed moved the Queen Anne sitting chair to face the picture window, where she sat staring over the sloping grounds and out into the Newport Harbor. Every day, his wife moved the damn chair to the window. Every night, the maid moved it back beside the antique tea table. Why the hell bother? Bennett didnt know why anyone bothered with anything around here anymoremeals, dusting, flowers. It seemed as pointless as tending to a doll house.

He walked across the parquet floor to Julia, his feet feeling like blocks of cement. He wondered if this sense of dread was similar to how families of Alzheimers patients feltyou went to your loved one, but you werent sure theyd be there. You spoke to them, but you didnt know how much they heard. Julia wasnt whole anymore. Yes, her brain was intact, but her spirit was gone. Rick Rousseau had stolen that, too.

Bennett leaned down and kissed the top of his wifes head. Back when theyd met in school, Julias hair had been a glory to behold, pale yellow waves that reflected light like a mirror. She was a beauty then. Tiny chiseled nose and pale eyes, a full mouth and small white teeth. She had elegant hands, long, slim legs, and firm breasts. She was from a good New England family, like his own, and possessed the social ease that would be required as the wife of a prominent industrialist. When the time came, she gave him a daughter. The child was as beautiful as her mother and as smart as her father.

Bennett had always maintained that, as parents, theyd done everything right. Julia stayed at home with their child, while Bennett built his company. Margot was loved. She was given freedom and opportunity. She had dance and piano and French lessons. She went to the most exclusive private schools and summer camps. She was given a brand-new red convertible BMW when she turned sixteen. A Yale education. A Fifth Avenue wardrobe.

But Bennett wasnt entirely delusional. He noticed early on that his daughter hadnt inherited all shed need to be successful in life. She lacked an inner strength. She chafed at discipline. She didnt know the meaning of restraint. And so when she had an abortion at nineteen, it was a huge disappointment to Bennett, but not exactly a surprise. Up until the night of the accident, Margots life continued to be an orgy of excesstoo many parties, too many drugs, too many bad boys.

And Rick Rousseau was the worst of the worst. Hed gotten Margot pregnant at nineteen, and hed killed her at twenty-eight.

Without taking her eyes from the ocean, Julia reached up and over her chest to pat Bennetts hand where it lay on her shoulder. She was silent.

Its time, he said, staring out the window with her, searching for that elusive point in the distance that had fascinated her so, day after day, month after month, year after year. I have everything in place.

Julia squeezed his hand in comprehension.

He must be held accountable, darling, Bennett whispered.

Julia nodded, her hair brushing the top of his hand.

Tell me again this is what you want.

Very slowly, Julia turned her body away from the sea and toward her husband. She raised her face to him. Her eyes were vacant. Deep crevices framed her mouth. Flesh hung from her once dramatic cheekbones. Kill him, she said, the lack of expression on her face so chilling that Bennett took a step back. Do it for me.

Bennett stifled a gasp. His beautiful wife was a hideous stranger to him noweaten away by hate and loss. How had he let this happen? How had he failed his precious girls so miserably, so totally? How had hea brilliant, powerful, respected manlet a pretty-boy punk like Rick Rousseau ruin their lives?

Im going to get caught, he said to her, matter-of-factly. I fully expect to spend the rest of my life in prison.

Julia shrugged, an act that seemed to drain all the strength from her thin body. She turned away from him and toward the sea.

Bennett knew hed been dismissed. He retreated from the sitting room, the sound of his footsteps echoing through his empty house, the sound of his heart thudding inside his empty shell.

He would do what had to be done, though in truth, there was no passion in himonly exhaustion and a dull sense of duty.

Rick found her place with no trouble. She lived on the second floor of a white stucco apartment building in the Mission District, on a narrow one-way street off Seventeenth. Rick waved at Teeny as his friend pulled his Lexus from the curb with a shake of his head. He wondered how long Teeny would be entertained with how Rick had exchanged his solitude for the companionship of Josie Sheehan. He decided it could be a while.

Rick stopped on the sidewalk and looked up, admiring how flowers and greenery spilled from planters on Josies small wrought-iron balcony. He glanced at the spring bouquet he held in his hand, hoping it didnt pale in comparison. /Rhrrrr… umph./ The sound came from the balcony. Rick looked up again, seeing a bearded snout poke through the balcony railings. Two beady brown eyes zeroed in on him down on the sidewalk.

Genghis, my man. Rick noticed that the dog had yet to benefit from any groomings, free or otherwise.

The Labradoodles tongue lolled over his bottom lip and his tail began twirling like a hairy ceiling fan. /Woomph,/ the dog said. /Woomph.

Woomph. Woomph!/ Josie arrived at the set of French doors and made kissy sounds to get her dog to come inside. Rick saw how shed pulled up her hair and clipped it onto the back of her head, with errant spirals of curls falling down around her face. She looked so pretty, in such an unassuming way. She was nothing like the women hed pursued back in the day, and nothing like the women who continued to pursue him. She was sweet and funny and down-to-earth. There was something almost innocent about her. He knew hed been right that evening at the ranch, when hed told Teeny there was something wholesome about his feelings toward this woman.

Get in here, you beast, she snapped.

Im coming as fast as I can, Rick replied, laughing at the shocked look on her face and how she blushed outrageously.

Oh, my God! Not you! Youre not a beast… are you? Josie looked as flustered as she sounded. Youre early! How long have you been down there?

Long enough to know Id rather be up there with you.

Josie scrunched her lips, clearly trying to tame an all-out, full-mouth smile of delight. She managed to reach the railing before her grin broke loose.

Whats up, Juliet? Rick asked.

Josie wrapped her fingers around the iron rail and beamed down on him.

Her round cheeks blazed and her eyes sparkled. /Wooomph,/ Genghis said, rising on his back legs and plopping his paws on the rail.

The doors open, she said, running inside.

Josie greeted Rick at the top of the stairs a moment later. Shed let down her hair, and it fell in soft curls at her shoulders. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a cute pink top that showed just a hint of freckled cleavage. She looked soft and round and he was drowning in the need to plant his face in the crook of her neck and sink his fingers into her flesh. But he thought better of it. It was an odd feeling, second-guessing himself like that. He couldnt remember the last time hed ever done anything with a woman except exactly what he wanted, exactly when he wanted, for as long as hed wanted. The last time hed been this conflicted had to have been before puberty.

A large brown fur ball zoomed around the corner, sailed through the air, and body-slammed him. Rick nearly fell on his ass from the impact, which surely would have crushed the flowers he held behind his back.

Sit! Josie commanded. Genghis removed his paws from Ricks chest and assumed the position, though his entire body wiggled with excitement.

Josie wrapped her hand around the dogs collar and looked up at Rick, clearly embarrassed. Im very sorry. Were still working on polite greetings.

Rick laughed at the understatement, running his free hand over the front of his disheveled shirt, feeling for rips and missing buttons. Finding none, he smiled at her. I have to admit its been a while since Ive been molested like that.

Josie grimaced.

Maybe next time it can be you instead of your dog? Rick whipped the bouquet from behind his back and held it out to her. These are for you, Josephine Sheehan, he said, offering up the florists creation. Hed asked for something seasonal and simple, yet pretty. He hoped it fit the bill.

Theyre gorgeous! Josie grabbed the bouquet with both hands and buried her nose in the fragrance exactly the way he longed to inhale the hills and valleys of her flesh. She rose on her tiptoes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. That was really sweet of you. Come on in.

Before he could take a step, Josie pointed sternly to the floor and ordered Genghis to lie down. Surprisingly, he did as commanded, for about three seconds.

Rick followed Josie into the apartment. He knew he should have used those first moments to respectfully look around her living room.

Instead, he rudely ogled her round ass as she hustled into the kitchen for a vase. She had a firm, full bottom and thighs that looked like theyd be a handful of solid heaven.

When she turned the corner, taking her ass with her, Rick had no choice but to glance around the place. It wasnt huge, but it made a statement, and shed obviously put a lot of thought into how it looked. The wood floors were polished to a sheen. The high ceiling was a dazzling white.

And the far wall was the color of a ripe plum, so purple it was almost black. The other walls were a pale green, and there were plants, and lots of colorful artwork and pillows throughout an otherwise neutral room.

This is a nice place. Did you paint it yourself?

Absolutely, she replied from the kitchen. Do you like it? Most people find the color a little over-the-top. /Oooh-whooaaaahhh!/ Rick yelped, the sudden jab to his crotch catching him by surprise. With nose firmly in place, Genghis began snuffling at his trousers with unabashed enthusiasm.

So you dont really like it, then? Josie rounded the doorway with the flowers in a vase, a cute little frown marring her forehead.

Rick decided to cut Genghis some slack. He discreetly pushed the dog to the side of his leg so Josie wouldnt see his infraction. No, no. I do like it. Its really different.

Right. Thats what my sister, Beth, said, and I /know/ she hated it.

Josie placed the flowers on the coffee table and sat on the couch.

Rick joined her, Genghis on his heels. As soon as Rick reached the sofa cushions, Genghis plunged his nose into his lap again.

No! Down! The dog withdrew his snout, crawled under the coffee table, and peered up at them guiltily. Josie shook her head and groaned. I know hes obnoxious, and I apologize. Im working on it. He had six introduction obedience classes, but I havent been very consistent since, and I think hes regressing.

Rick chuckled, afraid to imagine the dogs interest in crotches prior to obedience training. You know, Celestial Pet offers convenient classes right in the store. We have a staff of professional dog trainers. Id be happy to set something up for you.

Josie nodded. Oh, I know! Theyre great! Genghis graduated from the Level 1 program in your Daly City store.

Rick tried to smile, making a mental note to check into the standards of the obedience program, chain-wide. In fact, he thought it might even be time to hire that animal behaviorist consultant everyone had been raving about. Rick took a quick glance down at Genghis, still peering up from beneath the coffee table.

Beth said that if you can tolerate my dog, youre a keeper.

He laughed, thinking maybe Beth was on to something. So you told your sister about me?

Josie shrugged, the blush returning to her cheeks. She had such creamy skin on her face and throat, and he allowed himself to study the contours of her neck and shoulders and collarbones. He stopped his eyes from continuing southward.

Would you like to know what I told her?

When Rick looked up, he found that a smile touched Josies lips. Sure, he said.

I told her you were special, that there was something really decent about you.

Rick felt his body flinch. /Decent?/ As unexpected as it was unwanted, the image of Margot flooded his mind, the gray face and skeleton-thin body. She looked dead even as the machines continued to beep and whir, doing what had to be done to keep her alive. Margot had ceased to be long before her body gave out. Shed vanished that June night seven years ago, after Rick grabbed her by the waist and plopped her down on the back of his Harley, insisting they leave the party together and go for a wild ride in the rain. Theyd laughed and laughed as he spread her legs apart to straddle the bike. Shed kissed him hungrily and told him he could wear the only helmetshe didnt want to mess up her hair. Rick felt her breasts and belly push up against his back as he revved up the Harley engine. He put the bike in gear and she playfully bit him on the back of the neck. It was reckless. Crazy. Wrong. The pot and beer and cocaine coursed through him, along with the thrill of the hunt. There wasnt a single thing that was decent about that night in the Rhode Island rain. There wasnt a single decent thing inside his soul.

Are you hungry, Rick?

Josies voice brought him back to the present, and the sight of her sweet and trusting face flooded him with conflict. He wanted to warn her to stay away from him. He wanted to take her to bed. Maybe Teeny had been right…

Would you like a glass of wine?

No, thank you. I dont drink.

Oh. Okay. Josie nodded.

Rick waited to see the comprehension spread over her face, laced as it usually was with pity or judgment. He saw neither. Instead she gave him a sweet smile and placed her satiny hand over his. Then lets get some ginger ale and you can help me with dinner.

Before she could get up, he pulled her tight into his arms, feeling a hot rush of emotion welling up in him, nearly choking him. He squeezed her supple body. She squeezed him back. He held on for dear life. /Dear life/what a perfect description that was. Life was a treasure, and hed thrown his away seven years before, only to spend every second of every day since trying to find it again, rebuild it from the inside out.

And up until he met Josie, he was certain a woman could never fit into his new existence.

Rick felt Josies warm breath against his ear as he squeezed her tight.

He inhaled her hair and skinso fresh and sweet.

Is something wrong? Josies question came out in a gentle whisper. Are you okay? She pressed her body flush against his.

Im good, Rick croaked, determined not to crumble in her arms ten minutes into their date. He steeled himself. I sure like the way you feel.

She giggled, and her flesh rubbed against him. You feel pretty incredible, too. I noticed that when you kissed me Monday.

With a steadying breath, Rick relaxed his grip on Josie and gently pushed her away. He looked into pretty gray eyes clouded with concern.

Ive always loved eggplant Parmesan, he said, obviously changing the subject.

One of Josies eyebrows shot high on her forehead. Seriously?


While theyd been talking, Genghis had wandered off. He chose that moment to return, and dropped something in Ricks lap. It landed with a thud.

It took Rick a full second to get his brain to cooperate with his eyes, because he swore that balanced across his left thigh was a largish phallus, and it wasnt his. It was rubbery. And it had an off/on switch.

He heard Josie gasp. Oh, my God, she whispered. Oh, no. She scrambled for it, but Rick snatched it away and held it beyond her reach. Josie fell across his lap, clawing the air to get it from him.

Rick tried his best not to laugh. He held the dildo into the light and examined it, while Genghis came closer, his tail whirring and flipping and his beady eyes lit with delight. Clearly, the dog was interested in playing fetchwith the penis.

I thought you got all your dog toys at Celestial Pet, Rick said, snickering.

Im going to die now. She buried her face in Ricks thigh.

Im pretty sure this gem was never in our inventory. I would have remembered.

Genghis jumped straight into the air and snatched the dildo from Ricks hand. His tooth must have flipped the power switch because as the dog ran off with the sex toy, it began to vibrate and wiggle in his jaws.

The crazed look in his eye revealed just how much fun he was having.

Josie suddenly jumped to her feet and raced after her dog. Drop it, dammit! she called out. Leave it! No! Drop it! Bad dog! Then she let loose with a string of curses Rick hoped to hell hadnt been part of his stores canine obedience curriculum, all while the dog looked like he was having the time of his life.

At that point, Rick decided the hell with it, and allowed himself to laugh. He laughed harder than hed laughed in seven years. Tears formed in his eyes as he watched the possessed, penis-chomping Labradoodle and his curly-headed owner racing in circles around the living room.

Eventually, Josie slowed down and slapped her hands to her thighs in frustration. Im going to wring your freakin neck, you damn doodle brain!

Rick laughed some more.

Dont just sit theredo something! Josie screamed, taking off again.

He didnt have to be asked twice. As soon as Genghis approached his next loop past the coffee table, Rick dived for him, grabbing him around his middle. He rolled to the floor with the dog cradled in his arms, a tackle so smooth that Teeny would have been proud. Josie tried to stop in time but she crashed into both of them, landing with a thump next to Rick on the rug. Maybe he was laughing too hard to concentrate, but Genghis wiggled from his grip, taking the dildo with him. Josie let her face flop down into the rug with a loud groan of defeat.

Ive never been so mortified in my life, she mumbled into the carpet.

Ricks hand found the small of her back. He placed his palm there, still laughing, as the realization washed over himhe was happy. Being with Josie made him happy. /This must be what it feels like to be happy./ She rolled her head slightly to the side, and one of her eyes peered out from behind a curtain of curls. A tiny tear began to take a crooked path from the corner of her eye across her freckled nose.

Oh, Josie, hey, its no big deal.

She nodded, then sniffed. Sure. Whatever. You should probably go now.

Rick leaned in, putting his face less than an inch from hers. He could smell her sweet breath. He pushed the curls away from her cheek, and when that little tear fell off the tip of her nose, he caught it in his lips.

Please dont be embarrassed, he said.

She sniffed again. Right. This happens all the time, Im sure. Just your basic get-to-know-you kind of date. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

Ricks hand returned to the small of her back. He felt her arch into his touch. He felt the heat of her skin through her flimsy pink top. Without weighing the pros and cons of a single damn thing, he slipped his hand up under her blouse so that he could feel her skin on his. She let go with one of her little moans. He shoved his hand lower, into the waistband of her jeans, and laid his palm against her ass.


He flipped her over. He got on top of her. She was opening her arms and opening her thighs to welcome him. He put his mouth on hers and she opened for him there, as well. God, hed never felt a woman so ripe in his life. Hed never felt this kind of hot rush of desirewith all the trimmings. He liked her. He cared about her. He didnt want to hurt her.

He dragged his lips from hers. Josie, oh, shit, Im trying to be decent.

I really am.

In response, one of her hands slapped down on his ass and her calves imprisoned his hips. If youre any kind of gentleman, youll keep kissing me. Then she grabbed his hair and yanked him back down again.

He got lost in itthe hot smell of her skin and the silky slide of her tongue and the way his body was being swallowed by the need to connect with her. He slipped his arms under her shoulders and rolled with her until he was on his back. She moved with him effortlessly.

A peculiar sound penetrated the sexual fog in his brain. Josie obviously heard it, too, because she went still in his arms. She took her mouth off his and straightened up, the shift in her weight causing her pelvis to grind into his. There was no way on earth Josie wouldnt notice the huge erection thrusting into her.

Oh, this is just great, she said, putting her hands on her hips as she looked past Ricks head. The sound continued, a muffled, squeaky, back-and-forth sawing kind of noise. /Err-eee-err-ee, grerr-eee-grerr-ee. Eng, eng, eng./ Genghis is chewing on my vibrator, she said, looking down at Rick.

Ah, so you prefer the more polite name for it.

Josie cocked her head thoughtfully. What would you call it?

Rick laughed. Its a big-ass dildo, sweetie.

Josie bit her lip. Well, whatever it is, its the only one I have and it cost over twenty-five dollars.

Rick felt his erection pulse. Josie obviously felt it, too, because she squirmed a little.

I wouldnt worry about it too much, he said.

Oh, yeah? Whys that?

Because youre not going to need it anymore.

Josie beamed. I was so hoping youd say that.