Chromotherapy, or color healing, is an ancient art that involves healing the Physical Body and the energetic bodies with different frequencies from the visible color spectrum. The human visible color spectrum is composed of reds, greens, blues, and their combined derivatives. These colors each have unique wavelengths and oscillations that, when selectively applied to the body, can produce incredible healing. Colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents that can reset physical and energetic systems in the body.
Ancient Egyptian healing temples were built so sunlight would shine through colored glass and stones to create color light treatments. Ancient Greeks later adopted this style of light-healing temple. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks also used colored minerals, stones, crystals, salves, and dyes as remedies, and painted treatment sanctuaries in various colors to heal illness. Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Tibetan medicine also incorporate the use of color to treat imbalances in both the Physical Body and the energetic bodies.
Color can be incorporated into healing practices in several ways. You can use colored lights to reset imbalances in the aura. You can wear and surround yourself with certain colors to restore balance to the aura. You can project colors when you do energy healings. You can meditate on certain colors and use color in visualizations. You can charge your own aura with a color.
Here are some basic applications for colors in a healing and a few exercises that may help you incorporate color into balancing the aura.
RED is useful for warming a cold or sluggish aura, restoring vitality after prolonged illness or depression, and generating vital energies. Red light therapies have been used to assist in relieving muscle soreness and stiffness, increasing the libido, increasing blood circulation, activating the metabolism, relieving arthritis pain, and fighting against illnesses such as colds, flu, and pneumonia. I have found that red is useful in energy healings for clients who have low energy or drive. Red is energizing, intensifying, and heating.
LIGHT PINK is beneficial for cooling anger, restoring gentleness, and bringing about the energy of compassion. I use this color in healing sessions where gentle support for the heart is required. Light pink is soft, nurturing, and calming. Pink light therapies can be used to help with gum diseases, toothaches, and stress relief.
ORANGE can be used to increase creativity, elevate sexual stamina, encourage a friendly attitude and foster interpersonal connections, and warm a cold or sluggish energy field. I find that orange is beneficial when public relations or public speaking is required, and also after periods of stagnation or grief. Orange light therapy is often used to boost the immune system, assist with inflammation in the kidneys, relieve the pain of menstrual cramps, and relieve the pain of gallstones and kidney stones. Orange is warming, friendly, and energizing.
YELLOW is great for dispelling mental fogginess or low energy and can help to refocus scattered thoughts or frequencies. Yellow stimulates learning, knowledge, mental clarity, concentration, memorization, speaking, writing, affirmation, and visualization. I often use yellow for clients who are in school or need a great deal of mental energy and focus to finish a project. Yellow light therapies have been used to strengthen the immune system, ease constipation, reduce scar tissue, treat asthma and bronchitis, and reduce pain from rheumatism, sore ligaments, or bone fractures. Yellow is energizing and joyful and activates the mind.
GREEN is helpful for restoring peace, abundance, and general well-being. I use green in healing sessions when a client is feeling depleted of energy or resources. Green can help bring in the energy of plenty as well as energies of self-compassion after an argument, breakup, or shock. Green is harmonizing, balancing, and effective for many different kinds of healing. Green light therapy is used to treat a wide variety of conditions.
SKY BLUE is great for bringing expansiveness and clear sight during hectic, heated, and stressful times. I often use sky blue in healings for folks who are in stressful leadership positions to restore clarity and a capacity for objective decision-making. Sky blue is calming, nurturing, expansive, and clarifying.
ROYAL BLUE helps to restore both calm and structure after a period of chaos or shock. I often use royal blue for myself if I haven’t had enough alone time or sleep to restore a sense of balance and order to my energy field. Blue light therapy is used to treat sleeping problems and to assist with treating addiction, and is also a natural antiseptic—clearing the air of bacteria. Blue is cooling, restful, astringent, and restorative.
INDIGO is great for clearing the head, encouraging intuitive abilities, and assisting with planning. Indigo is one of the most mentally stimulating colors of the visible light spectrum. It creates greater dream activity and increases the imagination. I use indigo in healings where clients feel out of touch with their life purpose, need clarity about a large-scale plan or project, or would like to develop their intuitive abilities. Indigo light therapy is used to help treat psoriasis, tension headaches, migraines, farsightedness, nearsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, sinus problems, and some ear problems. Indigo is cool, electric, and astringent.
VIOLET is helpful for connecting to Spirit, finding courage, and restoring a sense of empowerment. I often use purple in healings when a client is feeling overly fearful of their own power or fearful of failure. Violet light therapy is used to calm the nervous system and to assist in treating conditions of the lymphatic system and spleen. Violet is restorative, empowering, and clarifying.
GOLD can be useful for recharging and restructuring a scattered or fragmented auric field. It can also help bring energy, beauty, and clarity to an energy field. I often use gold for people working in caring or social justice professions who are experiencing burnout. Gold is warming and restorative.
SILVER is useful for bringing in qualities of reflection, clarity, intuition, and emotional stability. I use silver in healing sessions where clients need energy clearing. Silver is cooling, illuminating, and purifying.
Lie down comfortably on your back. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing. Place your hands gently on your chest and feel the rise and fall of your breath. Do this for three minutes.
Now place your hands on your belly and notice how it inflates as you breathe in and deflates as you breathe out. Notice the sensations in your abdomen as your belly rises and falls. Do this for three minutes.
Notice how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Think of a color that would make you feel balanced today. Perhaps you feel sluggish and would like to work with a warm yellow to stir your mental activity. Maybe you are feeling irritated and would like to infuse your breath with a cool sky blue. Perhaps a warm light pink would help you to feel safe and protected.
Once you have arrived at the right color for you today, see it clearly in your mind’s eye and allow it to fill up your entire mental screen. If it’s difficult to visualize a color by itself, imagine something that is that color—for instance, green grass, a blue sea, an orange sunset, or a pink dawn. See it in front of you, over you, surrounding you, enveloping you. Take your time.
As you slowly breathe, become aware of the color moving into your nose, your throat, your chest and abdomen with each inhale. Imagine this color spreading out within you, into every part of your body and aura, gently infusing you with its energy. Hold the breath for a moment and let the color permeate your body. Notice the effects it has. On the exhale, release any tension. With each inhale, feel a color diffusing into your body like a beautiful mist, releasing any knots of tension or places of holding. With each exhale, release any resistance or tightness. Notice the sensations in your body as this colored light flows in and spreads its magic throughout your being.
Continue to notice the color and the sensations it brings. Anytime your attention wanders, simply notice that it has drifted and gently bring your focus back to your color. When you feel fully infused with your balancing breaths, release the color from your breathing. Slowly move your arms up over your head, and as they rise open your eyes.
Take a couple of breaths and notice the pleasing sensations that accompany this relaxing color breathing. Stand up slowly, feeling refreshed and alert.
In addition to the seven major chakras, there are hundreds of other chakra energy centers. Two very powerful chakras sit at the center of each of your hands. Projecting color and energy through the hands requires practice, but with time this technique can provide immediate relief and comfort to yourself or a loved one.
Ask your partner to stand, sit, or lie still—whatever is most comfortable for them. Remember to ground and protect yourself, as you did with the aura-reading exercises. Set an intention to offer comfort and relief to your partner by practicing projecting color through your hands. Rub your hands together vigorously to clear and charge them, and stand firmly on the ground. Bring a column of healing gold light down from the heart of the cosmos, allowing it to pass through your head, trunk, arms, hands, and legs before anchoring down into Earth through your feet. When you feel connected, clear, and charged with radiant gold light, begin.
Stand in front of your partner and give their energy a scan with your palms. Pass your hands over the energy field a few inches to a few feet away from the Physical Body to begin picking up information. With open palms turned toward your partner’s body, move your hands along the front of the body, starting about four or five inches away. Move from the feet to the head. Stay relaxed, and be open to and aware of sensations in your hands. You might feel buzzing, hot, cold, bumps, dips, pushing, pulling, or many other sensations. You may get intuitive information, or you may just feel drawn to particular chakras or areas of the body. Just notice, do not interpret or diagnose.
When you have found a place on the body you would like to send color energy to, pause and ask your partner if they feel comfortable having a color projected into this area. Tell them what color comes to you intuitively and decide together what color would be most supportive for them.
At first, try using the still placement of your hands to clear and modulate imbalanced or disharmonious energy with colored light. This means that you keep your hands still with your palms facing toward your partner’s aura. With your hands on the place in the aura you feel called to work on, begin to project a healing color. Pause and notice what is happening.
Your intention here should be to return the energy to balance, flow, and coherence. At some point, the energy will feel smooth or harmonious again, or you will get the sense that it’s time to move on. You can practice projecting colors through your palms for yourself if you have a headache or cramps. Simply place your palms a few inches away from the body around the affected area and project a healing color into your energy field. Notice the difference before and after.
When you feel finished with this exercise, rub the palms together vigorously and then wash your hands to disentangle your energy from your partner’s. Reground yourself. Check in with your partner to see that they feel lighter, calmer, or more balanced, and check in with yourself to make sure that you haven’t taken on their energy. If you have, pour a pitcher of saltwater or lemon water over yourself while showering to clear any attachments. Imagine them leaving you as the water spirals down the drain.
Everyone can use their hands to bring balance and harmony to the body’s energy fields. You can tap, massage, or connect specific energy points on the aura. Because everyone’s hands carry a measurable electromagnetic charge, the hands can be used to move and align the body’s energies by tracing specific energy pathways along the skin. Some methods involving the hands include touching the body, while others involve no touch at all. Try these two experiments and see if you can sense your own ability to transform energy.
Approach the exercises with an attitude of play, reverence, and wonder. Whether doing self-healing energy work or working with someone else, let the intelligence of healing energy and the body decide where and how healing will happen. Before you begin a hands-on healing exercise, wash your hands, dry them, and rub the hands together vigorously to generate energy.
Energy sweeping is great for removing chaotic, frenetic, or unwanted energy from the aura. I do this with a partner when I am in a state of overwhelm or exhaustion.
Ground, center, and protect yourself just as you did for the aura-reading exercises. My favorite way to do this sweeping exercise is outdoors with bare feet, but you can do this anytime, anywhere. Have a bucket or bowl of saltwater near by. Instruct your partner to stand in front of you in a relaxed position with their eyes closed. Slowly count backward out loud from twenty down to one, inviting a warm, golden healing light to come down and envelop you both in radiant warmth and comfort, growing stronger as you count backward.
State an intention to remove any harmful, chaotic, or unhealthy energies from the energy field. Cup the hands so they look like bowls. Beginning at the back of the head, hold the hands about six inches away from the body and begin gently sweeping the energy down to the ground, moving your hands from the head down to the feet. Once you reach the feet, flick your hands at the vessel filled with saltwater, directing the energy there to be cleared. Only sweep the energy downward. Visualize any stuck or stagnant energy beginning to move, and visualize any energy that is unwanted coming off the aura and draining into the vessel of saltwater that you have set aside. You can also periodically dip your hands into the saltwater to remove energy from them if that feels right to you.
Moving in a clockwise direction around the body, keep sweeping downward from the head to the ground, keeping about six inches away from the Physical Body until you return to the place where you began. When you are finished, invite the warm, golden healing light to envelop and surround your partner. Make sure they are feeling clear and light, giving them a few moments to integrate the experience. They may request that you do another sweep!
When you feel ready, verbally end the session and disentangle your energy from your partner’s. Do this by tracing a counterclockwise circle around your navel seven times with your right index finger, winding your energy back into yourself, and releasing your partner’s energy back to them. Tip the saltwater out into a sink or tub with gratitude, watching it swirl down the drain, taking the energetic debris down with it.
There are important chakras in the soles of the feet (located directly in the center of the arch on the bottom of the foot) that help you connect to the Earth’s energy. These foot chakras act as a release valve for energies that want to cycle out of your aura and into the ground, and also to pull vital energy up from the Earth. These chakras can become blocked when we get overwhelmed, stressed, or overexerted, or don’t make enough contact with the ground. A blocked foot chakra can make a person feel disconnected from others, fatigued, and irritable. When the energy in my feet is blocked or stagnant, I become dissociated, spacey, and forgetful.
To begin this exercise, ask your partner to come to a lying-down position anyplace that’s comfortable. Rub your hands together and set your intention to offer healing energy to your partner. Place both palms of your hands over your heart, intending to use your heart’s energy to offer heart-centered healing to your partner. Take many deep breaths before you begin, centering and calming yourself so you can be easeful in your work. Hold your hands palms upward to receive cosmic heart energy; see it flowing into your hands. Say a few words that invite heart-centered healing into your hands.
When you are ready, place the palms of your hands against the soles of your partner’s feet. Send energy out of your left hand, up the left side of the body, and see it turn at the head and come back down through the right foot. Now send energy into the right foot and watch it travel up the body, turn, and come back down through the left foot. Cycle energy in this way at least ten times, sending an arc of energy up the left channel and down the right, and vice versa. I like to imagine that I’m sending a golden energy through my hands. When you feel that the foot chakras are more open, press healing energy from both palms into the soles of the feet equally and feel the chakras in the feet opening. Offer blessings to the feet to close the session, giving thanks to them for their hard work and their skill in circulating energy from the body and the aura down into the Earth and back. I often anoint the feet with essential oils to honor them. Wash your hands and rub them together vigorously to clear them.
Advanced Method: Do this exercise the same way, moving energy through the feet up the left and right sides of the body, but direct the energy to circulate around each chakra on the way up and down the body. This causes the wheels of the chakras to spin and generate healing energy. Refer to the diagram on the previous page for a visual explanation of how this energy circuit works.
Make sure that you have grounded and centered yourself before beginning this meditation. Set a simple intention to clear your aura of anything draining or harmful. This exercise should take about thirty minutes.
When you are ready to begin, sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and your palms facing upward in your lap. Modify this position to suit your body. When you’ve found a comfortable seat, close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Count to four. Hold the breath for four and release the breath for four. Sense your seat on the chair, tune in to your breath, and get a sense of your physical center. Look deeply into the Physical Body, notice any places of holding or tension, and release with each exhale. Inhale and draw in a clearing powerful gust of wind; exhale and release any tension into the ground. Repeat.
Now slowly begin to imagine your whole aura emanating outward from your Physical Body. Free yourself to sense your aura, however it appears. It could be a sound, a sensation, a temperature, an emotion, or a vision. Let your energy field make itself felt all around you for a few moments in a general way, acclimating your senses to observing subtle energy.
When you are grounded and relaxed in your Physical Body and have a general sense of your energy field around you, picture a giant sunflower beneath you. The eye of this sunflower will take any psychic debris and absorb it.
When you have that in place, move your attention toward your Etheric Double. The Etheric Double surrounds your Physical Body just on the outer edge of your skin like an envelope of light. What qualities does this layer of your aura have? Feel the electricity on the outer edge of your skin. Do you see your chakras and energy meridians here? Imagine sweeping the Etheric Double with a gentle “psychic broom.” This broom is powerful and soft, adept at gently sweeping your Etheric Double. Let any psychic debris, tension, or density fall off of you into the receptacle beneath you.
Now move your attention outward toward the Emotional Body, observing the energies of your feeling states. What are the colors of your emotions? Can you shift these colors? What does it feel like to shift? Are you carrying any emotions that don’t belong to you? Sweep them out of your field with your psychic broom, ushering them downward into the heart of the sunflower under your feet.
When you are ready, move outward to your Mental Body. Acknowledge your beautiful wisdom here—this is your place of expanded knowing. You can access knowledge from different perspectives and dimensions here. Pay attention to any messages. What is it that you must know at this time? Are there any outmoded beliefs you would like to release? Ask any beliefs that are harmful to yourself or others to present themselves here. Take your psychic broom and sweep them down into the sunflower beneath you.
Now move your attention outward toward the Astral Body. Notice any sensations, visions, or narratives here. How does your Astral Body appear? Where do your dreams take you? What is your intuition telling you? Is there anything in the Astral Body that doesn’t belong to you? Sweep it with your psychic broom, down into the sunflower beneath you.
When you are ready, move your attention outward toward your Etheric Blueprint. Here is the blueprint of your being as it is now, as well as all information about your past and future selves and all their possible permutations. What is there for you to read on this map? Is there anything you would like to know or understand here? Are there lessons that you would like to integrate here? Take your time. Are there lessons that you would like to release here? If so, take your psychic broom and sweep them downward into the sunflower beneath you.
Move your attention outward toward your Celestial Body. This looks like the glow around a candle, with streamers of light shining outward. Feel your endless love here. Feel your connection to all that is. Feel your beauty. Your compassionate and loving heart. Your divinity. Your interrelatedness. Your cosmic bounty. Take your time. This is your ecstasy. Sweep your Celestial Body with your psychic broom, brushing anything that blocks your radiance down into the sunflower beneath you.
When you are ready, move your attention to the very last layer of your auric egg, the Causal Body. Notice the tiny threads of gold-silver light that hold the whole form of the aura together. These threads are connected to all other beings in creation. Feel your connectedness.
How far away from your Physical Body does your aura extend? What is the size and shape of your aura as a whole? Start to imagine the outside of your aura, as though you were looking at your energy fields from a bird’s-eye perspective. Then shift your perception back, feeling and sensing your energy bodies from the inside. Shift your perspective back and forth several times, noticing your aura from the outside and the inside. Now look at your whole aura from the inside.
Do you notice discolorations or objects lodged in your aura? Does anything look out of place? Unwelcome energies can look like just about anything; they appear differently to each person. This energy may look like small pebbles, rocks, or flecks of dirt. It may look like boulders, storm clouds, or gray fuzzy blobs. Sometimes we can see these energies as stakes, needles, or splinters lodged in the aura.
Begin to imagine a column of bright divine light of every color extending from the very top of your aura to the very center of the universe, and from the bottom of your aura to the very center of the Earth. The column runs through the center of your body, filling it with light. Expand this column so all your energies are surrounded, within and without, with this beautiful light.
Pull out stakes, needles, attachments, and splinters, being careful to offer everything to the creative light to be burned away, both above and below. Take your psychic broom and remove any debris, offering it to the light column to be released and transmuted. Ring psychic bells around your energy field to retune the sound of your energy. Adjust the sound, color, textural, and emotional frequencies of your aura so you feel comfortable.
When the unwelcome energy has been released, you may notice that there are holes, perhaps gaping, left behind where the energy that was not yours was attached. It is time to seal your aura. It is important that you take the time to fill in these spaces in your energy field. Imagine a stream of golden cosmic light shining down from above you, as though the clouds are parting to shine the sun down on you after a heavy rain. This golden light, shimmering healing light, purely divine, pours down over you in a magnificent cascade. Imagine sparkling glimmers of light washing over you like a gentle wave. Feel your Physical Body tingle as you receive this warm, healing bath. This light will fill in any spots in your aura that require it with restorative and healing energy.
Continue accepting this healing bath of gold light as it showers your aura from crown to floor, until all holes and tears are filled and repaired. Give this some time. When your aura has been repaired, you will feel yourself enveloped by healing, golden, divine light. Take a moment to thank the golden light.
Practice changing the color of the outside of your aura. Pull it in, expand it out; experiment with changing its color and camouflaging it with the surrounding environment. Adjust your aura so it is appropriate for how you want to feel today. Once you are satisfied that your aura is the size, shape, color, and frequency perfect for you at this time, shield the aura. Place a screen around your aura, a beautiful protective filter that will assist you in creating healthy energetic boundaries. You can imagine this shield however you like: a blue web, a field of roses, a shimmering pink bubble—whatever calls to you.
Ask this shield to filter out any unhealthy energy, and ask it to let in any energies you would welcome today. Once you feel satisfied that you have a good filtration system around your aura, release your psychic broom down into the sunflower beneath you. See the sunflower beneath you explode into beautiful golden light that seeps into the molten core of the Earth, transmuting any energy from your aura that you did not want into fertile fuel for the rocks and soil. Release the column of light you are bathing in with gratitude. Rub your palms together vigorously and then place them over your eyes. When you are ready, open the eyes. Stand up and have a drink of water as you think about the things you experienced during this meditation.
It is important to regularly maintain the health of your energy bodies. Are you carrying around emotions that don’t belong to you? Is anything or anyone attached to your energy field that you don’t want? Is anything draining you or causing you to leak energy?
Fill in the figure on the previous page with a drawing of the energy attachments and debris you saw in your aura. How does it look now that you’ve cleared it?
It can be very helpful to build up an energy tool kit that you use whenever you want to clear your aura or refresh your energy. Here are some tools that can be used to clear the aura. Use your creative imagination as you build your energy-clearing kit.
BELLS, RATTLES, SINGING BOWLS, TUNING FORKS, or any other sound maker can be used around the body or in environments to clear and reset the energy.
BROOMS, DUSTERS, and MOPS can be used on energy and auras as well as on your house. All acts of cleaning are opportunities to cleanse energy. Visualize energy getting cleared as you do your housework. If you use a broom to sweep your house of unwanted energy, sweep from the inside of the house toward the outside. When cleaning floors and furniture, you can use energy-clearing ingredients (some recipes are listed in this chapter) to remove unwanted energy. You can also procure a feather duster and use it on your energy field. Sweeping psychic debris off of your aura can feel really excellent. Be sure to send any energy that you’re removing down into the molten core of the Earth. If you do this, use the feather duster only for your energy field and not to clear the house. Periodically set it in the sun to reset its energy.
COMBS and BRUSHES can be used to remove unwanted debris. Run the comb or brush through the layers of your aura, removing any tangles or energies that you don’t want to carry. If you do this, use the comb or brush only for your energy field and not on your hair, and comb the aura from the top downward. Periodically set the brush or comb in the sun to reset its energy.
LAUGHTER shakes off negative energies, and certain negative entities have a hard time being around it. To use laughter to clear your energy, take a deep breath in and “fake laugh,” shaking your whole body and making whatever laughter sounds you need to make. When your laughter becomes genuine, your energy fields have righted themselves.
PLANTS such as angelica, anise, basil, bay, cedar, cinnamon, clove, cumin, fennel, frankincense, eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, mugwort, patchouli, pine, rosemary, sage, and valerian are all used to clear energy. You can burn these herbs, grow them around your home, or add them to a bath or any cleaning solutions that you make. It is always best to use plants that grow plentifully in your locale and to harvest them by introducing yourself, declaring your intentions, waiting for the plant to give you a “yes” feeling, and leaving an offering before harvesting. If this is not possible, you can source dried herbs from an ethical source listed in the guide at the end of this book, or go to a local herb shop or farmer’s market.
RIGHT RELATIONSHIP means relationships—with anything, whether plants, animals, water, food, or people—that are founded on mutual respect and an even exchange of energy. Coming into right relationship with yourself, other people, and your world is a daily practice that creates an incredible amount of balance in your Emotional, Mental, and Celestial Bodies. Thinking about establishing right relationships can create profound changes in how you decide to live. How can you be in right relationship with the water that you drink and bathe in?
RUNNING WATER can do a lot to clear your energy fields. Take a long shower, walk through a stream, or go for a dip in the ocean.
SALT can be used wet or dry to clear and clean the body, objects, and indoor spaces. You can add salt to your bath or cleaning solutions. To clear the auras of objects, place them in a dish of salt overnight. Empty any salt from the dish into the drain under running water.
SILENCE can be really helpful in clearing the Mental and Emotional Bodies of excess energy. Practicing silence means abstaining from reading printed texts and not looking at the phone or computer, writing, listening to music, watching television, or talking for a period of time. I like to commit seven hours per week to silence to clear my energy field. Even dedicating the first fifteen minutes of every day to total silence can make a big shift in your aura—leaving it more spacious so you are less likely to feel overwhelmed throughout the day.
STONES have long been used to clear energy. You can use stones to absorb energy from the aura by sweeping them around the energy field or by placing them out in a room to absorb harmful energy. If you do this, make sure to clear the stones regularly by placing them in a dish of salt or bathing them in the sun for a full day. Many crystals come from large-scale industrial mines owned by companies with poor environmental records and a history of labor violations. I prefer using river rocks or quartz and obsidian pieces that I find myself in designated rock-hunting areas. This is not feasible for everyone, but do make sure that the stones that you work with are sourced ethically. The following stones have been used to clear energy and should be easy to obtain ethically: clear quartz, obsidian, river rocks, rose quartz, and black tourmaline.
VINEGAR can disrupt magic and keep unwanted energies away. Pour wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar into a dish and let it evaporate to clear your space. You can also add white vinegar to cleaning solutions. When you feel sluggish or run down, try imbibing a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar as you picture your Physical Body and energetic bodies clearing.
Water has a memory and is affected by its environment: The crystalline structures that make up water retain an imprint of any sounds, words, or vibrations that exist around it. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a leading researcher on the memory of water, has done extensive research on how words, music, and prayer change the crystalline structure of water, proving that it is programmable. Keep this in mind as you make washes, sprays, and baths that clear the aura and the home, and be sure to infuse the water with a clear intention. Here are some of my favorite recipes for making sprays and washes to clear your own energy fields as well as the energy in your home or place of work.
Adjust the ingredients you use so you are working with materials that are affordable, responsibly sourced, and a good fit for your own energy signature. Just like the crystal industry, the herb and essential oil industry can support harmful environmental and labor practices. White sage has become a popular plant for its energy-cleansing properties, but it is a threatened plant that is not bountiful in the wild and is difficult to grow in gardens, so I don’t use it. Palo santo wood has also become popular for clearing spaces, but this tree has been given endangered status as it is threatened by overharvesting. Always purchase oils and herbs sustainably.
Clearing washes and baths use the elements of water and earth (via the plant and salt infusions). Many people like to activate the elements of fire and air while they do their washes and sprays by burning herbs or incense as they mop, spray, and bathe. This means that all four elements of water, earth, air, and fire are activated and assisting you with your energy clearing.
This is my go-to clearing spray that I use on my own aura, as well as to clear the aura of my living and working spaces. Feel free to adjust this recipe so it works best for your vibration. I prefer using clear glass spray bottles for this recipe, but go with whatever colors or materials you feel drawn to.
For a 4-ounce bottle of clearing spray:
1 spray bottle
¼ cup water
1½ tablespoons witch hazel
15 drops sage or clary sage oil
15 drops lemon oil
7 drops eucalyptus or juniper oil
1 sprig thyme
1 clear quartz crystal, river rock, or seashell
Once I have my clearing spray mixed, I take time to project an intention or a color into it with my hands. This programs the water inside with the task of clearing energy. I like to envision a mist clearing, revealing a clear blue sky. Use whatever visuals, colors, or words best suit your purposes. You can charge this clearing spray with the light of a full moon or the bright sun—both energies assist with lifting shadows. To do this, you mix your spray and then set it outside so it catches the light of the sun or the light of the full moon for at least three hours.
I spray Clearing Mist around my aura whenever I feel depleted, drained, or like I’ve picked up other people’s energy in excess. Spritz it liberally around your energy fields, being mindful of your eyes, and visualize the droplets clearing and cleaning your aura the way a light spring rain cleans the air. You can use the spray in a similar fashion in any room where the energy feels stale, stagnant, or negatively charged.
I use Elation Spray when my aura feels heavy or sluggish, or the energy of a place feels depressing or disenchanted. I think of this spray as “rapture in a bottle”; it puts me in a place of pleasure and comfort quickly. I like to use use a pink glass spray bottle—but use whatever color or material speaks to you.
1 spray bottle
¼ cup water
1½ tablespoons witch hazel
13 drops rose oil
13 drops hyssop or geranium oil
1 piece of rose quartz, seashell, or penny
Optional: a few rose petals or a passion flower blossom
Once you have finished making your spray, charge it with some laughter to help it lift the energy around you and in your space. A simple way to do this is to take a deep breath in and “fake laugh.” When your laughter becomes genuine (this can take a while, so persevere), laugh into the spray bottle to infuse it with the sound. Sometimes I’ll sing a playful song into my Elation Spray: “The cells in my body are joyful / The cells in my body are well / Yes—I feel so good / Yes—I feel so swell.” As you do this, tap your head, shoulders, knees, and toes and sing a few lines into the spray bottle.
I spray Elation liberally around my energy fields, office, and home on a regular basis.
Floor washes are incredibly helpful for clearing unwanted energy out of your home. I use this floor wash monthly to keep my space glowing.
Add to a bucket of mop water:
1 cup white vinegar
5 tablespoons lemon juice
¼ cup salt
10 drops pine or juniper oil
10 drops eucalyptus or rosemary oil
Remember to infuse this mop water with a clear intention, prayer, or color for a few moments before you begin using it. Cleanse your home from the back of the house toward the front door. If you have a multiple-story home, start at the top and work your way down. Use a mop on tile, cement, and wooden floors. If you have carpeting, put some of the floor wash into a spray bottle and use it to spray the carpet. Use a cloth moistened with floor wash to wipe down the baseboards, doors, windowsills, and thresholds of every room. Make your way to the front door of your home. While you clean you can speak your intention, recite a prayer or poem, or listen to music that feels cleansing and uplifting to you. As you pour out dirty mop water, see any unwanted energies leaving your space and feel glad.
Because I work in the field of aura reading and clearing, it is important for me to regularly bathe my body in “clearing waters” to release my clients’ energies from my aura. The Restart Bath is my go-to recipe when I’m feeling sluggish or unfocused. Use this recipe in the bathtub. If you don’t have a tub, make a pitcher of the solution and pour it over yourself in the shower.
8 drops lemongrass oil
8 drops oregano oil
8 drops lemon oil
⅓ cup Epsom salt
Do a grounding visualization and take a few rounds of deep breathing before you enter the water. During the bath, visualize any unwanted energies being scrubbed from your aura. Make sure you completely submerge your body three times. If you have a small tub or are showering, use a pitcher to “dunk” your head three times instead. When you have done this, visualize a golden light being poured down onto the top of your head and around your body. When you are ready, exit the bath and watch the water swirl down the drain with a great deal of satisfaction.
“Experiments in Vibration” is how I refer to learning to work with different aura-healing tools. Essentially, you use a different healing or clearing tool on each layer of your aura while taking detailed notes. I like to set aside at least an hour a week to practice aura balancing with different tools so I have a nuanced practice that can be adapted to different bodies and situations. Throughout this book, we have learned dozens of techniques and tools to ground, clear, and center our energy. These experiments will help you arrive at which ones are right for you. Make detailed journal entries of these experiments, keeping track of what you learn and observe as you perform them.
To do an Experiment in Vibration, ground and center yourself. Then take your tool through each layer of the aura, noticing how each one responds uniquely. For an example, I will walk us through an Experiment in Vibration with a tuning fork. Breathe deeply for several rounds, centering yourself and becoming calm. Ring the tuning fork once, and feel the vibrations of the sound resonating throughout your entire aura. You may need to do this several times before you notice the effect. Now ring the tuning fork and hold it against your Etheric Double, just outside your skin. Notice how the Etheric Double is affected, sounding the fork as many times as you need to until you notice the vibration in this energy field. Resound the tuning fork within your Emotional Body, taking note of how this energy body is affected. Ring the tuning fork in the space of your Mental Body, noting any sensations or change in vibration there. Do this for each layer of the aura. When you are finished, resound the tuning fork again and notice how it affects the entire aura as a whole. Each tuning fork has a different note. What note did you use? How did it make you feel? Try this exercise again with a tuning fork of a different note. Take diligent notes.
Doing this with all of your energy tools in each layer of the aura will help you develop a sophisticated and accurate energetic-healing practice. Take time to work with different sprays, instruments, brushes, and hand motions. Become relentlessly creative and curious in your energy studies.
At the start of each day, I like to ground myself and decide how I want to wear my aura. This is just as important as selecting your outfit! If I’m going to be doing public speaking, I make the circumference of my aura very wide, so I take up space at the lecture podium. If I’m going to a crowded concert or taking a crowded train, I often pull my energy field in close so I don’t absorb a bunch of energy from other people. I also adjust the color, frequency, and appearance of the outer edge of my aura so it matches how I feel or what I need that day.
I like to stand with my spine straight and tall for this exercise; make yourself comfortable however you need to. Imagine a golden tube running up and down your spine where the main power current of the aura is. Imagine a golden ball above your head, and as you breathe calmly, see this ball of light energy coming down the golden tube slowly, until it rests in your solar plexus. Extend the light from the solar plexus outward so it illuminates your entire aura.
See the circumference of your aura. Make it the size and shape you need for the day. It can help to say out loud what the day will be like—sometimes the aura makes its own shape accordingly. Softly breathe into the outer edge of the aura as you settle on the right aura radius. When you are ready, allow the outer edge of the aura to become any color that is suitable for the day. Will you need to protect your energy? Can it remain soft and open? You can see the texture of the outer edge of your energy and decide whether you need it to be more open or more closed. You can cloak the aura so it is brighter or more invisible—whatever you need.
When you are finished adjusting your aura, raise your arms overhead on an inhale and say “ha!” on your exhale, lowering the arms and opening the eyes.