Unplugging is all about quality of life, however you define it. Is that an afternoon of delicious unbroken sleep or an hour of yoga, windsurfing, or basketball? This chapter explores time off the grid as an opportunity to more fully engage in our lives on the one hand and to achieve deeper relaxation on the other. You are encouraged to schedule downtime right on your calendar, so you can periodically unplug and refresh. What do you want from your day off?
The risks of always being “on.” The new 24/7 connectivity to coworkers and to our personal social networks means that there is little time out to reflect, to digress, to concentrate, or to integrate our thoughts. Information is continuously being flooded through our visual and auditory world. Life becomes similar to the news cycle. Each news item replaces the previous one. Temporary memory is continuously updated and replaced by new information. Much of that information is temporary and is never stored in long-term memory. The more information we sequentially experience, the less integrated it becomes. Instead of depth, the rapid surface flow of information and experience replaces the deeper analytical and emotional meanings.
A chance to catch your breath. Modern life can be complicated, so complicated at times that it’s almost painful. Having a calm inner life allows a smoother navigation of the demands and expectations placed on us. Taking time for your own life provides the opportunity to problem solve, to think through important issues, and to develop strategies for coping. We need time to engage with the people we care about, to tune in to reality, to the world around us, without our devices. We can use time off the grid to hold onto what’s best about being human.
Increased energy. Time off reduces the drain on your energy from overstimulation. Since the human brain is incapable of shutting out various stimuli, in order to rest we have to create those opportunities. On the most basic level, our responses are based on our available energy. Relaxation and regeneration strategies are key to our energy and our quality of life. When work demands more energy than we have at the moment, we may become exhausted and our moods are negatively affected. We need time for rest and renewal, to heal aching muscles from physical wear and tear. We also need the opportunity to recover from emotional stress and mental exertion.
Digital media seems like the ultimate escape, but in reality, it is virtual. What you need is a real escape.
Better sleep. Checking in with digital media just before sleep increases our arousal. Instead of slowing down and drifting toward sleep, we may become intellectually and emotionally excited by the emails, texts, or social media updates—it could remind us of past or upcoming conflicts and challenges, personally, professionally, or culturally. (See chapter 11 for more suggestions.)
The normal process of consolidating and storing memory takes place during sleep, so when we’re short on sleep, there’s less opportunity to store memory. We need the opportunity to free flow, in order to integrate our experiences. Relaxation supports quality of life and quality sleep. As the Spanish proverb says, “How delicious it is to sleep after resting.”
Time for movement and exercise. Although you may not think of walking, yoga, or tai chi as exercise, these practices can effectively strengthen and nourish the body and clear the mind. In addition, recent research has shown that regular exercise is absolutely critical to maintain good health. Unplugging will give you the time to enjoy physical activity without feeling rushed or pressured.
Opportunity to gain a clearer sense of yourself. Time off the grid provides a chance to tune in to your own inner life and appreciate yourself, to be comfortable in your own mind, in your skin, and to value yourself. In a sense this time can be a form of energetic detox. This is a chance to reclaim your mind and body, and reclaim your own personal boundaries.
Being present in your most important relationships. There is value in having the time to nurture the relationships that are most vital to you. Being fully present with those you love is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give. Similarly, when you spend time with your dog, truly be with them. Animals profoundly sense whether you are present or not. This is the underlying source of joy and richness in your relationships.
Reduced exposure to EMF. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) from Wi-Fi, phones, computers, television sets, microwave ovens, and smoke detectors are all sources of nonionizing electromagnetic energy. The risk is higher the closer the device is to the body and the higher the intensity of the source. We’re also exposed to electromagnetic radiation via high-voltage power lines, power company smart meters, cell phone towers, and automobile dashboards (as well as traveling by air). Higher levels of EMF have been associated with oxidative stress, a factor implicated in the development of cancer. Reducing EMF exposure lowers the drain on your energy and reduces the risks associated with radiation damage. (See chapter 25 for more on minimizing EMF exposure.)
Creativity. Scheduling a block of unstructured time provides the space for unexpected insight and creativity; this can enable you to tap deep inner resources. That’s when the creative flashes, the moments of genius and joy can occur. Surprisingly, true creativity is a learned skill. Like a meditation practice, if you don’t allow the space for it, it may not occur. Create the openness, the opportunity for your creativity to emerge and flourish.
Ideally, you want a series of strategies to restore your energy, to nurture your attention, and to create a sense of mindfulness.
Get off the grid nightly. Turn off all electronic displays about thirty minutes to an hour before going to bed to allow your normal sleep cycle to occur. As an anecdotal note about students in class, when asked for a show of hands about media use before bed, we have observed some general patterns: More than a third of students spend one to three hours watching media in some form before going to sleep. The majority use their smartphone in bed before sleeping, which they report affects their sleep negatively.
Up your productivity.
Maximize quality time.
Go for balance. If your job is sedentary, your R&R may begin with exercise that relaxes you. If your job is physically demanding, you’ll want to be less active and use your downtime for relaxation and rest. If you experience mental stress in your job, consider quiet techniques such as meditation. On the other hand, if you experience emotional stress (for example, overwhelming time pressures or the challenges of customer service), consider physical activity.
Set limits. In many parts of Europe such as Holland, the weekends are considered family time, and people honor that time together. Employers are not allowed to contact workers during their personal time. The tendency to live longer is associated with having more cohesive family life, whether the family is a biological family or an assumed family. Setting limits and carving out family time can be challenging and often require a supportive network to reinforce those limits. However, creating quality home life or family time is ultimately worth the effort.
Participate in religious worship and family gatherings. In the past, religion and family provided many of the opportunities for personal regeneration. If either of these resources is available in your life, consider those times possible opportunities to restore your energy.
Schedule break time. Enter your breaks right into your calendar.
Track how you use your time. Inventory your schedule to gain a sense of what’s working. You may also want to begin by establishing a baseline—where does your time actually go? What did you do, how, where, and when? And what do you want to do differently? Also remember to build in vacations when possible.
Catch up on sleep. When changing habits, think strategically. If you move your TV, tablet, and laptop out of the bedroom, you’re less tempted to stay up watching the late show (see chapter 11).
Deepen your quality of life. Drawing inspiration from the lifestyle of the ancients, the hunters and gatherers: