Copyright Preface, Introduction, Notes, Appendices © 2012 Linda Dorricott & Deidre Cullon (eds.)

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3350 West 21st Avenue, Vancouver, B. C.

Canada V6S 1G7

Cover Design: Julie Cochrane

Front Cover Images: Captain George Henry Richards (BC Archives A-02432); H. M. S.

Plumper (BC Archives Pdp 00076)

Frontispiece: Captain George Henry Richards (BC Archives A-03352)

Ronsdale Press wishes to thank the following for their support of its publishing program: the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund, the British Columbia Arts Council, and the Province of British Columbia through the British Columbia Book Publishing Tax Credit program.

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Richards, George Henry, Sir

The private journal of Captain G.H. Richards [electronic resource] : the Vancouver Island survey (1860-1862) / edited by Linda Dorricott and Deirdre Cullon.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Issued also in an electronic format.

Electronic monograph in HTML format.

EPUB ISBN 978-1-55380-133-7

1. Richards, George Henry, Sir — Travel. 2. Richards, George Henry, Sir — Diary. 3. Vancouver Island (B. C.) — Description and travel. 4. Indians of North America — British Columbia — Vancouver Island. I. Dorricott, Linda II. Cullon, Deidre III. Title.

FC3844.R53 2011 971.1'2042 C2011-903279-1

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