FOR A FEW DAYS THERE WAS outward peace. Anice was careful not to annoy Phyllis, and the very obviousness of that caution annoyed Phyllis more than any overt act could have done. Phyllis developed the habit of getting dinner out and going to a movie, if Terry was tied up, so that she could go home just in time to go to bed. And if Anice complained reproachfully that she had cooked an especially nice dinner and it had been wasted, Phyllis merely reminded her curtly that she was a free agent and if she didn’t want to come home to dinner, there was no law that demanded it. Whereupon Anice looked wounded to the heart, and pathetically like an unfairly abused child, but offered no comment.
And then one evening when Phyllis had been too physically weary to struggle with finding a decent meal in a restaurant and had gone home to the apartment that no longer seemed much like home to her, Anice was waiting for her, all bright-eyed and eager with some plan she forebore to discuss until Phyllis had dined. The food was delicious: expertly cooked, and very appetizingly served. And Phyllis had an unwonted feeling of compunction, when Anice flushed with delight at her quite sincere praise.
“Cousin Phyllis, I’ve been wondering,” Anice burst out as though emboldened by Phyllis’ mood. I’ve got to find a job of some kind, because—well, a thousand dollars doesn’t last forever, you know.”
“Not at the rate you’re investing in Milgrim frocks and Dache hats, I shouldn’t think so,” Phyllis agreed lightly. “But what kind of a job, Anice?”
“Oh, a stenographic job, Cousin Phyllis. I’m an expert stenographer,” answered Anice eagerly.
Phyllis stared. “You are? I never thought it of you!”
“Oh, I know, you think I’m a pretty worthless somebody,” said Anice humbly. “I suppose I am a scatterbrain and all that, but I took the commercial course in high school, and graduated, and I worked a year in the offices at the mills in Clairesville. So I thought maybe—d’you suppose you could get me a job with you?”
Phyllis was startled. “In my office?”
“With your firm,” said Anice eagerly. “I don’t want to just run around anywhere looking for a job. They say that—well, sometimes a girl runs into things that … that aren’t nice! And I thought if there was an opening in your place, I’d know it was a respectable place where a nice girl would be quite safe.”
Phyllis was a little touched in spite of herself. There were several openings in the stenographic department, she knew. There usually were; it seemed quite impossible to keep the office properly staffed with dependable stenographers. So she said impulsively. “I’m sure there’s an opening, Anice. Come to the office with me in the morning and I’ll introduce you to the personnel manager, and see what he can find for you.”
Anice was like an excited, happy puppy. She kissed Phyllis, and then apologized, and danced a bit around the room.
“I was beginning to be—well, just a little scared!” she confessed, happy tears shining in her eyes. “My money just sort of seemed to melt—I am about broke!”
“Well, you wouldn’t have been in danger of starving, Anice,” said Phyllis dryly. “After all, I can still run the apartment.”
“I know, and you’re so sweet to me and I’m just terribly grateful to you, but I just simply can’t go on living off you always. I have to earn a little money so I can at least supply my own spending money,” said Anice earnestly. “And I don’t want you to worry about finding another maid. I can still do the housework and the cooking, before and after office hours. I love getting up early and I can do an awful lot of work in an hour or so. And the money I save you for a maid covers my share of the expenses, so you must let me keep on doing it.”
Phyllis said, “Oh, well, we’ll see. After all, finding a good maid is not a matter to be accomplished in a few hours. It takes time!”
“Of course, if I can’t keep the work up to please you, and you do have to get a maid, I’ll give you half of my salary as my share of the expenses,” Anice assured her quickly. “I insist on doing that, because I can’t bear to be an object of charity. I haven’t very much, but I can’t bear to—to sponge on people.”
Phyllis was touched. “Well, you’ve certainly not sponged on me, Anice. You’ve more than carried your share.”
Anice beamed joyously. “Oh, I’m so glad, Cousin Phyllis. I’ve—well, I’ve worried about that.”
She sprang up and began clearing the table, and she wouldn’t allow Phyllis to help. And Phyllis told herself she was a low-down cat for resenting the presence of this nice girl who had taken over so completely in the apartment that had once been Phyllis’ cherished home….
In the morning, Phyllis took Anice in to the big general office, and to the desk of Mrs. Currie, who was the head of office personnel. There was no love lost between Phyllis and Mrs. Currie, but they maintained an air of polite cooperation, since both were too sound as businesswomen to permit any outward friction.
“Mrs. Currie, this is my cousin Anice Mayhew, who’s an expert stenographer looking for a job. I wondered if you had something to give her?” said Phyllis politely.
Mrs. Currie hesitated and then she said evenly, “Well, we could use a couple of good stenos, but the jobs are not private secretaryships.”
“Anice wouldn’t expect that unless she works her way up to it, and is entitled to it,” said Phyllis pleasantly.
Mrs. Currie nodded grimly. “Then I’ll look after her,” she said curtly, and Phyllis nodded and went her way to her own office.
Kenyon came in on the dot at ten, as he always did, and Phyllis plunged immediately into the day’s routine, so that she forgot all about Anice. There wasn’t time for lunch, so she and Kenyon had sandwiches and milk at his desk, and worked straight through the afternoon.
At a few minutes before five, Kenyon said apologetically, “I hate like the dickens to ask you to stay after hours, Miss Gordon, but there is some stuff that simply must be cleaned up before I leave for Washington tonight. I’m afraid there’s a couple of hours or more.”
“Of course, Mr. Rutledge,” said Phyllis, and hoped her leaping heart didn’t make itself visible. She loved working after hours with Kenyon, when the two of them were alone in the big, handsome office, and the outer offices were quiet and empty. It was silly of her, of course, but then she was in love with him and to be alone with him in even the impersonal intimacy of his office after hours gave her a thrill.
It was a little after five when she went back to her office for a file that she and Kenyon had to check, and found Anice waiting there, ready for the street.
“I thought we’d walk home together, Cousin Phyllis,” said Anice radiantly.
“I’m sorry, Anice, but I have to work late,” explained Phyllis hurriedly, searching in her files for the papers Kenyon needed. “You’d better run along.”
“But I’m not in any hurry,” protested Anice.
“Look, Anice, I may be here for a couple of hours, or even longer,” Phyllis explained. “Mr. Rutledge is flying to Washington tonight and there’s some stuff to be cleaned up before he leaves.”
“Oh,” said Anice, and there was an odd tone in her voice and a look in her eyes that made Phyllis stiffen and look at her sharply.
“And just what do you mean by that?” snapped Phyllis swiftly.
Anice’s eyes were wide and limpid pools of innocence, registering nothing but the hurt to a sensitive spirit caused by the curtness of Phyllis’ tone.
“Why, nothing, Cousin Phyllis,” she protested reproachfully. “I was disappointed, that’s all. I’m crazy about my job and I thought we could talk it over.”
Kenyon spoke from the doorway. “Can’t you find the Emerson file, Miss Gordon?”
Anice stood up and smiled at him eagerly and Kenyon looked pleased at the sight of so much youth and beauty there in his place of business at the tag end of a grueling day.
“Oh, hello, Miss—”
“Mayhew,” Anice supplied eagerly. “Anice Mayhew—and I work here now!” It was said with innocent exultation, as if she were a child unbelievably lucky in being given some unexpectedly glorious treat.
“Swell! Glad to have you in the family,” said Kenyon lightly. “We like to boast that we are all one big, happy family here, and it’s probably as true as such an inane remark ever is. Oh, is that the Emerson file, Miss Gordon? Good! Now we can get started.”
He turned and was gone without another word or look in Anice’s direction.
Phyllis said quickly, “Run along, Anice, and have a nice dinner somewhere and go to a movie. I’ll be along later.”
Anice stood thoughtfully silent for a long moment, watching the door that had closed behind them. And then, with that thoughtful expression still on her lovely little face, she collected her bag and gloves and left the office.
Downstairs, as she crossed the lobby toward the street, she saw Terry McLean lounging against a thick pillar in the middle of the corridor, his eyes scanning the passengers as they emerged from the elevators. A little spark danced for a moment in Anice’s eyes, but when she approached Terry and put a hand on his arm, she was just a pretty girl innocently delighted at discovering a friend in a strange and terrifying place.
“Oh, Terry!” she prattled eagerly, as though bumping into him like that were the nicest thing that had happened to her in many moons. “I’m so glad to see you!”
“Well, now, that’s a right flattering thing to say to a tired old man, pretty thing,” said Terry, a slightly wary look in his eyes.
“Are you waiting for Phyllis, Terry?” asked Anice gently. “I’m terribly sorry, but she won’t be down for at least a couple of hours.”
Terry frowned.
“Working late again?” he demanded.
“That’s what she said,” answered Anice, and the emphasis on the last word was so slight that Terry could not be quite sure it was really there. “Of course, Mr. Rutledge has to go to Washington tonight, and I suppose there are just lots of things to be attended to before he goes.”
Terry stared at her hard, his brows drawn together.
“I think we can safely agree there must be,” he said with deceptive mildness, and straightened. “Well, no use my hanging around any longer, honeychile—nice to have metten up wit’ youse!”
But as he flipped the brim of his hat with an impudent forefinger and was about to turn away, Anice tightened her hand on his arm and said eagerly, coaxingly, “You were going to take Phyllis to dinner, weren’t you? You must hate eating alone as much as I do. Why don’t we have dinner together at the apartment? There’s a cold roast chicken in the icebox—it’s too hot for hot food. And I make a marvelous salad, and there’s iced tea. Oh, Terry, please!”
Terry studied her curiously for a moment. Now what in hell’s sweet name, he wondered to himself, was the little minx up to? For that she had something under her hat he refused to doubt.
“Okay, why not? Sounds a most alluring prospect,” he agreed, and Anice just barely managed to restrain the impulse to give a little girlish hop of pleasure. She tucked her hand through his arm and beamed joyously up at him as they walked out of the lobby together and the enervating heat of an afternoon that had established a new record swept over them.
“Poor Cousin Phyllis!” said Anice gently. “Still working in that sweltering place—”
“Inasmuch as the Rutledge offices boast of an uncommonly fine new air-conditioning system, I think you and I are the ones to be pitied, for not being up there instead of here,” Terry reminded her.
“Of course,” said Anice a trifle hurriedly. “But I just hate to think of her working so hard. Mr. Rutledge is terribly good-looking, though, isn’t he? And I don’t suppose it’s possible for any girl to work with him as closely as Cousin Phyllis does and not be fond of him, do you?”
Her eyes were so wide and so blue and so innocent that Terry answered the implication rather than the actual words.
“I can’t see how she could miss,” he said grimly. “Matter of fact, isn’t it a sort of unwritten law that all private secretaries are in love with the boss?”
Anice laughed with sweet, child-like mirth.
“Well, if there’s a law, then I violated it,” she said gaily. “Because I certainly wasn’t in love with mine, the year I worked at the mills. My boss was sixty and fat, and he and his wife quarreled all the time. He had stomach ulcers from his wife and his trouble with the government red tape, but he couldn’t fight back at either his wife or his government, so he took it out on me. I hated him—I think sometimes if I’d known a poison that couldn’t be traced, I’d have used it on him!”
She gave a soft little peal of mirth at this, but Terry did not join in her laughter. Instead he looked at her curiously and said mildly, “I’ll bet you would, at that!”
Startled, Anice stared at him.
“Why, Terry! Do I look like a murderer?” she gasped.
“What murderer does?” Terry argued reasonably. “Nope, I think cute little tricks like you, all done up in white muslin and blue ribbons and golden curls, should be labeled: ‘Danger! Dynamite! Do not touch!’”
Oddly enough, Anice took that as a compliment, and Terry wondered cynically why the hell a woman considered it a compliment if a man called her dangerous. He felt that Anice was potentially a very dangerous woman, but he meant it in no complimentary sense. He was puzzled to know why she was making such a play for him; unless, of course, the fact that she knew he was Phyllis’ lover had aroused her possessive instincts. Anice was the sort of girl who’d be miserable if she saw a man completely absorbed in another woman; it would arouse her most acute hunting instincts. And that, undoubtedly, was the reason behind Anice’s play. He grinned a little to himself. If that was the game she was playing—well, he could play it, too! The prospect for an interesting, not to say instructive evening, seemed to him to be extremely good.
When they reached the apartment, Anice gave him the key with a pretty little gesture of feminine docility. He unlocked the door, and she went ahead of him into the room, thrusting up windows, turning on the fan, complaining gaily of the stuffy air.
“Fix yourself a drink, Terry, while I get into something cool and have a shower,” she said gaily, and went into the bedroom and closed the door.
Terry stared for a moment at the closed door, his eyes startled.
“Now, do you suppose—” he asked himself thoughtfully, considered a moment and nodded. “Could be, could be,” he agreed with his secret thought.
He went into the tiny kitchenette, retaining his thoughtful mien as he mixed himself a drink. When he came back into the living room, he took up his position on the couch, his drink in his hand. As he swallowed it, he watched the closed door of the bedroom, behind which he could hear soft footfalls and the little humming sound of Anice’s low-voiced singing.
The door opened at last and Terry’s eyes widened as he said to himself, “Uh-huh—just what I thought.” For Anice was seductive and alluring in wide trousered pajamas of chalk white, over which were scattered coin-sized dots of various shades of blue; the bodice was simply a snugly fitting halter that tied in a blue bow beneath the full, soft curves of her lovely breasts. There was a bit of bare midriff and there were no sleeves, and Anice’s silken curls were tied back from her face with a blue ribbon.
She beamed innocently at Terry and said, “There now! I feel ever so much better. I can even bear to think about food.”
“It’s worth a thought,” Terry agreed warily.
Prattling in her usual pretty, almost girlish style, she spread the cloth on the gateleg table and brought the roast chicken from the icebox. Then she mixed a green salad, very efficient and brisk, declining Terry’s offer of assistance. But Terry didn’t want to sit on the couch and watch her. The silky stuff in the pajamas clung to the ripe curves of her posterior as she moved before him; and as she bent to straighten the cloth, the little hollow between her breasts drew his eye. Yet when she looked at him, her eyes were so wide and innocent that Terry almost—almost—thought himself a cad and a bounder to be looking at all. To say nothing of what her little act was doing to his pulse and his bloodstream.
“Poor Cousin Phyllis,” said Anice when they were seated at the table. “Slaving away in that old office—or do you suppose she is?”
Terry put down the chicken drumstick he had attacked so happily and said sternly, “If you say ‘poor Cousin Phyllis’ just once more, or hint that she is anything but a queen among women, I shall give you the spanking of a lifetime. And the thought occurs to me that I have seldom seen anyone more fittingly attired for a spanking.”
Anice stared at him, wide-eyed and deeply hurt.
“Why, Terry,” she gasped, shocked beyond endurance. “How can you possibly hint that I’m not simply mad about Cousin Phyllis? Why, I’m devoted to her—I adore her. I owe her so much, I shall always be grateful to her.”
“Then, for the love of little green pussycats, stop throwing a barb into her every time you mention her name!” snapped Terry wrathfully.
“Why, Terry—”
“Look, kitten-face,” said Terry grimly, “you’re cute. You’re as cute as the dickens. But you’ve got the malicious mind of a juvenile delinquent who pulls wings off flies to see ‘em squirm. You think you’re putting it over—you’re quite sure nobody sees below that baby-faced innocence of yours. You put on a damned good act. But I’d like you to get this straight—you’re not fooling me worth a damn. I know you’d stick a knife into ‘Cousin Phyllis’ at the drop of a hat—if you thought you could get away with it.”
Her big blue eyes were full of tears and her rose-red mouth was tremulous, and her round, babyish chin quivered a little.
“Oh—” she was cut to the heart “—how can you possibly say such awful things? They’re not true! They’re all lies. Why, I wouldn’t do anything in the world to hurt Cousin Phyllis, not for a million dollars! Why—why, how would you think such a terrible thing?”
“Because, kiddo, I’ve been around a bit and I’ve run up against ‘nice girls’ before—and I don’t trust ‘em worth a damn! They’re nice at the expense of other people, especially other women,” said Terry grimly. “You’ve moved in on Phyllis here, and you’re doing everything you can to make her miserable, and you’re tickled silly because you are succeeding. You twit her because she drinks a cocktail now and then, because she smokes cigarettes. You hold yourself above such things.”
“I also hold myself above taking lovers,” snapped Anice sharply, and was instantly aghast that her mask had slipped so far.
Terry grinned at her, though his eyes were cold.
“You hold yourself above taking a lover, my pretty, because so far no man has ever wanted you badly enough to make the effort to convince you,” he drawled infuriatingly. “No man is lured by a girl who is cold and calculating and completely in love with herself.”
Anice was scarlet with anger now and her blue eyes were blazing.
“Save it, pal, save it.” Terry held up his hand, stemming any possible outburst on her part. “We are not impressed, nor amused.”
Anice stared at him for a long moment, her blue eyes narrowed, controlling her fury with a strength that aroused Terry’s impersonal admiration.
“So you think I’m lacking in sex appeal?” she asked silkily at last, her pretty mouth curling a little as though away from the ugliness of the word.
“To me, you are,” Terry admitted brutally. “You just don’t—er—arouse the beast within me.”
“Maybe that’s because ‘the beast within you’ has been so thoroughly satisfied by Cousin Phyllis,” she suggested gently.
Terry’s hands clenched, but he only said mildly, “Could be—could be.”
She sprang up and said, as though the conversation—the whole subject—had been blocked out, as though it had never happened: “You sit over there while I get the dishes out of the way.”
“Oh, I insist on drying them,” said Terry cheerfully, and to her fury his interest in the previous subject seemed also to have been wiped out. “I always pay for my dinner—one way or another.”
She laughed and agreed and made a very pretty picture, domestic as anything, getting the dishes cleared away and the kitchenette put to rights. When they were back in the living room, she curled up suggestively on one end of the couch. Terry was certain that she had deliberately chosen a pose that tightened the silk along her hip and caused her breasts to thrust themselves provocatively forward, as though struggling to remove themselves from their blue and white bondage.
Terry was well aware of the game she was playing—it was time someone changed the rules. She was prattling along, apparently completely unconscious of her position, until Terry leaned deliberately forward and touched his lips to the gently swelling roll at the top of the halter’s low line.
Anice started, and stared at him, and a wave of color crept over her face.
“Why—why, Terry!” she gasped and put both hands above her breasts protectingly.
But Terry was not to be put off. His arms went about her, drawing her close to him. He was sharply, stingingly conscious of the fact that beneath the thin silk of the pajamas there was nothing at all except Anice herself—the melting curves, the exquisite contours, all the fresh, warm, appealing loveliness of her.
For a moment she resisted him; then she went limp in his arms and nestled there, settling herself for his comfort as well as her own, and her mouth gave him back his kisses. She was so yielding that Terry forgot himself, forgot to be amused and contemptuous and merely investigating. The sheer primitive appeal of her overwhelmed him and his arms grew more possessive—until suddenly she jerked herself from his arms and stood away from him and gasped, “No! No—how—how dare you!”
“You started this. I just wanted to see how far you’d take this game. Now I know—you’re nothing but a tease!” he told her, and his voice stung like a whiplash.
“That’s—that’s not so. I—I’m a decent respectable girl. A nice girl. You—you have no right.” Tears swept over her and her voice was choked with sobs.
From the doorway a voice said mildly, “Well, well, I do hope I’m not intruding. But after all, I do live here.”
Terry stiffened and for a moment he did not turn. So that was it. Anice had lost her head; she would have yielded to him. But she had heard the sound of Phyllis’ key in the lock and so she had staged a scene.
Anice gasped and flung herself at Phyllis, and Terry saw, dazed, that the bow that had held the halter together beneath her breasts was loosened.
“Oh, Cousin Phyllis—oh, I’m so glad you’re here. This—this beast tried to rape me!” cried Anice hysterically.
Phyllis looked at Terry with a sort of dry amusement.
“Why, Terry, you rogue!” she said gently. “Did you?”
“Absolutely not! She wasn’t objecting five minutes ago—in fact she’s been trying to seduce me all night!”
“Oh, Cousin Phyllis, he’s been saying the most awful things,” moaned Anice, flinging her arms about Phyllis and trying to burrow her face into Phyllis’ neck, like a frightened child clinging to its parent.
Phyllis pushed her away, not ungently, and requested, “Please, Anice—it’s much too warm and I’m much too tired for melodramatics.”
Terry was hunting for his hat, his face grim and set. Phyllis’ eyes twinkled a little, and there was a tiny smile on her red mouth when Terry, hat in hand, turned to her.
“Wipe that damned smile off your face, you unnatural creature,” he exploded furiously. “I knew you didn’t give a damn for me, but you might at least have pretended to be a little bit jealous—not so damned amused. I was being unfaithful to you—for the love of Pete, can’t you get that through your head?”
“Of course, Terry, I quite understand,” Phyllis tried to soothe him. But she could not quite keep the twinkle from her eyes.
“You’re the most exasperating creature I ever saw. Exasperating? Hell, that’s an understatement if I ever heard one. I can understand now why unrequited love leads people to do terrible things.”
‘Terry, darling, please! Take it easy—don’t you see why I’m not jealous? Because I know that you could never be seriously interested in a little bit of fluff like Anice.”
“Oh, he couldn’t, eh? And who are you calling ‘a bit of fluff’—you—you whore?” blazed Anice, so angry that she had forgotten all her careful self-training.
Phyllis and Terry turned to her, wide-eyed. She was so furious that her face was mottled and angry red, and her eyes were blazing with spite and anger.
“Why, Anice!” protested Phyllis softly. “What a dreadful word for a nice girl to use! You’d better run along and wash your mouth with soap and water!”
“You go to hell—both of you, damn you!” said Anice thickly, and ran out of the room.
Terry stared at the closed door and then grinned tentatively at Phyllis, not quite sure what her reaction was going to be now that the two of them were alone.
“Er, it must be midnight—all masks off,” he suggested mildly.
“And thank heavens—and you—for that,” said Phyllis wearily. “Now that there is no longer any pretense that we are friends, it’s unthinkable that she should go on staying here. She can find a room in a girls’ club, or—or the Martha Washington.”
Terry said hesitantly, “I’m really sorry, Phyllis.”
Phyllis looked at him, puzzled. “About making a pass, or not completing it?” she asked, amused.
Terry colored. “Well, a little of both, I guess. I just wanted you to know that—that—”
“It had nothing to do with your feeling for me?” Phyllis completed for him. “I know that, Terry. I’m not quite a fool.”
Terry’s eyes hardened and his fists clenched.
“That’s a debatable point,” he told her grimly. “When a girl like you, who was born for marriage and a home and a normal life, goes around eating her heart out for a man she can’t ever hope to have …”
Phyllis said nothing, but her head went up a little. And Terry made a little gesture of despair and said, “Sorry—guess I’d better get going.”
“Perhaps it might be best,” Phyllis agreed politely.
From the doorway he looked back at her uncertainly, uneasily.
“Mad at me?” he asked, like an abashed small boy.
“Of course not, idiot,” she told him, and smiled.
He had a terrific urge to kiss her. But recalling that only a few moments before she had caught him kissing Anice, he decided against any such attempt. Instead he flipped his fingers at her in a gesture of salute and leave-taking, nodded and went out.
Phyllis sat down in the living room to smoke a cigarette before she went into the bedroom, dreading the inevitable scene that must follow with Anice. She decided that a drink would not go amiss and was having one when Anice crept into the living room.