Taku tae akamau i tua
Tu wuri Tioti te toa maroro,
Na toa ’u no te pereue n’i,
Na tari o te kainga n’i.
Tere te witi-witi, te kapu-kapu,
Yaea ki te tae kau roroa.
E mate no Ngake ma Yato
Ko te puta i te maroro.
Koa worerua mai te moana,
Koa yayakina te marae –
Ko Tioti te angai i te w’i tangata.
When I go to sea,
I, George, the champion netter,
I, the champion of the army coat,
All the people follow me.
The fish, great and small, fly from me.
I conquer the Leeward and Windward Villagers
In catching the flying-fish.
All know of me, from the creatures in the sea
To the spirits in the burial grounds.
I am George who feeds the villages.
from ‘Mako Wahinganga no Tihoti’ (George’s flying-fish chant)