The lady teacher

give no smiles.

She keep everything serious.

I think maybe her man go with too much women


someone die in her family.

Then I understanding:

Lady teacher is angry annoyed with me.

Her boobs expanding.

She is full with irritating.

‘Your name?’

‘Nicu Gabor,’ I soft say.

She huff like wolf.

‘Right. OK.’

She writing and move paper on table.

‘I doubt you’ll be able to catch up.’

Her voice turn to whisper,

    ‘Just keep your

head down and behave.’

Her eye go to my eye.

She say, ‘OK … erm …?’ fighting for find my

I don’t tell her again.

She point her finger to chair.

‘Right, sit there for now. But when the others get here

you’ll need to find somewhere else to put yourself.’

I walk to chair

without giving lady teacher

my smile,

my thank you.