Here are a few of our recommended websites. The first one is our favourite - it's our own site! Some of these sites deal brilliantly with discrimination towards the trans community, and a range of other key issues. We did not want to overload you with lots of them, hence this selective list. You can follow the links from these sites to find a great range of other information resources.
They are also useful for finding supportive communities. It can be a huge help to find other people who have a similar shared experience to your own. There are also areas in the sites that provide some literature you can download to share with people you care about to help them understand about being trans and what it means to you if it is not done in a sexualised way.
Of course, one of the most essential support books for anyone who cross dresses is our own ebook 1001 Secrets of Feminine Cross Dressing. You can order your copy here.