Chapter Three
I’m a bit nervous about attending the charity auction Maddie talked about. Not because of the potential bidders but because of Grizz. I completely rubbed him the wrong way yesterday, and now he thinks I’m some coldhearted businesswoman who doesn’t give a shit about nature.
I’m not. Far from it. But as I tried to tell Grizz yesterday, I’m only a cog in the machine. Even without me, Mister Dickinson would still go ahead with his plans to expand his luxury lodges emporium.
I slip on a dress and grab my purse from the nightstand. Sloane, the woman running the bar, told me there will be a make-up artist and hair stylist at the auction who will work free of charge, so I don’t bother with anything besides popping in some black hoop earrings.
My hands feel clammy as I make my way to The Grizzly Grove. What if Grizz shows up there tonight? The chances seem high since he works at the Wildlife Center they’re raising funds for. I’d love to see him, even though I’m afraid of butting heads with him again. He’s grumpy, sure, but also passionate. Even though he was a bit harsh with me, I appreciate him standing up for what he believes in. And then there’s his hotter-than-hell looks. He looks like the kind of guy who would take care of his girlfriend in more ways than one and protect her at all costs.
I walk inside The Grizzly Grove, and Sloane points me to the back, where a girl called Quinn is waiting for me and the other candidates. I don’t dare to look over my shoulder to see if Grizz is around.
“Welcome, I’m Quinn,” a woman says to me. “I’ll be doing your hair and make-up for tonight. Come on, take a seat.”
I reluctantly slide into the chair in front of a makeshift vanity table. “Hi, I’m Hannah.”
“Looking for love tonight or just supporting the charity?” she asks while studying my face and hair.
“I’m open to whatever comes my way,” I answer.
She grins. “That’s a great attitude.”
“So, are you from around here?”
She wraps my hair around her curling iron. “I’m originally from Candy Cane Creek, a small town about five hours from here, but my best friend… Sorry, my boyfriend, lives here.” She gives me a dorky smile and blushes. “It’s so new that I’m still not used to calling Bear my boyfriend.”
“You look super happy.”
“I am,” she says, staring into the distance with a dreamy gaze. “Oh, shit. Phew, that was right on time.”
She lets go of my hair. Any longer, and it would’ve been burnt by her curling iron. I guess that’s what happens when you meet the one and live with your head in the clouds. I wish I had someone who made me that happy and goofy, but my work makes it difficult to date as I’m constantly flying out to different states and towns. It gets a bit lonely, to be honest.
Quin does an amazing job with my hair and my make-up. I look great, but not in an over-the-top way.
“Do you offer these services in a salon or something?” I ask her as soon as we’re done.
She shakes her head. “I don’t, but I’ve been getting so much awesome feedback that it is something I should probably consider. I do dream about opening a salon and working as a make-up artist for weddings and stuff like that.”
I give myself another look in the mirror, turning from side to side. “You should. You’re a natural.”
“Thanks, Hannah. And good luck out there.”
Her words remind me of what I’m doing here, and a new wave of nerves hits me in the stomach. I head to the restroom and do some breathing exercises, missing the opening part of the auction. I’m the fifth candidate, so I don’t think my missing the first ten minutes or so is a problem.
When I get back, Sloane gives me some last-minute pointers, and then I’m next in line. So far, the auction has been going great. Sloane tells me they’ve already received thousands of dollars to donate to the Wildlife Center.
I take a deep breath when they call my number and introduce me. Why am I doing this again? To support the community and the charity, right? It’s all very noble of me, but I didn’t exactly think things through when I said yes. I’ll walk onto that stage in a few seconds, and men will start bidding on me. Shit. Maybe I should turn back?
I glance over my shoulder, and Sloane gives me an encouraging nod. I walk to the front of the stage on shaky legs and smile. The crowd applauds, and Benson, Sloane’s brother and co-owner of the bar, immediately starts the bidding process.
“Let’s start the bidding at one hundred dollars,” he says.
A few hands fly up, and before I can blink twice, the bids have already reached one thousand dollars. One thousand dollars! For me! I’m a bit baffled.
Then, a man steps forward, his face contorted into a scowl. “Three thousand dollars,” he calls.
I can’t believe my eyes. Is Grizz bidding on me? Outbidding all the others?
“Four thousand,” someone else calls.
Holy shit. They’re actually fighting for me?
“Wow, we’ve got some determined bachelors in the room, all vying for a chance to go on a date with the lovely Hannah here. Once for four thousand—”
“No, ten thousand,” Grizz says, gritting his teeth.
Everyone in the room gasps. Ten thousand dollars for a date with me? Is he that rich? Not to mention willing to spend that amount on me after our heated discussion yesterday?
Benson calls the final bid at ten thousand dollars. I’m befuddled.
“This is going great, everyone. Thanks again for helping us raise much-needed funding for The Ridge Wildlife and Rehabilitation Center. Next up is number eight,” Benson starts, but whatever he says next doesn’t reach my ears. All I can do is stare at Grizz.
Sloane beckons me to please get off the stage and make room for the next person.
I stumble down the steps toward Grizz. “Are you sure you want to be spending ten thousand dollars on a girl you hate?”
He arches an eyebrow. “I don’t hate you, Hannah. I just think you’ve got the wrong idea about Bearclaw Ridge, and I’m going to set things straight. Trust me, when I’m done with you, you won’t want to pour an inch of concrete in our town.”
“This is about the land for Mountain Majesty Resorts?” I ask, a pinch of disappointment running through my body.
He only sees this as a business transaction and a way to stop me from making a positive recommendation about the plot of land to my boss. He’s not interested in me as a person. I should’ve known.
“Partly,” he says, to my surprise. “I’ll try to make you change your mind, yes, but I will also hold up my end of the deal, and that means taking you on an amazing date.”
I give him a forced smile. “Don’t feel obligated to take me on a date, Grizz. I know you don’t like me.”
His jaw ticks. “We’re going on a date, Hannah. And that’s that.”