Chapter Three

Hattie rose early the next morning for the gym. Smiling as she took the glass back to the kitchen and placing it in the dishwasher, she glanced at Tamarins’ closed door. She hoped she hadn’t made too much noise last night.

Remembering her promise to herself to go to the gym, she grabbed a towel and set off around the corner of the block for the gym. She flashed her membership as she went in and looked around to see where she should start. She approached a trainer for help, who then spent some time showing her pieces of equipment to start with, persuading her not to use the weights unless she had a buddy. Hattie spent several minutes warming up on a rower before she was ready to try the weights on her own. She scanned the room and couldn’t see anyone she could approach.

How hard could it be?

Hattie lay on the bench, ready to try the chest press when a pair of large, tanned thighs, encased in basketball shorts, came into her view.

“Do you need a buddy?”

Hattie knew that voice and her body instantly reacted to it. She sat up suddenly and turned around.

“Ben. Hi. I didn’t know you came here.” Hattie blushed and wriggled, as warmth spread to her groin, remembering her vision of his mouth on her.

Ben’s eyes seemed to be tracking her every movement before he finally looked her directly in the eyes. “Yeah, this is my home away from home for a few years now. It’s out of the way and back to the basics, just how I like it.”

“Oh, it’s my first day. I thought I would try to get into condition.”

“You look like you’re in condition to me,” Ben said as he eyed her t-shirt stretching across her breasts, causing Hattie to pull on it further as she tried to cover herself. He coughed and shifted, his gaze a mixture of curiosity and lust. “Anyway, it’s always safer with a buddy. Especially if you’re just starting.”

“Right,” Hattie said as she shifted back into position and gripped the bar.

She wished she had made an effort with her appearance that morning and not just worn the tight graying t-shirt and lycra pants that she hoped was sucking in her fat a little. She pulled the t-shirt down further to try to cover her stomach as she reached for the bar overhead.

Lifting the bar up and pulling it towards her, she slowly lifted it several times. Her peripheral vision caught Ben’s large hands hovering under the bar in case she needed help. Hattie’s movements started to slow as she became very aware his hands were also close to her breasts, her nipples tightening in response to his closeness. She looked upward towards Ben as she lifted the barbell down again.

Is the front of his shorts bigger? Did I do that to him?

Hattie’s hands slipped on the bar and Ben grabbed it in time before it fell on her, the barbell just catching her right breast, making her wince.

Ben put the bar back in its cradle and came around to help her up. His hand went to cradle her chest, her breast looking small in his hands, her nipple hardening further under his touch.

“Christ,” he said, withdrawing his hand quickly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I was just checking you were okay.”

Hattie gulped, feeling the warmth on her breast where his hand had just been. She went to stand and stumbled as her foot caught on the bench. She fell into Ben’s chest, her face meeting solid muscle and his arms engulfing her as he steadied her. She looked up at him, again feeling so small next to him.

“You know you’re the only person I feel dainty next to,” she quipped to lighten the mood.

Ben stepped back and nodded. “That’s probably because you are dainty. Also, I’ve been told I’m a monster next to some people.”


Hattie’s head jerked and her mouth went dry again, wondering what the rest of him looked like naked. Was he a monster everywhere? “Thanks again for helping,” Hattie said as she picked up her towel and wiped the sheen of sweat forming on her brow just thinking about them together.

“Anytime,” Ben said. “You’re a friend of Grace’s after all.”

Of course. That’s why he helped. Not for any other reason.

Hattie went to walk away when Ben put a hand on her shoulder. “Will you be here tomorrow?” he asked. “Just in case you need a buddy again?”

Hattie hesitated but nodded. “Actually that would be good. I’m feeling a little unsure so having someone here would be good.”

Ben smiled warmly. “I look forward to it, Hattie,” he said as he turned and went back to the weights.