Your kindness is
Your tenderness is
Your love is
Something new
I’ve never wanted
To let someone in
As much as I do with you
You are all I need
Which scares me
So much it hurts
Because it means
I have to share things
That could make our love
Bleed out
It might run dry, forever gone
Your feelings could run cold
Make you turn away and run
I worry about your reaction
I worry you’ll leave me
Here alone
But my trust in you is growing
What we have will need
To be strong
I have skeletons in my closet
I have monsters in my past
They jump out
And try to hurt me
Every single chance they get
And it worries me that they
Could try to hurt you too
Please be strong for both of us
Stand tall and be our strength
Let your kindness
Your tenderness
Your love
Earn my shaky trust