We want a society where people
are free to make choices, to make
mistakes, to be generous and
I want everyone to be a man
of property; that’s the way
we’ll get one nation.
The family is the basic unit of our
society. It is within the family that
the next generation is nurtured.
I think we’ve been through a period
where too many people have been
given to understand that if they have
a problem, it’s the government’s job
to cope with it.
They are casting their problems
at society. And, you know, there’s
no such thing as society.
Let us resolve to heal the wounds
of a divided nation.
I don’t know exactly what democracy
is. But we need more of it.
It is the people’s turn to speak.
It is their powers of which we
are the custodians.
Our choice will determine the life or
death of our kind of society.
Tradition affects a
nation no less
than individuals.
What is opportunity if your only
opportunity is to be equal?
To cure the British disease with
socialism was like trying to cure
leukaemia with leeches.