Noteworthy Members of the Charted Systems
BALTEC - Minoran System
Minorans are the only known quadrupeds in the Charted Systems. There are seven species that all share the Minoran designation, and while genetically distinct, all can interbreed and produce viable offspring. Minorans have melanin-based skin tones, as well as hair in several shades of brown. Hock spurs are present in two of the seven species; members of these species are seldom seen outside the Minoran System. The number of genders varies across species; however, due to how closely related the species are, this is thought to be due to cultural mores rather than biology. Only one individual is required for reproduction, although the fitness of the offspring increases with each genetically contributing parent.
EARTH - Terran System
Terrans are bipedal, with melanin-based skin. Hair color varies wildly across the species, as does the amount of body hair. Terrans have an unknown number of genders, as this statistic is consistently updated. Reproduction involves one parent from each of the dominant two genders (female and male), although trinary and even quaternary reproduction has been reported.
MISSOTONA - Alusian System
The Alusians are one species comprised of eleven subspecies, which are differentiated by the shape of the scales sporadically interspersed across their carotenoid-based skin. Most are bipedal, and some of the subspecies are known to have fur. Alusians have two distinct genders (female and gatoi), and variants thereof are so uncommon as to be statistically insignificant. Reproduction requires a parent from each gender.
NEEK - Neek System
The Neek are bipeds with similar stature and skin tone to Terrans. Unlike the Terrans, the Neek almost uniformly have red-hued hair, and none are capable of growing facial hair. Officially, there is one species of Neek; however, original Risalian survey data indicate the potential for either a second species, or a subspecies, that lacks melanin entirely. Dominant-species Neek have eight fingers per hand, with soft-keratin nails. They secret empathic mucus from their fingertips and, when under stress, from all of their sweat glands. The Neek have a trinary gender system (female, male, and gatoi). Only two genders are required for reproduction, but the inclusion of a third gender increases fitness in the offspring.
OORIN - Callis System
The Oori are methane-based, phase-shifting organisms with a complicated biology. Little is understood about their physiology or reproduction. Outside of their native ecosystems, the Oori can be distinguished by the small cubes somewhere on their person that act as both an air filter and a translator, as their semi-viscous nature makes forming the sounds of Common difficult.
RISAL - Risalian System
The Risalians are a bipedal, agender species. While their skin tones are melanin-based, the unique density of their skin refracts light in such a way that the dark, high-molecular weight pigment appears as varying shades of blue. Most Risalians have dark hair and have an amphibious—instead of the more usual mammalian—evolutionary history. Breathing occurs through gill slits in the sides of the neck, although vestigial, mammalian-style noses are also present. Reproduction is accomplished through asexual budding. Of interesting note: Risalians are seldom seen without a secondary, companion species. While this species has no official name, they are also bipedal and appear to be reliant on the Risalians for care and direction.