
October 2, 1943

Lainie pushed back the curtain and looked out the window. She strummed her fingers against the pane. Where was the car? Any minute Tanya should whip in front of Esther’s with Tom’s car to carry her to the chapel on base.

It was hard to believe that tonight she and Tom would become husband and wife. A rush of excitement flooded her at the thought.

They’d drive to Ogallala and spend the night near Lake McConaughy before continuing to North Platte the next day. Her parents had accepted their decision to have a quick and small wedding, but insisted on a large reception at the Pawnee Hotel ballroom. That was tomorrow. Today, they’d have the simple ceremony.

All the girls but Esther had already left. They’d join Tom’s Army buddies as witnesses.

Lainie turned from the window and smoothed the front of her gown. The pale-blue silk gown swept below her knees and fell in soft pleats. She’d brought the dress to Crawford, not knowing if she would have any occasion to wear it, and now it was her wedding dress. She twirled in front of the window and smiled.

Her bag already sat by the front door, ready to throw in the trunk.

“Tanya’s here.” Esther yelled up the stairs.

Lainie’s dreams really were going to come true today. She flew down the stairs and into the car, Esther behind her. “Let’s go.”

It felt like they would never reach the chapel. Lainie was tempted to hop out and run to Fort Robinson. Finally, they arrived, and she hurried inside. Tom stood by the chaplain at the front of the small sanctuary. Tanya slipped up to join the girls and soldiers who stood in a semicircle up front. Lainie hurried to join them, unable to take her gaze from Tom and the love flowing from him. The ceremony passed in a daze as she stared into his eyes.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Lainie closed her eyes and could almost feel the pleasure of heaven.

“You may kiss the bride.”

Tom leaned toward her. “Promise me forever, Lainie.”

Lainie opened her eyes and smiled at Tom. “With all my heart, now and forever.”

He kissed her, and Lainie knew that a dream, one that promises a thousand tomorrows filled with love had come true.