Noteworthy Members of the Alliance
ARDULUM - Yoshin System
During its time in the Alliance, the Ardulan planet revolved around Yoshin as a large moon. The Ardulan people are bipeds with melanin-based skin and are very similar to the Yishin and Keft in general appearance. They lack the heavier body hair of the Yishin and have a thinner keratin nail on their fingers (five per hand). Also, Ardulan skin is quite thin, to the point of near translucence. While Ardulans have empathic mucus glands, no production of the mucus has ever been reported. Ardulans have three genders (female, male, and gatoi); all three are used for reproduction, although only two are necessary.
CRODEQUE - Crodeque System
The Quinns of Crodeque are not the dominant sentient species of their system, but are the only species willing to engage with the Alliance. All Quinns are gelatinous zooplankton, with a wide range of colors and forms. Most are fluid in their presentation and gender. There are forty-seven known genders within the Quinn, but only one Quinn is necessary for reproduction (although any number and combination is viable).
GGLLOT - Ggyynii System
The dominant sentient species of Ggllot are the Mmnnuggls. Mmnnuggls’ bodies are always perfectly spherical exoskeletons with cartilaginous ears (usually two) appearing equidistant from one another. The casing of the exoskeleton has purple anthocyanin-based tones and can range from true purple and lilac to near black, depending upon the mood of the Mmnnuggl. A given Mmnnuggl usually presents in one of four genders (primary female, primary male, secondary female, or secondary male). Any combination of two genders is needed for reproduction, although all four may be used to no ill or additional positive effect.
KEFT - Keft System
The Keft people are bipedal, most with red-hued hair and melanin-based skin tones. Most have eight fingers per hand, the nails of which end in indigo or purple talons (ranging from 30-45 mm long on average). Most Keft secrete empathic mucus from their fingertips and, under stress, also from their sweat glands. A Keft usually presents in one of three genders (female, male, or gatoi). Only two genders are required for reproduction; however, the addition of a third parent increases fitness in the offspring.
XINAR - Xinar System
The Xinarn people, comprised of two genetically distinct but physically similar species, are bipeds with carotenoid-based skin tones and no body hair. Both species have between four to six fingers per hand. Each species has one gender, but reproduction takes one member from each species. Offspring belong genetically to one species or the other and are never blended.
YOSHIN - Yoshin System
The Yishin are bipeds very similar to the Keft, but they differ in the length of their claws (generally less than 14 mm long). Their bodies are covered in thick, orange hair that often obscures their melanin-based skin. Most Yishin secret empathic mucus from their fingertips and, under stress, also from their sweat glands. The Yishin have a trinary gender system (female, male, and gatoi); only two genders are required for reproduction, but the addition of the third increases fitness in the offspring.