This book never would have happened without my grandparents. My grandmother grew up in Darien, just outside of Savannah and she filled my head with stories of the salt water rivers, and shrimp boats. It was so much fun to go visit her sisters when I visited for book research!
Big thanks to my agent, Laurie McLean, who loved the first book and found a home for the entire series, and to Liz Pelletier from Entangled for believing in the Sea Dog crew and in me.
I also need to thank my intrepid beta readers for this book, Denise Fluhr, Heather Cox, and Elizabeth Neal. And to my amazing Night Angel Reader Group, thanks for all the support for this series! You guys are the wind in the Sea Dog’s sails for sure.
Big thanks to the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum in Savannah for the tour of the beautiful William Scarbrough house and for talking nautical knots with me. Any mistakes in the book are my own.
And finally, thanks to my husband for encouraging me and believing in my writing. I love you! And I can’t wait to go on more book research adventures with you.