As ever, I am deeply indebted to various people who provided the necessary help, advice, encouragement or information in order for me to finish this book. Any deviation from the truth is entirely my own fault.
DP Lyle MD is my favourite medical guru, who was kind enough to give me advice about the realities of long-term coma patients; Crime Writers’ Association member and fellow scribbler, Jason Monaghan allowed me to pick his brains about financial info and how to get away with the money; crime writer ‘Ninja’ Kate Kinchen provided some important martial arts info; Dina Willner ran her eye over my New York scenes; and my UK copyeditors ran their eagle eyes over the whole thing.
Thank you to the members of the Warehouse Writers in Kendal, who read various scenes in no particular order and made plenty of valid comments.
I remain forever grateful to the remarkable team at my literary agents, Gregory and Company, including Jane Gregory herself, and my wonderful editor, Stephanie Glencross, who put so much time and effort into helping make this the book it is.
Big thank yous go to my UK publisher, Susie Dunlop and all the talented crew at Allison & Busby, and to all the sales and marketing people, and the bookstores and libraries on both sides of the Atlantic.
My husband, Andy, was as brilliant as always at keeping me going through the low patches.
Finally, Dina Willner was not just a test reader, but was also the winning bidder at the charity auction at the Mayhem in the Midlands convention in Omaha, Nebraska in 2009, to become a character in this book. As she was torn between having the character named after herself or her late mother, Caroline, I was very happy indeed to be able to find a place for both of them in this story. The auction was in aid of the Omaha Public Library Foundation, which buys children’s materials for all branches.