Ahmose (ah-mose): Son of Pharaoh and Lady Satiah. A nice kid who wants a pet. (A pet crocodile, that is.)
Dedi (ded-ee): The crown prince, Pharaoh’s number one son and heir. More sensible than his sister, but not to be trusted with a lizard.
Hormin (hoar-meen): A tall, sniffly watchman. Handy with a net.
Khepri (kep-ree): Insect investigator. My scarab beetle buddy and fellow Great Detective. Definitely not a snack.
Kiya (kee-yah): Pharaoh’s daredevil younger daughter. Mischief-maker. Keeper of the costumes.
Nekhbet (nek-bet): A birdbrain who pals around with crocodiles. Not a cultured vulture.
Miu (mew): Another Great Detective. Kitchen cat and confronter of crocodiles.
Qen (ken): A short, red-nosed watchman who’s ready for a break.
Ramses Dedumose (rahm-sees ded-oo-mose): see Dedi
Satiah (sah-tee-ah): Ahmose’s mother. A woman with a plan…and a zoo.
Sobek (so-bek): A crocodile-headed god—and also a scaly king and his heir (Sobek Junior). Watch out for the teeth!
Taweret (tah-oo-ret): Earth mother and happy hippo. Always up for a mud bath.
Turo (too-row): Ahmose’s cousin and curly-headed tutor. Stronger than he looks.
Wegaf (wey-gaff): Lady Satiah’s brother. A general with bad dreams.
Yaba (yah-bah): One of Pharaoh’s wives. A princess without power, and a sleepwalker with a secret.