The secret of happiness is to live
within your income and pay your
bills on time.
No one would remember the Good
Samaritan if he had only had good
intentions. He had money as well.
Pennies don’t fall from heaven, they
have to be earned here on earth.
It is not the creation of wealth that
is wrong, but the love of money for
its own sake.
The evil of inflation is still with us.
Everything a politician promises…
has to be paid for either by higher
taxation or by borrowing.
I do wish I had brought my cheque
book. I don’t believe in credit cards.
There are too
few rich and
too few profits.
If you go into what I call a bubble
boom, every bubble bursts.
Economics are the method;
the object is to change the soul.
You and I come by road or rail, but
economists travel on infrastructure.
I am always proud when Conservative
councils are economical in their use
of other people’s money.
The Government have no money on their
own. There is only taxpayer’s money.
The world is wracked by economic
confusion and inflation.
Some of you will say that taxation
is like shearing sheep – you ought
to stop when you get to the skin.
I must be frank, interest rates could
be lower if governments weren’t the
last of the big spenders.
A nation can’t go on living
beyond its means.
Wealth must be created before
it can be shared and enjoyed.
There is no crock of gold
that we can raid.