
This novel began its life as a short story assignment in a creative writing course. Through a lot of blood, sweat and many tears, it germinated and grew into a tale that I am incredibly proud of. However, it could not have happened without the help of many amazing people.

I’d like to thank Scott Pack for giving my submission serious consideration. It had to be the most unusual submission I had ever made, and I still can’t believe he helped make this happen. I’d also like to thank Xander for his patience and guidance through the funding campaign and production of Transilience. To the editorial staff at Unbound, I am deeply indebted to you. Annabel, Molly, Michael and everyone else who has worked on Transilience, you took what I thought was a pretty good story and made it great. Honestly, thank you. A thousand times thank you. I would also like to thank Mark and his talented staff in the art department for their incredible work on the cover design.

A warm thank you to several amazing people at Scribophile. You helped make me a better writer, and you know who you are. Also, a hearty thank you to my friend, Tom, who was kind enough to read several drafts of Transilience. Your advice on all things scientific was invaluable. And for everyone who has supported Transilience – thank you! Without your generosity, this novel would have never been realised. You are all amazing!

Finally, I cannot close this out without saying thank you to Jenny. Without your encouragement, your kindness and your understanding, I could not have written this. You are my greatest source of inspiration, my fiercest critic, and my biggest support. I am a better man with you in my life. Thank you.