The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- acupuncture
- Ajna. See Third Eye Chakra
- Amorah Quan Yin
- Anahata. See Heart Chakra
- De anima (Aristotle)
- animals
- animism
- Aristotle
- Astral Body
- clearing
- cords tied to
- exercises for
- plane of
- reading
- Astral Plane
- aura cleaning tools
- aura reading. See also chakras; interpretation of auras; tool(s) for exploring auras
- checklist for
- closing step in
- common questions on
- disentanglement step in
- ethical considerations for
- exercises
- fees for
- interpretations
- tools for exploring
- auras. See also clearing of auras; interpretation of auras; specific aura layers
- adaptation, at will, of
- anatomy of
- Astral Body layer of
- Causal Body layer of
- Celestial Body layer of
- chakras’ correspondence to
- clearing
- Emotional Body layer of
- energy healing’s tie to
- Etheric Blueprint layer of
- Etheric Double layer of
- exercises for connecting to/activating
- explanation of
- holes/rips/tears in
- interpretation of
- Mental Body layer of
- Physical Body’s tie to
- shielding
- vocabulary associated with
- auric field
- Beaming/Telepathy exercise
- Be Gone Floor Wash
- Bendit, Phoebe
- biofield
- biophilia
- black auras
- blue
- auras
- chakras tied to
- for energy healing
- body, gross
- body, subtle
- Bohr, Niels
- Broglie, Louis de
- brooms/dusters/mops
- Buchanan, Joseph Rodes
- Buddha
- Burr, Harold Saxton
- Camera-Click exercise
- Causal Body
- chakra/plane tied to
- clearing
- exercises for
- reading
- tuning in to
- Celestial Body
- chakra/plane tied to
- clearing
- connection to
- exercises for
- Chakra Reading exercise
- chakras
- anatomy of
- color associations to
- Crown (Sahasrara)
- explanation of
- in feet
- in hands
- Heart (Anahata)
- music associations to
- Root (Muladhara)
- Sacral (Svadhisthana)
- Solar Plexus (Manipura)
- Third Eye (Ajna)
- Throat (Vishuddha)
- The Chakras (Leadbeater)
- chromotherapy
- circles, auras with
- clairaudience
- claircognizance
- clairempathy
- clairgustance
- clairsalience
- clair senses
- clairsentience
- clairtangency
- clairvoyance
- Clearing Mist recipe
- clearing of auras
- via bathing
- via energy sweeping
- via feet chakras
- via meditation
- tools for
- colors. See also specific colors
- in auras
- chakra associations to
- exercises using
- as healing tool
- combs/brushes, clearing via
- common questions
- concentration
- consent
- cords (etheric)
- Cosmic Consciousness
- cosmology
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- Causal Body’s tie to
- color associations to
- Dermo-Optical reading exercises
- disentanglement
- The Earth Path (Starhawk)
- “Egg Yolk” visualization
- Elation Spray recipe
- electromagnetism
- Emotional Body
- clearing
- connecting to
- exercises for
- reading
- Emotional Clarity exercise
- Emoto, Masaru
- Energetic Body. See also auras
- energy
- chakras tied to
- physics of
- energy healing
- aura layers associated with
- changing one’s aura in
- clearing of aura/energy for
- using colors
- exercises for
- resources for
- using vibration
- energy signature
- Energy Sweeping exercise
- ESP (extrasensory perception)
- Etheric Blueprint
- chakra/plane tied to
- clearing
- connection to
- exercises for
- reading
- Etheric Double
- clearing
- exercises for
- reading
- Root Chakra’s tie to
- Etheric Double Scan
- ethics
- exercises
- for aura connection practice
- for aura reading practice
- for energy healing
- Experiments in Vibrations exercise
- Eye Scry exercise
- fatigue
- Feeling Energy exercise
- feel of auras
- common questions on
- feet, chakras of
- fields, explanation of
- force, explanation of
- frequency of vibrations
- Frias, Edgar Fabian
- Future Science (White/ Krippner)
- gold
- auras
- energy healing using
- gray auras
- green
- auras
- chakra associations to
- energy healing using
- grids, auras with
- grounding of energy
- exercises for
- guides/guardians/protective spirits
- hands, chakras of
- Heart Chakra (Anahata)
- activation exercise for
- Astral Body’s tie to
- as bridge between planes
- color associations to
- holes/tears/rips in auras
- hooks, auras with
- human energy field. See also auras
- hums/pops/buzzes in auras
- indigo
- auras
- chakra correlations to
- intentions, setting of
- interpretation of auras
- checklist for
- using colors
- communication as tool in
- by “feel” of aura
- via frequency
- intuitive accuracy in
- via knowing sense
- reflection as tool in
- repetition as tool in
- via shapes/appearance
- via taste/smell
- Ketheric Body. See Causal Body
- Knocking on the Door of Life exercise
- knowing sensation
- Krippner, Stanley
- the Kybalion
- land, auras of
- land spirits, speaking to
- language, ethical
- laughter, as clearing tool
- Leadbeater, C. W.
- lines, auras with
- lucid dreaming
- exercise for
- Manipura. See Solar Plexus Chakra
- meditation
- for aura clearing
- as conduit to spirits
- for focus/energy
- Mental Body
- clearing
- exercises for
- reading
- Solar Plexus’s tie to
- meridians
- Mindful Walking exercise
- Mirror Aura Reading
- moon, aura of
- morphic field
- Muladhara. See Root Chakra
- music
- in auras
- chakra associations to
- nadis (energy pathways)
- nature sounds in auras
- The Nature of Color (Steiner)
- A New Science of Life (Sheldrake)
- Newton, Sir Isaac
- Noticing Movements of the Mind exercise
- objects, auras of
- Oracles of Delphi
- orange
- auras
- chakra associations to
- energy healing using
- orbs, auras with
- palo santo wood
- Physical Body
- auras’ ties to
- clearing energy and
- color associated with
- grounding of
- planes of existence and
- reading one’s
- Physical Plane
- energy layers on
- pineal gland
- awakening exercise for
- pink
- auras
- energy healing using
- places, auras of
- plants
- auras of
- as clearing tool
- The Pleiadian Workbook (Amorah Quan Yin)
- prayer, protective
- Projecting Color Through Hands exercise
- protection of energy
- via grounding
- via guides/spirits
- via land spirits
- via prayer
- sacred spaces for
- via visualization
- psychometry
- Pūrṇānanda Yati (yogi)
- Rainbow Meditation
- red
- auras
- chakras tied to
- for energy healing
- Reiki
- reprogramming beliefs
- resources for classes/supplies
- Restart Bath recipe
- right relationships
- rocks/stones
- auras of
- as clearing tools
- Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- color associations to
- Etheric Double’s tie to
- Rumi
- Rutherford, Ernest
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
- color tied to
- Emotional Body’s tie to
- sacred spaces
- Sahasrara. See Crown Chakra
- saltwater
- Samaññaphala Sutta (Buddhist text)
- Ṣaṭ-chakra-nirūpaṇa (Pūrṇānanda)
- schools/classes, energy healing
- scrubs/washes/sprays
- Sending Energy Through the Feet exercise
- sexuality
- shapes/common appearances in auras
- shape-shifting
- Sheldrake, Rupert
- silence, as clearing tool
- silver
- auras
- energy healing using
- singing bowls, as clearing tool
- smell
- aura’s experience via
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
- color tied to
- Mental Body’s tie to
- sound healing
- sound of auras
- as hums, pops, buzzes and vibrations
- as music
- as nature sounds
- as words
- spikes, auras with
- spirals, auras with
- spirits
- of the land
- protective
- Spiritual Plane
- Causal Body’s tie to
- Celestial Body’s tie to
- Etheric Blueprint’s tie to
- splinters, auras with
- squares, auras with
- Starhawk
- Steiner, Rudolf
- stones. See rocks/stones
- streaks/beams of light
- supplies, energy healing
- Svadhisthana. See Sacral Chakra
- synesthesia
- Tai Chi
- Tantric traditions
- yoga
- Tao Te Ching
- taste of auras
- telepathy
- Theosophical Society
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
- Celestial Body’s tie to
- color tied to
- thought forms
- Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
- color tied to
- Ethic Blueprint’s tie to
- time travel
- tool(s) for exploring auras
- grounding of energy as
- guides/guardians/protective spirits as
- land spirits as
- prayer as
- sacred spaces as
- visualization as
- tools for clearing auras
- triangles, auras with
- tuning forks
- Universal Energy
- Universal Energy Field
- Val Camonica carvings, Italy
- vibration(s)
- of auras
- frequency of
- healing with
- of objects
- resonance of
- string theory and
- vinegar, as clearing tool
- violet
- auras
- chakra correlations to
- Vishuddha. See Throat Chakra
- visualization
- as clearing tool
- “Egg Yolk”
- vocabulary, aura-related
- water
- auras of
- clearing with
- waves, explanation of
- Wheels of Life (Judith)
- white auras
- White, John
- white sage
- Wilson, Edward
- Woodroffe, Sir John
- words in auras
- yellow
- auras
- chakra associations to
- yoga
- Tantric