The Ancient Greeks For Dummies


by Stephen Batchelor





About the Author

Stephen Batchelor has taught Ancient History and Classical Studies for a number of years to a wide variety of student groups and is currently Head of School for Creative and Visual Arts at Mid-Kent College. He has travelled extensively in the Mediterranean and worked there as an archaeological tour guide. He has written book reviews for Current Archaeology and History Today. The Ancient Greeks For Dummies is his first book.


Author’s Acknowledgements

This is my first book and there are several people that I would like to thank: Rachael and the team at Wiley for all their supportive comments and feedback, Dr Neil Faulkner for all his help over the years and his recommendation for this project, both my parents for their continued support, and my partner Samantha for putting up with so many lost weekends while I just did ‘a bit more on the book’.

I’d like to dedicate this book to my father, Alan Batchelor, and thank him for absolutely everything. I know you’ve always preferred the Romans, but this one is for you, Dad.


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